Tara Fire profile picture

Tara Fire


About Me

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My Interests

My husband and kids[Gwen & Thorin], work, being late to work, Roller Derby, TV, movies, tattoos, piercings,drinking with or without friends, buffy, sleeping in....


Cold War era punk and 80's stuff, First wave Punk, New Wave, 80's pop and rock.


John Waters, Sam Raimi, Bruce Campbell, Quentin Tarantino, Guy Ritchie, Kevin Smith, Tim Burton, David Lynch, Horror, and Campy Comedy and Campy Horror Comedy, Pixar, Classic Disney, and more....


The most essential item I own! Old sitcoms, just about any cartoon and Buffy are my favorites!


serial killers, true crime, horror fiction, Harry Potter, and more....

My Blog

photos from Iceland

Go to these links for online pictures of our trip to Iceland:http://www.cmontgomery7.photosite.comhttp://s182.pho tobucket.com/albums/x315/ctmontgomery/http://www.flickr.com/ photos/ctmontgomery/sets/72...
Posted by Tara Fire on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 04:54:00 PST

Outstanding customer service for bad parents

Staff Member Name: Laurie Montgomery Studio Location: .3 - Dale Mabry & Kennedy Date: 01/15/05 Time: about 12:30 Incident Report: My sister (15), My Mother, brother, myself (23), and frie...
Posted by Tara Fire on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST