How many so called "rappers" or "producers" or w/e it may be do you find everyday? Especially on a place like MySpace. They're a joke like 75% of this shit out right now is. They all sound the same. And 50% of 'em just picked up a pen yesterday and think they're nice.Real talk, the kid PITO "EL LYRIKOTE" (which is a made up word basically meaning "the ill lyricist" in spanish), is just a real ni99a makin' real music. I ain't gonna sit here tellin' you my life story or tryin' to convince you i'm nice, that i'm a real eMCee, none of that. I'll let my music do the talkin'.The material up right now was made back in like June of '07 with two other artists (i'm the first verse). I've been at it for years and continue to improve every day. Got some English and Spanish material, gangsta rap, club bangers, lovey dovey, stories and all that. I keep it versatile and i'll be droppin' some new material for your ears pleasure soon...In the meanwhile, wet your taste buds with this one. Beantown, Stand-Up! D.X.P. MUSIC --! Get with the movement. ~ u N o » .. PiTo ¤ eL ¤ LyRikOtE .. .. «
My Interests
Member Since: 1/21/2006
Band Website:
Record Label: ZooMoozik | D.X.P. ® MUSIC
Type of Label: Indie