Destroying earth monkies, working on my gravitron accelerator, picking out office furniture for Migration Station No7 (the first 6 didn't quite work out). I also love destroying stupid minions that don't listen and spending quality time with Bobo my teddy bear.
Your President. He seems pretty dumb, which will make our Invasion of your Puny Planet that much easier! MUAHA HA HA HA.
Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Urge Overkill, Bow Wow Wow and who can forget Bowie's Major Tom.
-The Chicklings of Monkeys
The youngest Earth Monkey has died!!! (good stuff)
-Monkey Apocolypse Now (redux)
"Charlie Don't surf!"
This is by far my favorite movie. I love to nuke up a nice wet sack of worms, throw my feet up on the table and watch this one in widescreen DVD. Gotta love those Chinese bootlegs - even here, 606 million miles away from Earth (the Chinese are in on our Invasion plan)
-Full Metal Chicken
The classic tale of a young Marine during the Vietnamese fried-pork wars with the dastardly Planet Oink. You cannot trust those darn pigs.
-Psycho Chicken
The fryer scene is a classic!
-The Blue Cheese Brothers
Great hovercraft chase scene when Elwood and Jake fly through the Mall with the police hovercars hot on their tail - smashing through the grain feeders
Only primitive Earth Monkies like yourselves use outdated Dual Sensory (A/V) entertainment! We Frankians use Full Sensory (A/V/T/F/S) Media at our Movie Theatres!!! You Earth Monkies are so backwards!
Here on the Planet Frank, we've been monitoring your Earth Satellite Transmissions. That is how we hacked into your 'Internet' thingy (we are so much more advanced than you!).
Unfortunately, your Earth Culture has become quite popular here on Frank ever since we DE-CLASSIFIED the knowledge of your existence to the general populace of The Planet Frank. (For the Record, I was against that)
As pathetically predictable and primitive as Earth TV is, its popularity is now spreading to the other planets of OUR Solar System! While some consider Earth TV a godsend to the masses, others (like me) consider it 'junk food for the mind' that rots the soul of the Frankian Chicken!
I abhor all Earth TV, with the few exceptions below.
-Murder She Wrote
Angela Lansbury has gams that go on forever
-Weakest Link
Bestest show of all time!
-Chickenfeld (or anything by Larry Davidchicken)
Gotta love that Kozmo Kramer.
-David Letterchicken
What ever happended to Larry Bud Chicken?!?
-Scrubs (Appletini anyone??)
I still think your name makes or breaks you no matter what this unfocused economist says!
-One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
That nurse was seriously EVIL!
-To Kill a Mockingbird
Action packed!
-Lowell's guide to pigeon husbandry
I have a pigeon fetish
-How to serve Earth Monkey
It's a cookbook! HA HA HA
Bobo my teddy bear and Beth cause she promised not to use the washing machine on him anymore. Oh, and Batman.