Ed Starlet Wilson profile picture

Ed Starlet Wilson


About Me

Well,it All stARTed HappenINg in The SummER of '79, WHen ED RAN in to THe tV AND sMASHED his heAD INTo the SPECials DOin 'GANgSteRs' on TOP of the TOPs. he JUS could'NT BElieve his LITTle eyes,(and one of them waS EVEn LAZy)..THAT'S IT!!!!! ARMed with scKOOL BLAIzer , LOAFers & crap pork pie hat he skanKED his WAy thru to his TEEN'S,..THEN ....at the ripe old age of 14, he pogo-ED Smack banG WAllop! in to PUNk Rock, NOW with new IMPROVED ARSEHOle attituDE, GEttiN MORE 'RIGHT ON' BY THE day, IT wAS TIME to put ED to the test....could he put the world to RIGHTs,COULD HE DESTROY all multinational corPOraTIONs, and END alL rasICSM, SExism, BLOODSports, intENSIVE FARMING,......... well, ANY BIG monEY making CAPITALisT unPLEASAntness and GHastly fRIGHTFULneSS. ...? well NO, basicaLLY he CoulDNT,HE juST PIssed abOUT alot, and MAde a RIGht raCKET IN doin SO,plAYING IN VArious banDS... The Now legENDARy 'Redditch piSSED pop Punk PraTTS' IDENTITY, FROM 1984 TO 1991 'tHEN dropped the DRUmstIX (AGAin!)and armed WITH A baSS, joinED 'TWin girrrl vocaL MElodic hARDCOre' BAND the jOYCE mcKINnnEY EXperiENce til 1996. Then in 1997 mOVED Down to SUNNY brighton and gOT DOWN ON geeeeetar to form A band CALLED 'tHE Sisters oF pERCY' By 2000, ED WAS also helping put on geetar, nottinghAM Anarcho PUNK BAND SUB-STANDARD and BRIGHton street punk band Combat SHock. Then in early 2003 got back ON DRUMS for LITTLE TROPHY, brightons favORITE TrashpopProgHARDCore monsters,and thats taKeS you up to NOW!!!so checK OUT FOR lITTLE tROPHY gigs and SEE ya SOON XXXX
.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At0XpIs1fNkhttp://www.youtube .com/watch?v=At0XpIs1fNk ..

My Interests


the spECIALS, THE beat, madNESS,tHE choRDS ,THE jam, tHE pRISioners, The RUTS, the DAMNED , diSCHARGE,crass,DEAD kennedys, bad BRAINS, NOMEANSNO, victims FAmily, mr bungle, sYSTEM of A DOwn,quEENs of THE stonE AGE,faNTOmAS, thE cravaTS, POison IDEa,sLAYER, rAMONes, The CLASh, puNIShment OF LUXury, iaN DURY, THe sTUPIds,husKER Du,dESCENdenTS,the cARDiacs, The Lilys, squeeze,THe turtLES,THe hERD, tHE kINKS, SmaLL fACES, !!!!


my FAVE film EVER EVER (the original 1950's )The ImportANCE of being ERnest.Mike lEIGH STUFF..mEANTIME, NUTs in maY, grOWN Ups,nAKED.MADE IN BRITain.the LIfe of BRIan,thE PARTy,MONsters INC.


The Young ONES, fILTHy Rich & CAtfLAP,(early)COMic STRip.. mR jollY liVES NEXt door, baD NEWS, fiVE GO Mad, fISTful FULL of TRAveLLERS cheQUES, THe YOB!!!!! Kevin tURVEY, fAWLTY tOWERS, porriDGE,polICE Squad,SLedGEHAmmeR,DAngerMOUSE,faTHER ted,acorN ANTiques.


hmmmm, books is it...? eh ???


(Not really heroes jus loved & inspired by;) my MOM. STEVE IGNORANT and CRASS. BAd brAINS. JERRY dammers.captain SenSIBLE. DAngerMOUSE & PEnfolD.den DENNIS. dreAMYTIMe esCORTs. rat SCABIES, steve drewitt.Steve MARRIOtt & rONNIe laNE.ray DAVIES.kevin tURVEY.jim CRonin (r.i.p) H.R hUMAN rigHTS (ALmost R.I.p)

My Blog

Angel Of Death - Slayer: BSG & CD Remix

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=INqis5g1OHE ...
Posted by Ed Starlet Wilson on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 01:07:00 PST