Bob Bergeron...bass playin’ fool profile picture

Bob Bergeron...bass playin’ fool

Bass diva

About Me

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

I started playing bass over twenty years ago. Played a lot of shows (Portland, Providence, Worcester/Boston) with a lot of bands, most notably Furious George, Hangnail, Chronic Reality and Winston Smith and the Roadkill Armadilloes.I'm currently laying tracks for the follow up to 2007's Army of None (my home-studio masturbation project) release Black and White and Gray(available @ Strange Maine) , as well as laying down bass tracks for new The Greenhouse Effect record (see Lon below, or GreenHouse Effect @ MySpace music). You can here me playing six string on Mad Ophelia's MySpace Page (she didn't give me the credit! @$@$!!!!) on the track Sylvia DevinoriumNow manning the bass for Rick Wormwood and the Rumbling Proletariat, Ze Flying Duck Theory and HoboeI'm interested in recording and exploring new musical adventures....need bass...drop me a line....

My Interests


Member Since: 2/10/2006
Band Website: yer looking at it!
Band Members: Pat Seitz: Drums Ben Hancock: Guitars and Keys Bob Bergeron: Spiels, Vox, Bass, Guitars and Keys
Influences: Beatles, Foofighters, Nirvana, old Metallica, fast cars, slow cars, old cars new cars, pop culture, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Radiohead, Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, Steve Earle, The Replacements, MOTOWN (James Jamerson is the Godfather of the electric bass!) fIREHOSE (much love and respect to Watt!), Charles Mingus, Charlie Parker, Modern Lovers, the Cars, Gram Parsons, Buffalo Tom, U2, Joan Jett, Wilco, Hendrix, Lucinda Williams, Soul Asylum (before they turned into super-suckers) Husker Du, The Philco Brothers, Crazy Joe (JoeJam) the Crackhead (R.I.P.?), Sam Chucchiaria (RIP), Navy Blue Nuns, Bad Rationale, Blind Banjo Djim, Train of Thought, GreenHouse Effect, Gladhouse, Jim Wagner, U2, The Who, The Cream, Comic Books, (Jack "The King" Kirby, John Romita, Miller, Byrne, Los Bros. Hernandez, Gaiman, Moore and on and on and on....also local boy Tim Hofmann) Bukowski, Ayn Rand, Henry Miller (Thank you Mary Anne Kruger, where-ever you are!), Stephen King, John Stienbeck, Chuck Palaniuk, George Orwell, Anais Nin, Tom Wolfe, Erica Jong, Hunter Thompson, Tolkien, That French Guy who wrote The Little Prince, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Keruoac, Tom Robbins, Charles Schulz, Edgar Rice Burroughs, The Doors, Tom Waits, Johnny Cash, The Quick, Spacehog, Flea, The Ramones, The Pixies, The Violent Femmes, The McCarthys/Guv'nors/Cattlecall, Los Lobos, Spinal Tap, Van Halen, Sabbath, Randy Rhoads, James Brown, Les Paul, Chet Atkins, The Police, Marvin Gaye, Ween, Prince, Chuck Berry, PJ Harvey, Nick Cave, Warren Zevon, Jeff Beck, a lot of one hit wonder pop bands, The Red Sox!!!!!, the Clash, Buffalo Tom, early R.E.M, Fender Guitars, The Muppet Show, Pez, (certainly not eating that shit but just looking at twisted plastic effigies), Pizza, Television, Sci-fi, Star Wars, (good and bad) American films, chocolate, Frida Kahlo, Jackson Pollack, White Trash Couture, The Spaceman, kraft macaroni and cheese, ice cream, apples, free press, Chuck Taylors, Family guy, the Simpsons....
Sounds Like: A trainload of screaming cats on fire.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

interesting household information

 ---This is what Oxi clean is...did you Know that???? 3% peroxide This was written by Becky Ransey of Indiana 'I would like to tell you of the benefits of that plain little old bottle of 3% ...
Posted by Bob Bergeron...bass playin’ fool on Wed, 21 May 2008 07:58:00 PST

Focus Fusion by Mark McKenzie

Wednesday, May 7, 2008 Focus Fusion: Could this new energy source save mankind from itself? A recent article in Discover magazine gave me the inspiration to spread this around :-) If you are sick...
Posted by Bob Bergeron...bass playin’ fool on Wed, 21 May 2008 07:55:00 PST

Rock and Roll Circus - Me and The Flying Duck Theory

Jammed with The Flying Duck Theory last night, Zeke and Merson's band...well the upshot is that I'm now playing bass for them too.   What a hoot, pure straight ahead almost perfect American Punk...
Posted by Bob Bergeron...bass playin’ fool on Fri, 16 May 2008 08:27:00 PST

hope on a rope

My imanginary friend McGerkin was ranting this morning on the drive to school. "The problem with you, Bob, is that you've gotten old before your time. Old and bitter. Y'know, in the sixties the youth ...
Posted by Bob Bergeron...bass playin’ fool on Fri, 02 May 2008 05:57:00 PST


My friend McGerkin offers the criticism that my writing is self indulgent and "closed to the love in the universe. It's always the same thing, Bob...." he says, between draws on his cheroot. "It's sel...
Posted by Bob Bergeron...bass playin’ fool on Thu, 01 May 2008 05:46:00 PST


I tell myself it's this bug going 'round that has so me so riddled with torpor. I'm a manatee out of water, a fish out of sand.  An underwater skyscraper. I am made of lead.I dream fantastic scen...
Posted by Bob Bergeron...bass playin’ fool on Thu, 01 May 2008 06:21:00 PST

Nice to See Manny Getting Some Respect

from Tom Singer He is amusing and amazing. His career has occasionally been hysterical, and it will soon become historical. For 16 years, we've alternately been punked and wowed -- bu...
Posted by Bob Bergeron...bass playin’ fool on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 08:08:00 PST

More Heartening Signs of the Apocalypse

Yes dear and loyal reader, the news yesterday and this mornign was chock full of portentious omen....a more clearer signal cannot be discerned without the use of gizzaeds and other fowl offal. World ...
Posted by Bob Bergeron...bass playin’ fool on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:51:00 PST

new random spiel

I titled this one games because many games we play with ourselves in our heads. c'mon, you can admit. Or can you? This spiel starts with limitation. or rather, the realization ...
Posted by Bob Bergeron...bass playin’ fool on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 06:28:00 PST

bass player rant

bass playing is NOT guitar for dummies.  
Posted by Bob Bergeron...bass playin’ fool on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 08:41:00 PST