My son, Drawing, Painting, Tattooing, Eating, Sleeping and staying awake to do other things that intrest me while I'm not busy doing the things I just listed.
The Wizard of Oz.
Yes Music.
Alice in Wonderland, Aliens, Americian Warewolf in London, Batman, BraveHart, Big Lebowski, Blade Runner, Bad Santa, Cube, Cujo, Deer Hunter, Dumb & Dumber, Eracer Head, Enter the Dragon, Fargo, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, A Fist Full of Dollars, A Few Dollars More, The Fountian, Frankenstien, Fright Night, Goonies, Halloween, Hellraiser, Indiana Jones, Kung foo Hustle, Jacobs ladder, Jack Ass, King Kong, Lord o da Rings, Matrix, Last of the Mohicans, Me Myself & Irene, Matrix, Mulhulland Drive, Naked Gun, Ninja Scroll, Outlaw Josey Wales, Pleasantville, Quigly Down Under, Road Warrior, Seven Samuri, Silverado, Something about Mary, Star Wars, Train Spotting, Usual Suspects, Vertigo, The Wall, The Wizard of Oz, Willy Wanka and the Choclate Factory, The Warriors, X-Men, Young Guns, Zulu
It rots yer mind but when I do watch T. V. I like The Twilight Zone, Origional Star Treck, Rin & Stimpy, Surpranos, Tales from the Dark Side, The Simpsons, Sea Lab 2021, Mad T.V., American Chopper, Biker Build off, Lost, National Geographic, Nature, Animal Shows, Random updates on the news and weather. Occasional Interesting reality shows and sports.
Toad builds a house.
Tom Baker, Rod Serling, Jessie Ventura and me.