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About Me

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocre minds. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." -Albert Einstein
Animal Testing 101
"Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is: 'Because the animals are like us.' Ask the experimenters why it is morally OK to experiment on animals, and the answer is: 'Because the animals are not like us.' Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction." -Professor Charles R. Magel
As many as 115 million animals are experimented on and killed in laboratories in the U.S. every year. Much of the experimentation-including pumping chemicals into rats' stomachs, hacking muscle tissue from dogs' thighs, and putting baby monkeys in isolation chambers far from their mothers-is paid for by you, the American taxpayer and consumer, yet you can't visit a laboratory and see how the government has spent your money. You can't even get an accurate count on the number of animals killed every year because experimenters and the government have decided that mice and rats and certain other animals don't even have to be counted.
Animal experimentation is a multibillion-dollar industry fueled by massive public funding and involving a complex web of corporate, government, and university laboratories, cage and food manufacturers, and animal breeders, dealers, and transporters. The industry and its people profit because animals, who cannot defend themselves against abuse, are legally imprisoned and exploited.
Fortunately for animals in laboratories, there are people who care. Some of them work in labs, and when they witness abuse, they call PETA. Thanks to these courageous whistleblowers, PETA's undercover investigators and caseworkers, who sift through reams of scientific and government documents, have exposed what goes on behind laboratory doors.FACTORY FARMS
In just one year, ten billion land animals are slaughtered by the U.S. meat, egg, and dairy industries. Statistically, farm animals comprise more than 95% of all the animals in the country with whom we interact, and that staggering percentage does not even include the estimated ten billion aquatic animals killed for human consumption.
These farm animals—sentient, complex, and as capable of feeling pain and joy as those dogs and cats we welcome into our families—are viewed by industrialized agriculture as mere meat-, egg-, and milk-producing machines. They suffer immensely when profit outweighs their well-being. Yet, despite the routine abuses they endure, these animals aren’t afforded any legal protection while on the farm. More than 95% of them—birds—aren’t even included in the regulations implementing the federal Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, which requires other animals to be rendered insensible to pain before they are killed.
Overwhelmingly, farm animals’ lives and deaths are filled with abuses that would be illegal if inflicted on those animals we consider companions.
The vast majority of U.S. farm animals are confined inside barren warehouses, overcrowded cages, or restrictive pens or stalls on factory farms. With an unprecedented number of animals bred and slaughtered, farming practices have become increasingly industrialized, often sacrificing the animals’ well-being in favor of raising more productive or faster-growing animals with the least amount of space and attention that can sustain production.

My Interests

Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace. -John Muir, Naturalist and explorer (1838-1914)

Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight. -Albert Schweitzer, Philosopher, physician & humanitarian (1875-1965)

I'd like to meet:

EVERYONE. Everyone should know what they are contributing to when they subscribe to the popular culture of using (which equals abusing) animals in order to do such things as nourish themselves, clothe themselves, and support vivisection & research to seek cures for human diseases. They are contributing to the SUFFERING of ANIMALS. And that is NOT RIGHT no matter what you've been conditioned to BELIEVE.

Even in the worm that crawls in the earth there glows a divine spark. When you slaughter a creature, you slaughter God. -Isaac Bashevis Singer, Writer, Nobel laureate (1904-1991)



My Blog

Vegan Parenting- Rated G

Posted by AnimalLib on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 10:10:00 PST


Article is entitled, "The Dark Side of Recycling," from the Fall, 1990, Earth Island Journal. "The rendering plant floor is piled high with "raw product": thousands of dead dogs and cats; heads and ho...
Posted by AnimalLib on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 04:33:00 PST


"What about plants?"There is currently no reason to believe that plants experience pain because they are devoid of central nervous systems, nerve endings, and brains. It is theorized that animals are ...
Posted by AnimalLib on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 10:41:00 PST


Cows Used for Their Milk The 9 million cows living on dairy farms in the United States spend most of their lives in large sheds or on feces-caked mud lots, where disease is rampant.3 Cows raised for t...
Posted by AnimalLib on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 11:09:00 PST

The Comparative Anatomy of Eating

The Comparative Anatomy of Eating by Milton R. Mills, M.D. Humans are most often described as "omnivores." This classification is based on the "observation" that humans generally eat a wide variet...
Posted by AnimalLib on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 03:34:00 PST


Excerpts from Gail Eisnitz' "Farm To Fork" presentation detailing her investigation of slaughterhouses. More info Here "These hogs get up to the scalding tank, hit the water, and just start screaming ...
Posted by AnimalLib on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 02:23:00 PST


These pictures come from Gail Eisnitz's investigation of slaughterhouses. Be sure to check out her presentation "From Farm to Fork" as well as the other information in..the resource library.A cow bein...
Posted by AnimalLib on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 02:14:00 PST


Facts about the Canadian Seal Hunt©2005 HSUS/Kathy Milani What Seals Are Targeted by Canada's Seal Hunt?Harp seals are the primary target of the commercial seal hunt. Fully 95% of the seals killed ove...
Posted by AnimalLib on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 04:42:00 PST


Raising Vegan Children in a Non-Vegan World: A Complete Guide for Parents"Written by Erin Pavlina, Editor of magazineThis book will help you navigate the social and emotional challenges ...
Posted by AnimalLib on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 11:50:00 PST


We ate no flesh in Eden, but afterwards, when things got hard, we forgot the peaceful kinship of that ancient kingdom. As our teeth sank into their flesh, we had to deny them. So we said they had no s...
Posted by AnimalLib on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 04:46:00 PST