I am timeless. I know this moment is where all the majic happens. I am potential in action. Freedom is my highest aspiration.The only way to be free is to face death. I know I cant save the world because the world doesnt need saving. The only revolution worth having is the one within the self..The revolution of the self, as far as I am concerned, means getting out of my own way. We all have dreams, hopes, and a perfect destany. My revolution is the one that lets go of fear and lives each moment striving for the Souls highest expression.
I am another being on the endless caravan of discovery and evolution. I am just like you. I have found and I still seek. There is no end to the journey I am on and the journey I share with others. With each day there is a new joy, a new awakening. With each moment is a new lesson and a new rapturing experience. There is a great day coming. A day of awakening to God the Real. The God within, the God of all. This awakening makes me feel so alive. I know that anything is possible and want to empower people in every possible way. I say empower not help because to help doesn't heal only empowerment heals. I would like to help heal the world by empowerment.
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