This about says it for me.
If I had to choose one person, it would be Chris Nolan. If I were allowed two, Chris Nolan and Kevin Smith. Beyond that, I could never list them all without forgetting a few... and that would just be unfair.
and here are the pictures.
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Hmm ... you name it and I will tell you if I like it. FAR too many to rattle off, though.
I hate television. It is a wasteland for the brain and gets crooks elected so they can steal from us and try harder to ruin our lives just that much more.
But here is something I don't hate:
My Wife and me
Ishmael, History Text books, News Periodicals, tech manuals (yes, you read that right), news papers any time they get too close to me, Emerson/Thoreau, online news stories, political humor from all sides of any kind, and just about anything that tickles my funnybone or teaches me to do something new or to do something better that isn't.
Anyone that has ever stood against what they thought was wrong, even though it was generally accepted as right by 51% or more of the population. Anyone that knows laws were written by men, so therefore imperfect. Anyone that questions authority and refuses to let their morality take a backseat to their popularity.
ANYONE that does this is my hero.
Also, Randi Rhodes, Cindy Sheehan, and Mike Malloy. Period.