Punk Rock Survivor Del! profile picture

Punk Rock Survivor Del!

I am here for Friends

About Me

I remember rubbing my hands together in the womb and shouting “yes” this is it! I left school early and lied my way into a crappy office job. Staring out the window with the sun beating down on my back. I remember thinking, this ain..t what life’s about. So I quit and with what little money I had saved up bought a guitar with two strings and an amp. I was allowed to join my first band for the sole reason I had an amp. Everyone plugged in and blew it up so I was fired. I then formed the Test Tube Babies (for rise and fall see testtubebabies.co.uk ) The last year and a half I’ve had the pleasure of being Limoed around the world with Lily Allen. Life has been good to me. I wouldn’t say I’d had a good innings more like I’ve won the bloody Cricket World Cup mate!!!.......And the best is still to come…!

My Interests

Vitamin E Benefits

I'd like to meet:

People that are slightly less hassle than me!!


The Del Strangefish InExperience, http://www.myspace.com/thedelstrangefishinexperience, Lily Allen, The Clash, Ramones, Buzzcocks, Sex Pistols, Ruts, Iggy Pop, Ian Dury and the Blockheads, South, The Lemonheads, Thin Lizzy, The Pixies, Morrissey and Motorhead MY FIRST ALBUM


Planes Trains and Automobiles, Taxi Driver, School of Rock, Life of Brian, Midnight Express, Planet of the Apes (Original), Pans Labrynth, Way out West, Spinal Tap, My Cousin Vinny, Very Bad Things, Vertigo, Midnight Run, ET, Blade Runner, Shrek 1, The Rebel, Toy Story 1&2, Life of Brian, Raising Ned, Scarface, Lost in Translation, Spiderman 1,2 & 3, The Great Escape.


Mighty Boosh. Bottom. Fawlty Towers. Pepper Pig, World at War, Big Train, Futurama, The News, Extras


London A-Z. Ladybird book of Witches. Cooking in the Nude, More Cooking in the Nude.


Tommy Cooper. George Best. Oliver Reed, any other alcoholics that are dead.

My Blog

Birthday Blog!

So, 101 again.First up. Love to Julie, who, I met tonight and said "I get lonely if you don`t blog" Love you always and this blogs for you xxNext Up is Trace and daveThanks for the wine and the upside...
Posted by Punk Rock Survivor Del! on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 05:44:00 PST

What The Eye Don`t See the Chef Gets Away With!

Fashion SucksTonight Channel 4 10.30Two Uninteresting and Unrelated Stories1. I'm walking across Victoria station. Still spangled from the night before. When a young lady dressed as an Orangutan appro...
Posted by Punk Rock Survivor Del! on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 04:41:00 PST

Please Stop...You`ve said enough!

I usually wake up in the dark. Thats cos I live in England and they cut the leccy off! After a long search for my clothes I realise I`m wearing them. I stumble down to the cafe and get a good place by...
Posted by Punk Rock Survivor Del! on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 02:42:00 PST

Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid!!

Three reasons why last night was great!1. Bournemouth 0 Brighton 22. Got change from a £20 at the bar when I only gave him a tenner.3. Heard tracks from Lily`s new album. BABVA...!
Posted by Punk Rock Survivor Del! on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 04:42:00 PST

Busy Doing Nothing

Hi Everybody, I have to apologise once more for my absence but I have been laid up with another bout of lazycuntitis& Lily got her US visa revoked, so while I was supposed to be in Las Vegas watching ...
Posted by Punk Rock Survivor Del! on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 06:47:00 PST

Alas Poor Escarryout, I Knew Him Welleth!

How does the fly feel entangled in the web awaiting for the spider to dine? The distant city known as Las Vegas has been swallowed up in a cloud of sand. Judeth Escarryout tryeth his best to discredit...
Posted by Punk Rock Survivor Del! on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:09:00 PST

36 Hour Trip Home

After a quick trip across the Andes to Santiago, Chile. It`s arena time again.11 hours back to New York for the 12th time in a year. 8 hours wait and then 7 hours back to blighty. My back aches! Yawn...
Posted by Punk Rock Survivor Del! on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 02:08:00 PST

Drunken Volleyball?

Posted by Punk Rock Survivor Del! on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 05:53:00 PST


Posted by Punk Rock Survivor Del! on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 05:41:00 PST

Anyone Fancy A Cuppa?

Posted by Punk Rock Survivor Del! on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 04:39:00 PST