What, did you think I picked Catman as my name for the ANIMAL? Hell no ... for industrial machinery. From boots to gear to things for tearing down rainforests, if you want something that doesn't break when the wind blows too hard, look to CATERPILLAR for quality. Also, they probably bulldozed down your dumbass rain forest village or garbage constructed shantytown -- both of which are equally admirable.
My fist would like to meet your face. Preferably the bridge of your nose.
Fuck Flash. I fucking HATE Flash. Fuck Flash and fuck you too, for putting dumbass music players and embedded videoes and all manner of other performance eating, bandwidth gobbling, page diarrheaing horsecrap you put on your profile, most likely by banging your fingers against the keyboard like some retard. Because that's what you are. Retarded.
Not you. Ya wishy washy scumbag.
But this man is .