eL jOe BeNiTeZ profile picture

eL jOe BeNiTeZ


About Me

CoMiCbOoKs pEnCiLeR,DeGeNeRate DrUnK & GaMbLeRsI'm trained in the Dark arts

For news & stuff, visit my site: www.wraithborn.com

My Interests

pop loCking,cage fighting,waltzez,eating out ,old skool,rainbow hunting,clubbing baby humans,...

I'd like to meet:

stupid people with lots O' money,hot Chicks with daddy issues,Emotionally bankrupt individuals,people like you



The Getaway(mcqueen ver.) 300,tRuE rOmAnCe,Star Wars IV-VI Seven Samurai,Lord of the Rings Raging Bull,Pan's lambryinth,Yojimbo, Heat GoDfAtHeR I-II, GoDfElLaS, sCaReFaCe, bLACKHAWK dOWN, Bully,


the Office UK &US ,Lost,30 ROCK,the Soup,the First 48,breaking Bad,...


1000 ways to hide a body,


SnakeEyes"No talk man all action" Bruce "MUTHA FUKING" Lee,Jim Morrison,Bon Scott,Steve Austin(the six million doller man not the wrestler), Evel Knevel,80's version of W.Axl Rose before the cornrolls,Colt Seaver,Sensai Kreese,Dr.George Hodel,Michael knight,Perry Farrell,Optimus Prime,...