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Geddy Lee (Unofficial)

No, I am NOT the real Geddy Lee.

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The second leg of Rush's Snakes and Arrows tour is officially here! Check the blog in the links above to see tour dates and the tour set list!
* If you have any pictures from the shows you attend during this your, feel free to send them to me in a message and I will be more than happy to add those pictures to a new picture album in my picture section. Thanks!

Geddy Lee OC (born Gary Lee Weinrib, July 29, 1953) is a Canadian musician who is the vocalist, bassist, and keyboardist for the progressive rock group Rush. Born in Toronto, Ontario, Lee grew up as the son of Polish parents who were both survivors of Nazi concentration camps Dachau and Bergen-Belsen. Lee's stage name (and later legal name) "Geddy" was inspired by the heavily-accented pronunciation of his given first name "Gary" by his grandmother. In 2004, Canadian Jewish News would feature Lee's reflections upon his mother's experiences and his own Jewish heritage.

An award-winning musician, Lee's style, technique, and virtuosity on the bass guitar have proven very influential in the rock and heavy metal genres, inspiring such players as Steve Harris of Iron Maiden, John Myung of Dream Theater, Les Claypool of Primus, Cliff Burton of Metallica, and countless others. Lee's high pitched vocal style, while less influential, is nonetheless distinctive; one Rolling Stone critic opined a negative review in the Rolling Stone Album Guide that Geddy Lee's voice was a cross between Robert Plant's and Donald Duck's voices. Reference to the latter in the brief review upset many die-hard fans of Rush and Lee.

Lee's first solo effort, My Favorite Headache, was released in 2000. In addition to his composing, arranging, and performing duties for Rush, Lee has produced albums for various other bands, including Rocket Science, and recorded a short rendition of "O Canada" with bandmate Alex Lifeson included on the South Park soundtrack. Geddy Lee is also heard singing the minor hit "Take Off" on the McKenzie Brothers (Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas) 1981 comedy album The Great White North: Bob and Doug McKenzie, as well as appearing in the 1985 charity song "Tears Are Not Enough" by Canadian supergroup Northern Lights.

Geddy Lee has varied his equipment lineup several times during his career. Gigging around Toronto, Geddy used a Fender Precision Bass. From the RUSH album and onward, Lee favored Rickenbacker basses (particularly the 4001 model, which he used extensively in studio and live shows during most of the 70's and early 80's up through the Signals album and tour), and the Fender Jazz Bass (which is heard extensively on Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures). For recording Grace Under Pressure Geddy switched to a headless Steinberger bass, which he would use for the Grace Under Pressure Tour. After this, he began using British Wal basses, which he would use to record (and tour) Power Windows, Hold Your Fire, Presto and Roll The Bones. He switched back to Jazz Basses for the recording of Counterparts, and has been using it, both in the studio and live, since then. In 2002, Fender released the Geddy Lee Jazz Bass, a Jazz Bass based on his original mid-seventies model, that Geddy bought in a pawn shop. In addition to a few cost-saving changes, the instrument features vintage-style pickups and a BadAss II bridge.

Geddy's amps, in the early days, were the usual arena-ready Sunn and/or Ampeg models. By the late seventies, his backline had evolved into the unique configuration of Ashly preamps and BGW power amps, which were run in stereo with his 4001 bass. The neck pickup was sent to one rig and set for a clean, bass-heavy tone, while the bridge pickup was sent to the other amp which was set with an exaggerated treble boost, and a lot of gain on the preamp. This is what made the quintessential "Geddy Lee sound" from 1977 to 1982. Even through his changing stable of basses, this amplifier setup remained constant through 1991. For the Roll the Bones tour, Geddy switched to Gallien-Krueger amps, and later to Trace-Elliot amps. He still uses a Trace-Elliot, however it is not on the onstage backline, but rather underneath the stage, for low-frequency emphasis, so he can feel the bass, along with hearing the notes, through his ear monitors. On recent tours, to "balance out the stage", Geddy has filled the empty space where his backline amps used to sit with industrial size Maytag coin operated dryers. The dryers are filled with Rush tour shirts. Coins are inserted throughout the show either by costumed crew members, "surprise" guests or by audience members who are selected at random. For the band's R30 tour, one dryer was replaced by a rotating shelf-style sandwich vending machine.

Over the years, Geddy's keyboard rig has featured Oberheim keyboards (Oberheim 8-voice, OB-1, OB-X, OB-Xa), PPG keyboards (Wave 2.2 and 2.3) Roland keyboards (Jupiter 8, D-50, CompuRhythm), Moog keyboards (Mini-Moog, Taurus bass pedals that are also used as a control surface for other keyboards), and Yamaha keyboards (DX-7 and KX76 MIDI controllers). Also, he made use of sequencers (the ones included in the Oberheim keyboards and the Roland Compurhythm) that supplied many memorable keyboard melodies, i.e.; "The Spirit of Radio' (Permanent Waves), "The Camera Eye' and 'Vital Signs' (Moving Pictures), 'The Weapon' and 'New World Man' (Signals), 'Red Sector A' (Grace Under Pressure), 'Grand Designs' (Power Windows), and 'Scars' (Presto - the entire bass line was a sequenced bass sample). Since the latter part of the eighties, Geddy's keyboard setup also includes a large rack of samplers which are used to recreate sounds, vocal harmonies, and events from Rush's studio recordings.

These days Geddy Lee seems to be a rock purist, gettin' down with his pawn-shop-purchased Fender Jazz Bass. It wasn't always that way, though; as Geddy was probably the one member of Rush who was totally enamored of high-tech synthesizers, basses, amplifiers, and gizmos. Geddy's earliest appearances after becoming a "signed artist" were with that old warhorse of a million bass players, worldwide... the Fender Precision Bass. He played through a couple of battered old Sunn amplifiers with matching speaker cabinets. After Mercury Records picked up Rush, and Neil Peart was brought onboard, the band received a large advance from the label and proceeded to update their equipment. For the next three years, Geddy's stage setup would not change. The Rickenbacker 4001 bass became Ged's trademark. The amps he was using were the seemingly de rigueur Ampeg SVT model that most rock bassists of the 1970's were using, although Geddy decided on using their V4 cabinets, which contained two 15-inch speakers, rather than their more common 8x10" speaker cabinet. With the recording of A Farewell to Kings, Rush's expansion of sound required the addition of some new instruments, including the classic Mini-Moog synthesizer, and Moog's unusual-looking Taurus bass pedal synthesizer. This first set of Taurus pedals allowed Geddy to play either bass notes or, when interfaced with the Mini-Moog, high, sustained notes. These two pieces of equipment could be seen onstage with Geddy for the next nine years.

Geddy also added the beastly 4008 doubleneck bass/guitar, and changed his amp setup as well. He ran his Rickenbacker in stereo to two Ashley pre-amps, which then went to two BGW 750 power amps and a pair of custom-made speaker cabinets, along with the older Ampeg cabinets. Geddy would continue to use this bass setup until 1991! His Fender Jazz Bass began making live appearances around this time, as well. The keyboards Ged used were constantly changing, however. He acquired an Oberheim 8-voice synthesizer for the recording of Hemispheres, and used it up until the end of the Exit, Stage Left tour. In the interim, Geddy went through the monophonic Oberheim OB-1 synthesizer, followed by their OB-X polyphonic model. On the Signals tour, Ged replaced the old 8-voice SEM modules with an Oberheim OB-Xa synth. He also added a Roland Jupiter-8 which had its own dedicated sequencer, the Roland CompuRhythm. For the next few tours, Geddy was using the PPG Wave synthesizer as his main keyboard. Along the way various other models, such as the Yamaha DX-7, and Roland D-50 would be used, as well. During this time, Geddy retired the venerable Rickenbacker from the road and began using the headless Steinberger bass. He used a black GL-2 model during the Grace tour, and then got a white model, which he would use as a backup. When the band recorded Power Windows, Geddy used a British-made Wal bass. At first, he didn't use this live, opting for the Steinberger instead, but soon his black Wal would be used live. Along with a red Wal that was made later, he would use the brand for several years in the studio and onstage. Geddy also began using larger 76-key controllers onstage to play or trigger what were now, more and more being loaded offstage into Akai-made samplers, which would record old sounds and "events" from their past songs. The advent of programmable sequencers was a major addition to the Rush sound. They allowed the band to trigger keyboard passages, while they continued to play their regular instruments. As the years go on, and technology became more sophisticated, keyboard parts and even background vocals would no longer need to be played from the stage, or even an offstage synthesizer. They simply could be recorded onto a sample and triggered from the foot of any one of the three musicians. For the Roll the Bones tour, Ged changed his amplifier setup to Gallien-Krueger. Because of the aforementioned sophistication of sound sampling, Geddy's keyboard rig was now very streamlined. He seemed to enjoy the freedom that this provided, and didn't feel like he was such a slave to the keyboards, anymore. An even further step back to the basics came for the Counterparts tour, when Geddy started using his old Fender Jazz Bass again. He would have several different Jazz basses made for the Test For Echo tour, and for amplification he was using the Trace-Elliot amps and cabinets he had acquired prior to the Counterparts tour.The Test For Echo tour also was also a "back-to-basics" change for the keyboard setup, which saw his keyboard rig come full circle with the resurrection of heis old Mini-Moog from storage.

My Interests


"I have a lot of hobbies and I can be very remiss in reminding myself to go down to the basement to work. I have such an extreme attitude about work, where I can just completely be derelict of my responsibilities and then when I am not derelict, I am completely indulged in it. I swing pretty wildly from the two extremes. I love to write. It's my first love. I like to practice on the bass, but I don't do it as often as I should. I like wine, traveling, tennis, baseball, and being with family." - Geddy Lee

[From ]

Fender's Geddy Lee Jazz Bass is a replica of the instrument Geddy has used extensively for both recording and performing in front of thousands of Rush fans worldwide. Featuring an alder body and neck and maple fingerboard (34 in. scale length; 20 medium jumbo frets with black fingerboard binding), this J Bass is custom-fit with two U.S. Jazz Bass single coil pickups (neck and bridge) and a BadAss II Bridge.

Series: Artist Series
Body: Alder, (Polyurethane Finish)
Neck: 1-Piece Maple, Thin 'C' Shape, (Gloss Polyurethane Finish)
Fingerboard: Maple
No. of Frets: 20 Medium Jumbo Frets
Pickups: 2 Vintage Jazz Bass Single-Coil Pickups
Controls: Volume 1. (Neck Pickup),
Volume 2. (Bridge Pickup),
Master Tone
Bridge: Leo Quan Badass II
Machine Heads: Vintage Style
Hardware: Chrome
Pickguard: 3-Ply White
Scale Length: 34 in. (864 mm)
Width at Nut: 1.50 in. (38mm)
Unique Features: Black Fingerboard Binding with Black Rectangular Shaped Position Markers, Slim Neck Profile, Badass II Bridge
Strings: Super 7350M, NPS
Gauges:: (.045, .065, .085, .105)

I'd like to meet:


I do not claim the rights to the videos, pictures, etc. of Rush or Geddy Lee, nor do I claim to have them. I do have permission to run this page, however, but I have no official affiliation with Rush or any of their management or partners. This is a fan base for Geddy Lee that I have gotten the okay to run. All credit for pictures goes to the orginal photographers and Rush, all credit to the videos goes to Rush. All credits to the songs displayed on this page are given to Rush, and their record companies. And all credits go to anyone who is offcially associated with Rush who has helped making something I've used on this page. Thank you for letting me run this page.



Aside from the 1998 live set Different Stages, not much was heard from Rush after their tour wrapped up in support of their last studio album two years prior, Test for Echo. But in 2000, Rush fans starving for some new material got their wish when bassist/singer Geddy Lee issued his first-ever solo album, My Favorite Headache. (Buy) Lee is joined by ex-Soundgarden drummer Matt Cameron, and ex-FM guitarist/violinist Ben Mink, and both help Lee craft a record that resembles what a new Rush album would've sounded like. The album-opening title track is unquestionably the best cut here -- a cacophonic Primus-ish hard rock section switches with a laid-back, symphonic piece -- while such rockers as "The Present Tense," "Working at Perfekt," "Home of the Strange," and the ballad "Slipping" could've easily fit on such '90s Rush albums as Counterparts and Test for Echo. My Favorite Headache will help hold over longtime fans of the Canadian prog trio.

"I didn't have the pressure of having to live up to some preconceived notion of what the music is supposed to sound like."




Rush Chronicles Rush in Rio Rush R30 Rush Replay X3 A Work in Progress Anatomy of a Drum Solo

Click here to purchase any of these DVDs listed above.



Geddy is a devoted baseball fan, and performed "O Canada" at the 1993 Major League Baseball All-Star Game, and took batting practice with the then-California Angels (circa 1992).

"Looking at the long-range forecast, catching all the names in the news." - Rush - Turn the Page (September, 1987)



Contents Under Pressure Rhythm & Light Photography Traveling Music The Masked Rider Ghost Rider

Click here to purchase any of these books listed above.


"When I heard that she was gone, I felt the shadow cross my heart... but she's nobody's hero." - Nobody's Hero (1993)

My Blog

Been busy.

Hello to all friends on this page,I want to apologize for not being on here as frequently as I had been before, but I have been caught up with some other things. School is out for me (finally done bei...
Posted by Geddy Lee (Unofficial) on Wed, 28 May 2008 09:15:00 PST

S&A 2008 Concert Pictures - Read

Concert Pictures?If you have taken, or are planning to take, any pictures at the concerts you attend for Rush's 2008 leg of the Snakes and Arrows tour, feel free to send them to me in a message and I ...
Posted by Geddy Lee (Unofficial) on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 06:45:00 PST

Snakes and Arrows Tour of 2008 Feedback

Almost forgot to post one of these! Just like last time, I want you to post your feedback on any shows you attend on this tour. I'll be seeing them in June, looking forward to it! So, if you want to t...
Posted by Geddy Lee (Unofficial) on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 03:36:00 PST

"Geddy Gets a Haircut" - Funny story

Made by a good friend of mine: For those of you who don't know this yet, though you should... I'm Alexandria. Enjoy! Rush Trio! starring Geddy, Alex, Neil, and A...
Posted by Geddy Lee (Unofficial) on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 08:07:00 PST

2008 Tour Dates!

Sorry if the dates didn't match up with the venues! Here's the link to with the dates.
Posted by Geddy Lee (Unofficial) on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 01:03:00 PST

Draw Geddy Lee and...

DRAW GEDDY LEE AND.......You can have that drawing posted in my picture section under, "Drawings and Art" for everyone to see! Any sort of art on Geddy Lee will be acceptable, and you will get full cr...
Posted by Geddy Lee (Unofficial) on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 07:47:00 PST

The next Snakes & Arrows single will be Workin’ Them Angels

NEXT S&A SINGLE: WORKIN' THEM ANGELSThe Larger Bowl has been out for over 6 weeks now and - as reported last week - has finally broken into the top 20 on both the Mediabase Mainstream Rock Chart a...
Posted by Geddy Lee (Unofficial) on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 06:55:00 PST

Rush 2008 North American tour date info!

Rush 2008 North American tour date info!Over the last several months there have been many rumors about potential Rush tour dates in late 2007 and early 2008. There have been rumors of them playing Bra...
Posted by Geddy Lee (Unofficial) on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 06:05:00 PST

Geddy Lee Writing

From the Snakes and Arrows tour book: O.K It's that time when I am supposed to list ekwiptment that I will be using on the Snakes and Arrows tour. But... does anyone really care what devices I use?Isn...
Posted by Geddy Lee (Unofficial) on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 06:40:00 PST

An evening with Rush: September 8th, 2007

An evening with Rush: September 8th, 2007Certainly a night I will never forget. It was my first Rush show ever, and as you can imagine, my excitement level was through the roof. I had first heard the ...
Posted by Geddy Lee (Unofficial) on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 01:55:00 PST