Derby, derby, derby!!!!
Skaters * Doesn't matter if you haven't skated in years, just be ready to work hard and not wuss out! * , those intereseted in volunteering time to be waterboys, coaches, referees, team Nurses and EMT's, etc. Any and all derby girls from coast to coast and around the world!
Five Strides on the Banked Track by Frank Deford
Leo Seltzer, Ann Calvello, Joanie Weston, Damon Runyon, Annie "Big Red" Jensen, Josephine "Ma" Bogash, Jerry Seltzer, Charlie O'Connell, Frank Deford, Francine Cochu, Bobby Johnstone, Barbara Baker, Buddy Atkinson Sr., Buddy Atkinson Jr., Tillie Tucker, Midge "Toughie" Brasuhn, Sandy Dunn, Cookie Kadyra, Ken Monte, Lydia Clay, all the skaters from the Bombers, All-Stars, Thunderbirds, Chiefs, Red Devils, Jolters, Panthers, Jets, Westerners, Braves, Pioneers, Cardinals, Hawaiians, Dixie Devils, all the ladies in our sister leagues around the globe, Murderball guys (total inspiration), andlast, but NOT least... Ron- the owner of the awesome black Chevy!