| View | Add FavoriteReading, thinking, enlightening. I would even go as far as saying that I'm interested in constantly improving myself.I like enjoying myself. And enjoying life. It's too fucking short not to.Oh yeah, and dentistry.
Hot chicks with loose morals! I mean, fun people. I mean... hell, all I really want out of this world is intelligent conversation. I'll settle for anything that comes close. As long as there is nakedness. Ok, I'm kidding. Really. I'm not staring at your chest, I'm just looking at your shirt... Ok, really now, I just want to find some connection with someone on an intellectual level. That's hard to find.But I have met that person. It took me my whole life, but I finally found her. The fact that she's the sexiest woman alive is just icing on the ... she's my one and only Sarah , and she's the love of my life. Funny, by meeting her I have gotten much more out of Myspace than I ever thought was possible... I guess there is something to be had from all my boobie, dick, and fart jokes!..
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Anything that doesn't suck... ring any old "Beavis and Butthead" bells?DMB, White Stripes, Old-School Metallica, the Jigga-Man, pretty much the whole spectrum.
The Matrix Trilogy, The LOTR trilogy, Dark City, Team America: World Police, South Park, anything Monty Python, horror flicks (especially the cheesy ones), and movies that make you scratch your head and say, "how the hell did THAT happen?"
Supernatural, CSI (the original), Nip/Tuck, ER, Family Guy, The Simpsons, American Dad, Adult Swim... other than that, I only watch movies.
The Vampire Chronicles, Civil War history, political inquiry/criticism, John Irving, Terry Pratchett, Chuck "Fight Club" Palahniuk, Hunter S. Thompson & FEAR AND LOATHING (ask me about my F&L revival in Las Vegas July 4th weekend of 2000), and anything that doesn't suck.
Abraham Lincoln. Rodriquez Pfister (one day, he'll know why). Anyone who sacrifices the concrete for the abstract.
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