Welcome. I hope this finds you well.
I believe unless we adopt a vegan lifestyle and work toward the end
of the exploitation of non human animals, we can not honestly
consider ourselves truly interested in peace and non-violence or
the environment.
Exploitation of *any* sentient being or the destruction
of the environment is unacceptable and I feel, an
insanity. Every injustice, every violence, I
believe, effects us all individually whether we realise
or not. Right now, non human animals are the most
exploited by far. Every non-violent effort possible
should be made to end the exploitation.
True & lasting peace will only come through non-violent
action, inner change, education & through the cessation of
exploitation of *all* sentient beings, human and non
human. Hence my great interest in animal & human rights and Tibetan Buddhism.
Watch some of our videos
View the video the meat industry doesn't want you to see
Today's climate is far too anthropocentric. That
needs much work ;) Non-human animals need all our help
Approx 55 billion non-human animals suffer unbearable
cruelty, torture and are killed each year. We strongly encourage
everyone to speak out to end this great injustice.
Governments have a tendency to follow the public voice. There
are few real "leaders" in government and even fewer
who are interested in justice for all.
One way is adopting a cruelty free
compassionate lifestyle like becoming vegan and not supporting government members or large
multinational industries & companies that support the exploitation
of non-human animals. If you investigate closely, you will find 98%
of business directly or indirectly allow torturing and / or killing animals
for their products. Economic pressure on these
companies by not purchasing or by boycotting their products
is effective. Creatively educating the public, protesting,
lobbying & non-violent action is vital.
If you are not aware of the current daily animal exploitation and
abuse of billions of animals everywhere , all with the
knowledge of governments, please view the following sites which
reveal thousands of images of 21st Century factory farming,
animal experimentation and many other kinds of abuses.
I would urge you to view as many images as you are able
in the above links.
Our other group -
Visit Vegan Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich site
From VeganValues.org - The term philosophy is
often used to mean a set of basic values and attitudes
toward life, nature and society. In this sense, Veganism
is a "Philosophy of Life," guided by what I envision
as an essential core of values and principles:
* Vegans see life as a phenomenon to be treasured, revered
and respected. We do not see animals as either "The
Enemy" to be subdued, or the Materials for Food,
Fabric or Fun that were put on Earth for human use.
* Vegans see themselves as a part of the natural world,
rather than its owners or its masters.
* Veganism recognizes no expendable or superfluous species
that humans are free to hurt or destroy. Species of
life-forms need not justify their existence, nor plead
for protection from extinction on the grounds of their
potential usefulness as food or medicine for humans.
We continue to be burdened and misguided by adages
such as "A weed is a plant we have not yet found a use for."
* Veganism acknowledges the intrinsic legitimacy of all
life. It rejects any hierarchy of acceptable suffering
among sentient creatures. It is no more acceptable to
torment or kill creatures with "primitive nervous
systems" than those with "highly developed nervous
systems." The value of life to its possessor is the
same, whether it be the life of a clam, a crayfish, a
carp, a cow, a chicken, or a child.
* Veganism understands that gentleness cannot be a product
of violence, harmony cannot be a product of strife,
and peace cannot be a product of contention and conflict.
* Vegan ideals encompass much more than advocacy of a diet
free of animal products, or a fervent defense of
animal rights. Veganism excludes no sentient being–
animal or human– from its commitment to compassionate,
gentle benevolence. To show tender regard for the
suffering of animals, yet treat humans with callous
contempt, is a disheartening contradiction of Vegan principles.
* John Muir, talking about the natural environment, once
observed "Every time I bend down to pick something up,
I find it is connected to something else." There is an
equivalent "ecology" to our behavior. Everything we do
connects to something else; every action touches on
the world around us, either close at hand and
noticeable, or far away and unperceived, immediate in
its effect or
distant in time.
* If Veganism has a prime value, it is simply that life-
respecting compassion overrides individual issues of
custom, convenience, comfort or cuisine.
* If there is a single article of faith, it is that
commitment to Vegan values will bring us closer to a
world in which the fate and fortune of a planet and
all its life forms do not hang on the judgment or the
generosity of one species.
* If there is one single concept that both generates and
sustains the meaning and the power of the Vegan world-
view, it is found in the word mindfulness. As Vegans,
we strive to be thoughtful, aware and concerned about
the impact of our choices, our actions and our
decisions. The fruit of this awareness is inner peace,
the quiet strength of ethical confidence, and an
uplifting sense of fulfillment.
A little more about me:
I am co-founder of an
animal rights group QGAR. We take great interest in
international as well as our own domestic issues.
Animal exploitation has no borders.
To subscribe to our international animal rights news
list for latest intl news, alerts, actions Please scroll down to
find our index containing many issues.
View Australian version "You Think You Can Be A Meat Eating Environmentalist? Think Again"
To read our disclaimer
To view our site Queensland Group for Animal Rights QGAR
WARNING! Please note some of following below images may be distressing to some viewers.
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I am interested in human rights and social justice as well.
I will be posting personal blogs but predominently they
will be animal rights issues.
We urge you to speak out against all forms of non human animal exploitation.
Non-human animals are sentient beings. They have
no voice, they feel, they love their young, they
love life just as much as we do. They deserve rights and
freedom from fear, torture and exploitation.
With your help, we can help end this exploitation.
Education is vital in motivating others. Animal
exploiter's best weapon is the ignorance & apathy of the public.
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Below in the slide show are a few pics from my life.
"Gandhi said "Whatever you do will be insignificant and it is very important that you do it." .........."WHEN I DESPAIR, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been murderers and tyrants, and for a time they can seem invincible. But in the end they always fall. Think of this always"
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." – Martin Luther King Jr........."First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then...you win." -- M. Gandhi .........."I abhor vivisection with my whole soul. All the scientific discoveries stained with innocent blood I count as of no consequence. ~ Mohandas Gandhi ............."I am prepared to die, but there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill." Mohandas Gandhi ............"Live life simply so that others may simply live. - Mahatma Gandhi ............."If you can solve your problem, then what is the need of worrying? If you cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying?" Shantideva, 8th C Buddhist Monk. ..............."To feel overflowing love and almost unbearable compassion for all living creatures is the best way to fulfil the wishes of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Even if for the moment you cannot actually help a sentient being in an external way, meditate on love and compassion constantly over the months and years until compassion is knit inseparably into the very fabric of your mind." - H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche ............."Evil is an abstraction that enables you to look at someone and not see the person" ~ Lee Thorn ............"To become vegetarian is to step into the stream which leads to nirvana." - Buddha" ............"If a man can control his body and mind and thereby refrains from eating animal flesh and wearing animal products, I say he will really be liberated." ~ The Buddha (the Surangama Sutra)............."No society that feeds its children on tales of successful violence can expect them not to believe that violence in the end is rewarded. -Margaret Mead ...............
About our group:
Queensland Group for Animal Rights [QGAR] is an Australian
based self funded independent animal rights group
To view our international animal news archives
To subscribe to our international animal rights news
list for latest intl news
Alternatively, join our identical animal news list Animal Rights News International on this site.
View our other AR group - Liberation for Our Brother & Sister Animals [LobsA]
I will be posting regular international animal rights
news alerts, articles approx twice a week from many
excellent sources. It is an announcement list only as
unfortunately I do not have time to moderate posts.
Sadly time restrictions prevent this.
Thank you for your participation.
All are very welcome to join.
Please view the following videos showing current 21st C horrific
conditions, torture and exploitation that billions of non human
animals worldwide endure. Most exploitation occurs
with the knowledge of governments everywhere.
"In order to rally people, governments need enemies. They want us to be afraid, to hate, so we will rally behind them. And if they do not have a real enemy, they will invent one in order to mobilize us ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
"Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is: 'Because the animals are like us.' Ask the experimenters why it is morally OK to experiment on animals, and the answer is: 'Because the animals are not like us.' Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction." -Professor Charles R. Magel.........."Those who won't hesitate to vivisect, won't hesitate to lie about it as well." GB Shaw ......................"I would not want to promote research on animals. Fortunately, only my back is twisted, not my mind." Linn Pulis (Polio victim......................."The reason why I am against animal research is because it doesn't work. It has no scientific value. One cannot extrapolate the results of animal research to human beings, and every good scientist knows that." Robert Mendelsohn, M.D., (Late Professor of Pediatrics at the U. of Illinois, College of Medicine) ......................"It is difficult to entertain a warm feeling for a 'medical man' who straps dogs to a table, cuts their vocal cords, and spends an interesting day or week slowly vivisecting or dismembering them." Clare Booth Luce (American writer of "The Women" and former ambassador to Italy; 1902-1987) ................"My own conviction is that the study of human physiology by way of experiments on animals is the most grotesque and fantastic error ever committed in the whole range of human intellectual activity." Dr. GF Walker in "Medical World" Dec 8, 1933) ....................."Atrocities are no less atrocities when they occur in laboratories and are called 'medical research'." George Bernard Shaw .............."The question was, can we give up animal experiments without halting medical progress? My answer is not only can one [give up vivisection] but that one must give up animal experiments not to halt medical progress. Today's rebellion against vivisection is no longer based on animal welfare. We have to speak of a scientific rebellion.out of consideration for human beings." Pietro Croce, MD (College of American Pathologists) ..........."There will come a time when the world will look back to modern vivisection in the name of Science, as they do now to burning people at the stake in the name of religion." Henry J. Bigelow, MD .............."I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race. The pain which it inflicts upon unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further." Mark Twain (1835-1910) .............."What I think about vivisection is that if people admit that they have the right to take or endanger the life of living beings for the benefit of many, there will be no limit for their cruelty." Leo Tolstoy............."I abhor vivisection. It should at least be curbed. Better, it should be abolished. The whole thing is evil. Charles Mayo, MD (Founder of Mayo Clinic; 1865-1939) .............."It seems to me of great importance to teach children respect for life. Towards this end, experiments on living animals in classrooms should be stopped. To encourage cruelty in the name of science can only destroy the finer emotions of affection and sympathy, and breed an unfeeling callousness in the young towards suffering in all living creatures." Eleanor Roosevelt (Writer, diplomat, First Lady; 1884-1962).............Perhaps peace is not, after all, something you work for, or "fight for". It is indeed "fighting for peace" that starts all the wars. What, after all, are the pretexts of all these Cold War crises but "fighting for peace"? Peace is something you have or do not have. If you are yourself at peace, then there is at least some peace in the world. Then share your peace with everyone and everyone will be at peace. - Thomas Merton
Below are links of other organizations that work for causes we support. (Inclusion below does not indicate that we support every aspect of the organization's activities
..TR Links to Other Organisations
Responsible Policies for Animals
Thanks to RPA for kind permission to use
their quote "They're sentient beings not food choices"
Massachusetts Animal Rights Coalition
In Defense of Animals
Physicians Commitee for
Responsible Medicine
Animal Legal Defense Fund
Farm Sanctuary
Primate Freedom Project
The Greyhound Protection League
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
United Poultry Concern
Animals Australia
Animals Asia
Animals voice
Animal Liberation Victoria
Animal Welfare League Qld
The Elephant Sanctuary
Go Veg.com
Vegan.org ..TABLE ..TABLE
Disclaimer - Please note we does not
necessarily endorse content of articles or content of links on our site. We are an animal rights group. Articles are for information purposes only. To read full disclaimer go to main index.
Mailing List for international animal rights news, articles, petitions,
alerts from many sources Annoucement list only.
.. To view QGAR Newsletter ArchivesThis week's sweet cats & dogs for rehoming from Animal Welfare League Qld Australia ..About QGAR
About our other AR group - Liberation for Our Brother & Sister Animals [LobsA]
Chickens- Battery Hen, broiler
and other issues
Factory Farming.com Watch PETA Video: debeaking,
broiler chickens, farming etc The Hidden Lives of Pigs and 10 Reasons not to eat Pigs Greyhounds - "surplus" greyhounds
- Racing Industry Greyhound stats Australia by Dede River Dairy Cow- the facts, veal industry and
other issuesBred to Death - The Truth about the Racing IndustryFish - intelligence, pain, factory farming
& other issuesStudy - Goldfish can feel painLive Sheep Export & MulesingElephants do not belong in ZoosDog & Cat Eating in Korea & China Lobsters have a full array of sensesHorse SlaughterLife Sentence No Parole - The Cruelty of Chained DogsCockroaches Live in a Democracy
The Hidden Lives of ChickensThe Hidden Lives of CowsThe Hidden Lives of Rats & MiceThe Hidden
Lives of Fish
- How you can
help - The Many Ways
(USA) Write
letters (via Public Citizen site) to comprehensive list of editors in all states
Contact Queensland (Au)
Testing - Frequently Asked
Animal Experimentation in
BUAV Comment
on Leicester City Council Animal Testing
Article - Cosmetics -
Safe and Cruelty Free? (Au)
Speak Out Against Animal Testing
Public Comments on the Use of Animal
AAVS Launches Compassionate Shopping AnimationUrge Medical Schools to
Drop Live Dog LabsBUAV's FAQ on Animal
ExperimentationPhysicians Committee for Responsible Medicine - FAQ Animal Experimentation issuesAustralian Statistics of animals used in research & Teaching annuallyEuropeans for Medical ProgressPrimate "Research"The Absurdity of
Laboratory Animals - AWI
- More Animal Rights & Vegan/Vegetarian Links10,000
links + to Animal Defense Groups and moreHow you can help through many Animal Rights Links
- WildLifePimps.com10 Non Lethal Ways To Combat Wildlife & Bugs Without Using
- Image Gallery Animals Voice - Animal Rights
Pictures - 5,000 +Franzi & Rupert Rescued by Animals AsiaA Cruel Trade - Interview on "60 Minutes" about the barbaric Au Live Animal ExportWatch Animal Liberation Exhibition PETAUnethical The Military's War on Animals -
100s of 1000s of animals die agonizing deaths through poisoning etc in military experiments .
Video - "I know why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya
Video - Jane Goodall speaks on Primate ResearchSlaughterhouse cam - videos of animal slaughter
Watch these free .. videos now :
Live sheep export
The Meatrix
The Meatrix 2
The Grief Behind Foie Gras
The Lord of the Lambs
See "Meat Your Meat" video
Download factory farm videos
from Farm Sanctuary
90-second web film on horse fatalities
TryVeg.com Video Room.. ..TABLE
View PETA version "You Think You Can Be A Meat Eating Environmentalist? Think Again"
View Australian version "You Think You Can Be A Meat Eating Environmentalist? Think Again"
Excellent vegan outreach starter pack pdf file .. FONT