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CTP Energy

The day Science begins to study non-physical phenomena...

About Me

CTP Energy Basic Background Video

Basic Background on CTP Energy
Watch this exciting video Produced and Narrated
by our President Drazen E. Premate on the basics of CTP Energy

Global Talk Radio Interview

Drazen Premate interviewed on Global Talk Radio - requires Windows Media Player


Our Mission

What is Our Mission ? A simple one: To explain scientifically via what we call CTP Energy and C-Domain , the yet unexplained in spirituality, nature, weather, space, science and other areas of life.

Our approach with CTP Energy Corporation (CTPEC) and our CTP Club (CTPC) is very similar to the one taken by Nikola Tesla about 100 years ago relative to his discoveries and inventions dealing with rotating magnetic fields, alternate current and wireless transfer of energy and information.

Tesla was often called a Man out of Time because his discoveries were decades and in some cases more than a half a century ahead of the then known science and engineering. Tesla took his science and inventions to the people and millions and millions of them are using his inventions daily. We will do the same with our CTP Energy discoveries; we will share them and make them available to millions!

Creativity, genius and intuition in the World will now have another major friend in CTP science; a complete understanding of how our State of Mind really works thanks to our Mission to understand the C-Domain and C-energy or Conscious Energy, scientifically.

We are even dedicating a trilogy of C-Domain Movies to this topic. If you recently saw an excellent documentary style movie titled What the Bleep Do We Know? that tries to tie our spirituality with quantum physics, then you know the movie came close but was not quite able to identify who the Observer is? We know who the Observer is – it is C-energy, C-energy Units and your C-Body!

Have you ever wondered what your spiritual or C-Body body is made of?

If it exists, which it does in the spiritual domain or C-Domain , then it must be made of something. Just as your physical or P-body is made of atoms and molecules, your C-Body is made of C-energy Units or units of Conscious Energy .

Our Mission is to, for the first time, scientifically explain all of the details of our C-Body.

Have you ever wondered what made the atoms of the physical world?
Or why is there so much empty space
on the atomic and galactic level that could not be explained?
Or why is there a lack of mass in the observable Universe?

CTP Energy Cycle™ , as discovered by the President of CTP Energy Corporation and CTP Club, constantly creates new atoms in physical realities.

Our Mission is to explain this process in great detail.

Have you ever wondered what creates the gravity field?

Scientists say it is due to the mass of large objects like our planet Earth. But it is really due to the attraction of different groups of C-energy in C-domain that create physical objects. We can control gravity in the physical world if we know how to control and manipulate attraction between C-energy groups in C-Domain.

Our Mission is to show that gravity field can be controlled one day thus revolutionizing space and other kinds of travel.

Have you ever wondered if our physical universe we see is the only one?

Well there are many, many more, millions of them, each defined by a range of C-energy frequencies . Where you are in C-Domain does not depend on distance and time. Where you are depends on the range of C-energy frequencies you find yourself in.

Our Mission is to learn more about many realities C-energy creates and how to reach them one day.

Have you ever wondered if you could communicate with your loved ones who have passed away?

Communication via C-Domain is instant and each group of C-energy Units in C-Domain including C-Bodies have a unique C-energy frequency. This fact and knowing the C-energy frequency range of your destination reality will allow you to communicate with anyone in C-domain, one day.

Our Mission is to develop what we call a C-Domain Communicator™ that will connect communication with our physical world with non physical C-domain.

Have you ever wondered about ESP, premonition, moving or bending objects with one’s mind, UFOs, interstellar and intergalactic travel, Déjà vu and many other spiritual and psychic phenomena that no science can explain?

If so, we will show you how the CTP Energy Cycle™ and the understanding of the C-Domain can explain everything including such phenomena, the known and the unknown in our physical universe and science.

How many of you would like to get beamed up by Scotty?

Well you do get beamed up to C-Domain every night on your own. Each one of us leaves our physical body and travels in the C-domain via your C-Body when we sleep. There is no need to take the molecules of your physical body apart and try to put them together again at some other place.

Our Mission is to teach you about C-Body travel and how to improve your memories of the same in your physical life!!

C-energy is the Ultimate Energy. It exists and defines everything in physical and non-physical domains. It unifies all of us with ALL meaning for everyone and everything that surrounds us. Everything is connected via C-energy.

It is the Ultimate Energy Behind Everything!™

CTP Energy

If we are spiritual beings, which we are, then just as our physical body is made of atoms and molecules, our spiritual or C-body must be made of something, and it is. It is made of Units of Conscious energy or C-energy Units, billions of them.

C-energy also exists behind all other atoms, forces and energies of our physical world. The thoughts of different groups of C-energy get translated into the vibrations of our physical world via Translational or T-energy and T-energy Units.

C-energy creates millions of realities, some physical some not, each defined by a range of C-energy frequencies adn not visible from another range. Each physical C-energy reality is coded into the particular physical world by its own set of unique T-energy Units.

This constant conversion of C-energy into atoms, forces or energies of a physical world via T-energy represents what we call the CTP Energy Cycle™ .

CTP Energy can explain all of yet scientifically unexplained phenomena such as ESP, clairvoyance, spiritual healing, yoga, crystal power, out of body experiences, UFOs, planet Earth reactions, animal behavior and many others. CTP Energy is a scientific way of understanding one's spirituality that is completely in step with the modern World of today!

CTP Systems

CTP Energy Corporation (CTPEC) is involved in research, design and manufacturing of several different CTP Energy related systems that once built and functioning will have the most amazing applications relative to the state of the art of technologies and energy used today.

These CTP Energy Systems will create a quantum jump in science, technology, use of new energy and will benefit all of mankind. Development of CTP Energy Systems will also require understanding of the whole new CTP Energy sciences and that in itself will have major implications on scientific world as we know it today. ( More... )

Based on very precise and scientific understanding of CTP Energy, CTP Energy Corporation plans to develop a variety of systems that will amplify C-energy (thought) to do many things.

Some individuals in the world already have specialized kinds of C-energy Units in their C-body that allows them to do unique things with their mind such as move objects, bend objects (Uri Geller - forks), communicate with the deceased (John Edward), heal the 'sick' and other such phenomena.

The majority of CTP Energy Systems will do the same by artifically amplifying the power of the C-energy (thought) so anyone will be able to use their mind for such applications.

Some of the CTP Energy Systems to be developed by CTP Energy Corporation are:

C-Domain Communicator™ - a communication device that will allow for a person to communicate with anyone anywhere in C-Domain.

P-Body C-Energy Healer™ - a device that will amplify healing thoughts to achieve healing of sick physical body cells via amplified C-Energy.

C-energy Earth Disturbance Detector™ - animals feel Earth disturbances via their C-body instantly, so can this CTP Energy System.

CTP Water Crystals Booth™ - now anyone will be able to create different water crystals with their mind and take a picture of them home.

CTP Gravity Control System™ - gravity is nothing more than attraction between large and small groups of C-Energy Units.

C-Body Separator™ - we leave our physical body in our C-Body every night. This CTP Energy System will let you do this at will every time with full memory recall of your C-Domain experiences.


The domain where C-energy and C-energy Units exist is called C-Domain. The domain where atoms exist is called P-Domain.

In C-Domain, there is no time, space or distance and your thought is your instant action. There is no limitation of speed of light. You find yourself instantly at your destination.

In C-Domain, C-Energy creates millions of differenent realities - some physical and some non-physical and each defined with a range of C-energy frequencies not visible from another range.

Where you find yourself in C-Domain has nothing to do with the physical distance or travel, but it depends only on the range of C-energy Frequencies you find yourself in and the Group C-energy Frequency (GCF) of your destination target.

Each Group of C-energy Units that for example in the physical world is a rock, plant, animal, human being, planet or a star has a unique and distinct GCF. No two objects or entities (C-bodies in C-Domain) have the same GCF thus any can be found instantaneously if the GCF is known.

It is the C-Domain where your spiritual or C-body goes to every single night. It needs to do that for its regeneration just as your physical body needs food and water. It is the Domain where your spiritual body has come from in the first place.

C-Domain is Home for your Higher Mind or C-Mind (all of your memories are stored in the C-energy Units of your C-Body) which is much greater than just your Ego Mind that is a byproduct of memories and experiences of your physical life only.

Our memories of experiences from C-Domain are very poor because Ego mind translates them in terms of symbols of physical life.

CTP Health

CTP Health Advice - CTPEC is offering a variety of Health and State of Mind advice.

Your State of Health also depends on Your State of Mind. On a daily basis, most of us are not in a healty State of Mind. We will teach you how to have the right State of Mind and Thought (C-energy) generation to feel optimal at anytime.

Positive thinking is of the essence to feel good. We will give you strait forward advice on how to improve your Health, your thinking process and Mind and your focus to create and execute the best conditions for events your are faced with each day. Want to live to be 100 years old? CTP Health can direct you to the best foods and supplements for your well being based on our understanding of wellness from C-domain.

CTP Supplements - CTPEC is offering the best vitamin/mineral and 'target' supplements available today and will explain why they are 'the' best.

Each supplement has a different Group C-energy Frequency (GCF) and will effect each one of us in different ways. We have 'one of a kind' understanding of how different supplements made from natural sources can positively effect your through their bio-availability for your cells, organs, body and thus wellness.

We are also in the process of formulating CTP proprietary supplements for the ultimate C-energy enhancement for your total well being!


Born in 1956 in Croatia exactly 100 years after the birth of famous countryman Nikola Tesla and living in the U.S. since 1974. Drazen has been studying C-energy and C-Domain for over 20 years since March 1985 and has had over 22,000 visits to C-Domain with a full memory recall.

Drazen is the Discoverer of all key terms and aspects of the new CTP Energy Science and its practical applications. Drazen holds a BS degree in Physics from UCF (Orlando, FL) and a Masters in Space Technology from FIT (Melbourne, FL). Drazen has been an Entrepreneur since 1982.

"Creativity, intelligence and mind capacity are innate qualities of a human being and spirit - you are born with them and you should be judged by them." - Drazen E. Premate, President, CTP Energy Corporation

Join CTP Club Today!

CTP Energy Corporation (CTPEC) is offering membership in its CTP Club for just $9.95 per month for individuals interested in receiving much more detailed information on CTP Energy Science, CTP Health and C-Domain topics and who also wish to communicate with others of similar interest on these subjects.The CTP Club Members Site also offers to each member a free email, chat rooms, message boards, phone room, personal ads, astrological readings, CTP Health advice & supplements, CTP Merchandise (discounted for members) and many other topics, as well as hundreds of links to other sites and sources of information as related to CTP Energy Science and theme.CTPEC has also set up many Regional CTP Club Sites and operations in Europe, individual States in the United States and other parts of the World to cover a variety of regional communities and interests in CTP Energy topics. Such Regional CTP Club Web Sites also offer information on their local CTP Club activities.Join CTP Club Today!!!
For more info call 1-866-850-CTPC

Copyright (c) 2005 CTP Energy Corporation

CTP Science News

C-energy and DNA Experiments Instant - faster than light communication proven possible via C-energy.

Amplification of C-energy Proven Amplification of C-energy proven possible in the lab.

C-energy Memory Capacity Testing C-energy Units behind dead matter have a memory capacity that can be measured.

C-energy Physical Action Trigger Level Thought amplified at certain level has a capacity to move objects via T-energy.

Plant Leaf Reacts the Same Way Plant leaf reacts to physical and thought (C-energy) stimuli in the same manner.

Non-physical Conscious or C-energy never affects any Physical Reality we see directly. It always needs a C-body in a Physical Body or T-energy to create physical changes in our Physical World.

CTP Web Site News

Dynamic Site Near Completion Dynamic and Merged CTP Energy & Club site is near its completion.

CTP Systems News

CEMAS System It is how we will make first Contact
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No Crime Society
Finding Missing Persons
Communicating With Anyone in C-Domain

CTP Gravity Control Systemâ„¢

CTP Gravity Control System TM
It is T-energy that codes, creates, and controls Gravity.
Read More Info
CTP Gravity Field Modulation Craftâ„¢

P-Body C-energy Healerâ„¢

P-Body C-energy Healer TM
C-energy Units behind P-body cells can heal such via T-energy
Read More Info
CTP Healing Applied to Current Techniques

You have a physical or P-body and an associated Ego Mind. You also have a non-physical or C-body and an associated Higher Mind. Memories and capacities of both Minds reside in respective and separate C-energy Units of your C-body only.

Great Minds in History


100th Anniversary of Einstein’s Discoveries In 1905 Albert Einstein changed our world with some of his greatest discoveries.


100th Anniversary of Tesla Wireless Tower In 1905 Nikola Tesla completed a Wireless Tower that was going to change the World!


20th Anniversary of Premate’s Discovery of C-Energy Drazen Premate has been studying C-energy and C-domain since March 25, 1985.
bio | resume | Drazen's Quotes

We live in a Modern World and daily use and believe in the Internet, computers, TV, radio, cell phones, cars, and other Innovations that are in sync with each other and our Modern World, yet we still use thousands of years old explanations of our spirituality that have nothing to do with our Modern World.

"What you will soon learn about in a greater detail via this MySpace profile and our CTP Energy Corporation (CTPEC) & CTP Club (CTPC) Web sites are not a new religion, or a new occult, or a new spiritualism. It really is the science of something we are all part of all the time and we have been there many times – the C-domain.So many of us assume it is sufficient to believe in “the other world” and not have to understand it on a scientific basis. Many more do not believe that there is a scientific basis for the spiritual or C-domain world at all.I have no doubt from my own personal experience that it is through daily practice, study, repetition of experiments and application of the C-energy domain laws that we can become even greater and more active spiritual beings. This process can only enhance who we are in the physical world without really ever threatening who we were." ( Learn More... )

Drazen E. Premate
President, CEO & Founder
CTP Energy Corporation

Each Event is created out of its own sequence of conditions related to such an Event only. Its creation does not depend on time, the person creating it or anyone's opinion about the Event. When a proper sequence of conditions is created such an Event will happen in our Physical World.

My Interests

CTP Energy Science
CTP Energy Science
C-energy Unit
T-energy Unit
P-energy Unit
C-Energy Frequencies
Group C-energy Frequency (GCF)
CTP Energy Cycle
Single Layer CE Entity
Double Layer CE Entity
How We Explain It
CTP Energy Science Work
Simple CTP Experiments
CTP Energy Systems
CTP Energy Systems
CTP Energy Systems
CTP Water Crystals Booth
C-energy Earth Disturbance Detector
P-Body C-Energy Healer
C-Domain Communicator
P-Domain Objects Mover
C-Body Separator
CTP Gravity Control System
C-Energy Frequency Modulator

C-Domain Topics
C-Domain Topics
Aspectual Existences
Birth of a Human Being
C-Domain & Animals
C-Domain & Astrology
C-Domain & Plants
C-Domain Travel
Creation of Events
Crop Circles
Crystals & C-Energy
Ego Mind
ESP & Telepathy
Evolution & Species
Extreme Weather
Group Ego-Super Ego
Higher Mind
Higher Self
Instant Communication
Merging in C-Domain
Moving & Bending Objects
Near Death Experiences
No Time-No Space
Out of Body Experiences
Physical Death
Physical Domain V-Point
Physical Life
Physical Universe Expansion
Planet Earth Reactions
Pyramids & C-energy
Spiritual Healing
Rapid Eye Movement
Spiritual Healing
Unified Field Theory
Water Crystals
Yoga & Meditation

CTP Media & News
CTP Media & News
President's Word
President's Quotes
Press Room
C-Domain Movie
CTP Radio Show
PTC Television
CTP Celebrities

CTP Appearances
CTP Appearances
Radio Shows
TV Shows
Print Media

CTP Internet Courses
CTP Internet Courses-Soon available on CD
CTP Internet Courses Summary
Terms, Policies & Procedures
CTP Courses Login
CTP Courses Instructors

After June 2006, CTP Courses will be offered only on an audio CD. Our President Drazen Premate will be focused on preparing larger CTP Presentations and CTP Energy Shows and will not have time for these CTP Courses. All 8 CTP Energy Courses will be offered on audio CD format.

Topics from each of the CTP Courses will remain on our CTP Club Forums for any additional questions or topics discussions. Look for availability of CTP Courses CD or pre-orders of such in the near future.

C:1 The Basics of CTP Energy Science

Learn the basics of CTP Energy Science and be ahead of everyone else with this new revolutionary knowledge. It is different, complex, yet simple within its own CTP terminology and understandings. Regular science or religions can never explain the world around us and beyond as CTP Energy Science does and always in sync with the modern world.

This course teaches you in detail about C-energy, T-energy and P-energy and how they relate to each other, and how you, your spiritual and physical body fit in this new science. It also teaches you how everything else has C-energy behind it and how CTP Energy Cycle creates the world around you. Learn about our Planet Earth and its C-energy Units, about different physical and non-physical realities C-energy creates, about UFOs and other paranormal phenomena, CTP Energy Systems that will be built and used one day.

This course is taught in simplest terms and explanations possible for easy understanding and comprehension by anyone. Upon completion of this course your life will change for ever because your Ego Mind will now be familiar with what your Higher Mind already knows. ( Learn More... )

C2: The New Science of Our Spiritual Existence

Over centuries we have believed in and used our spiritual body and prayers to better our lives and to live spiritual life as well. However until now we really did not understand the exact science of it.

Most of those who practice using spiritual energy benefit from it but still do not know exactly how it works. This course explains in great detail the exact science per CTP Energy Science of our Spiritual Existence, how our spiritual or C-body operates, how it leaves physical body, what it does in spiritual or C-domain, how we can improve our memories from such visits to C-domain, how we can apply knowledge gained via our Spiritual body to our Physical life and much more. ( Learn More... )

C3: The New Science of Events and Conditions

Most of us make decisions in our daily lives without knowing that there is an actual science and sequence behind it as governed by CTP Energy Science. Most of us introduce constantly our opinions to the creation of events. However, believe it or not for an event to take place it has its own sequence of conditions which are irrelevant of our or anyone elses opinions.

We lose many opportunities or do not create many events and conditions because we do not understand enough about how such are created. Learn about precise science of creation of events in every NOW in your life. Learn how you are not a victim of such events but creator of them. Learn how to avoid bad events or accidents and sense approaching conditions for such. Learn how to create positive events and conditions in your life all the time. ( Learn More... )

C4: The New Science of Our Thought and Thinking

Thought has never before been looked at scientifically. What is it made of? How does it get created? What does it do? Where does it go? What is the medium for thought transfer? Why is it instantaneous faster than speed of light? How it finds its destination? How does the target entity know it got a thought? What do we do with such received thoughts?

How do we keep Positive Thinking going in the ocean of negative and violent thoughts around us? How does our thought become our physical reality? How does Group C-Energy Frequency (GCF) get imbedded in a thought and how it finds its target because of it? Everything you always wondered about your thought and until now did not have precise answers to these questions. A must CTP Course to fully understand the make up and power of your thought!! ( Learn More... )

C5: The New Science of Our Dreams

We have a physical or P-body and spiritual or C-body. When we sleep and dream, our C-body enters its natural domain or C-domain every time. Learn CTP Energy Science details about your sleep and dreams you have never known before. Learn about REM (Rapid Eye Movement) part of your sleep when your C-body is always out of your physical body, what it means. Learn how to remember more of your direct experiences in C-domain without Ego Mind translations of such in terms of symbols of physical life up return.

Learn how in our dreams we constantly review conditions of events yet to happen in our lives, understand Dj vu experiences, recognize in your dreams when you are out of your physical body, learn how to tune into any concept and see its conditions and possible realities and how to bring them into your physical domain. After this course, you will be excited to go to sleep and dream each time you will pick up more knowledge and more awareness what is truly going on. We will even teach you how to meet someone you know at a particular location as defined by that locations GCF Group C-energy Frequency - in C-domain and to actually have the Ego Mind memory of the same!! ( Learn More... )

C6: The New Science of Species and Civilizations

The most amazing CTP Energy science explanation of how and why different species and civilizations come into physical existence on our planet Earth. Learn how all species come from different groups of C-energy units comprising similar entities who wish to exist as physical species on our planet. Learn how there is no evolution or creationism of species of any kind, how each group of C-energy Units creates its, his or her own reality including group physical reality of a species. Learn why species appear and then disappear from physical or P-domain and never to appear again in the same way.

Also learn about civilizations, how they appear, last in particular physical time frame and then disappear and why. Learn how we choose when to appear and under what civilization and why. Learn how Aspects of your Higher Self including yourself appear in different time periods on planet Earth and why. Learn about great groups of consciousness of nations like Rome and others and where they are now in C-domain. Learn about Species and Civilizations, millions of them, in other realities created by C-energy and how one day we will communicate with them. ( Learn More... )

C7: The New Science of Paranormal

The very word Paranormal suggests there is no current science explanation for these phenomena many have observed or have capacity for. CTP Energy Science can explain all of them. Take this course and learn first about the Domains of Our Existence, about our Ego and Higher Mind and Thoughts, Creation via C-energy Units before plunging into detailed and amazing CTP Energy Science explanations about ESP, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Out of Body Experiences, Premonitions, Near Death Experiences, Ghosts, Gods, Astrology, UFOs, Pyramids, Spiritual Healings, Telekinesis, Yoga & Meditation, and other fascinating topics considered Paranormal Phenomena today.

Each one has its own CTP Energy Science explanation and thus you will understand them scientifically after taking this CTP Course and thus each will become normal to you. ( Learn More... )

C8: The New Science of Higher Self and Aspects

Your spiritual or C-body has come from a larger conglomeration of C-energy Units in C-domain that decided to split up into a number of (usually 5-15) individual entities each destined to experience physical life in a different time period in a physical world such as our planet Earth. These Aspects are individual entities of the original larger group of C-energy Units making up the Higher Self of such Aspects. Each Aspect experiences physical or P-domain uniquely there is no returning (reincarnation) of the same Aspect into the physical domain.

All Aspects have bleed-through communications via C-domain with each other and thus access to bleed-through memories coming from each other. Upon completion of the physical life by the last Aspect, all Aspects and their respective memories stored in their C-bodies re-integrate again in the C-domain into the former Higher Self, but now enriched with memories of physical lives of all individual entities-Aspects. Take this course and learn a lot more about the fascinating science of your Higher Self and your Aspects. ( Learn More... )

CTP Health and Advice
CTP Health and Advice
State of your health
The State of your Mind
State of Your Body
How to live to be 100
Healthy Life Choices
Healthy Foods Healthy Exercises
CTP Health Advice

CTP Supplements
CTP Supplements
CTP Supplements
Other Supplements

CTP Merchandise
CTP Merchandise
CTP T-Shirts & Sweatshirts
CTP Caps & Jackets
CTP Jackets
CTP Books
CTP CDs (Music)
CTP Posters

Other Merchanise
Other Merchandise
CTP T-Shirts & Sweatshirts
CTP Caps & Jackets
CDs (Music)
CTP Posters

Your Comments
Your Comments
Your Articles
Your Questions
Your E-mails
Your Letters
Your Opinions
Your Suggestions
Your CTP Science
Your C-Domain Experiences
Your Blogs

Member Services
Member Services
Club News
Club Events
Conference Calls
Chat Rooms
Phone Rooms
Message Boards
Classified Ads
Personals Ads
Astrology Readings
Member Specials
Member Benefits

Points of Interest
Points of Interest

About Our CTP Logo Learn what each part of our logo means?

10 Rules of CTP Energy Science Learn about 10 rules that define the CTP Energy Science.

How We Explain It? Read how we explain various unexplained Mind or C-body phenomena.

Your C-Domain Experiences Learn about the experiences others have had in C-Domain. Write us!!

A Thought, which is made of non-physical C-energy, can only be created, sent, detected, a stored by a non-physical C-body and its respective C-energy Units. A thought is never created or stored via a physical cell of any kind, including brain.

C-energy Realities Registration
C-energy Realities Registration

C-energy Realities Registration in Your Name

C-energy creates many (millions) of realities, physical and non-physical, each defined by a range of C-energy Frequencies. When it creates a physical reality within that range of C-energy frequencies there always exist particular kind of T-energy Units (a form of C-energy) that code the thoughts of various groups of C-energy Units into the proper vibrations to make them feel and look physical in such a particular physical world. When C-energy creates a totally non-physical reality there are no such T-energy Units present.

One C-energy Reality is not visible from another. When you are awake and watching the world around you, you see only our physical reality. However from a slightly different C-energy frequency point of view your reality changes and where you are has nothing to do with our physical world any more. Our C-body can transgress and can exist and visit any Reality created by C-energy. Our physical or P-body can only exist in our physical reality or the very narrow range of C-energy Frequencies defining our Physical World. ( Learn More... )

Did You Know This?
Did You Know This?

Planet Earth Reactions

Did you know that C-energy Units of Earth and Water create most of Planet Earth Reactions? Why are they getting extreme?

C-energy & Animals

Animals pick up Earth Reactions via their C-bodies instantly and also can find their birth locations. Does your dog pick up your thoughts?

Our Physical World

Range of C-energy frequencies defining our Physical World is extremely narrow. How do we know this?

C-energy creates millions upon millions of physical and non-physical Realities each defined by a narrow range of C-energy frequencies not visible from another Reality.

Every new Now in your life is created from its own sequence of conditions created by you and no one else. What happened 2 years, 2 months, 2 days, 2 minutes ago has nothing to do with a new Now you are experiencing now.

Each group of C-energy Units creates its, his, or her reality. No one else creates it. No one else affects it.

Many people think that their Opinion is or should be someone else's Reality, but the same never depends on some else's Opinion.

I'd like to meet:

CTP Energy Now on MySpace!

CTP Energy now on MySpace! This profile has been created to serve as a reference to our web portal CTP Energy member site . There you will find exclusive content not included on our MySpace profile.

We ask you please visit our member site if you are interested in finding out more about CTP Energy or would be interested in pursuing career opportunities with CTP Energy Corp. Please send inquiries to this profile and-or to [email protected] for more information. For CTP Energy/MySpace related topics please contact us @ [email protected]

Interested in Helping Promote The Ultimate Science?

Please copy the source code below and paste into your profile,
or include us in your Top 8!

Seeking Individuals with Thought (C-energy) Capacity!

CTP Energy Corp. is seeking individuals that have an unusual capacity with their Mind, Thought and C-energy. There are individuals who can amplify their thoughts (C-energy) as directed towards an object, person or C-domain entity and cause the object to move or be bent, or be able to communicate with a person in the physical or in C-domain via their Mind.

If you have such an unusual C-energy-thought capacity, we would like to hear from you and possibly include you in our research of C-energy Thought Amplification with your full trip and stay in Orlando, FL covered by us. If interested please fill out our Special form .

Join CTP Club Today!

Imagine if 100 years ago the Internet existed and Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla had a Members Club Web site where as a member you could learn in great detail and share in real time their greatest new scientific discoveries and practical inventions.

As a CTP Club Member, you will be able to track the growth of this exciting new CTP Energy Science in real time and you will receive much more detailed information about it and C-domain topics.

You will also have access to the members only chat and phone rooms, message boards, conference calls, forums, blogs, an email at [email protected], discounts on CTP and other merchandise , tickets for CTP Energy events and presentations (where available) and CTP Courses , plus many other benefits.

Our CTP Spiritual Partners Database & Directory Join Now for Free!!

CTP Energy Corporation ("CTPEC") and CTP Club (CTPC) are creating an on-line, database driven CTP Spiritual Partners Directory listing individuals, practitioners and businesses who use Spiritual or C-energy to improve lives of many people and offer other natural and healing products and services. C-energy or Mind used properly can greatly benefit everyones spiritual and physical existence.

If you offer services and products in this area get listed for free in our Database and Directory and reach thousands possible consumers. Learn more and fill our CTP Spiritual Partners form . ( Learn More... )

CTP Internet Courses Summary

Ultimate Knowledge About Everything

CTP Energy Corporation (CTPEC) Has put together a series of exciting Internet courses that blend many current topics of interest with a new knowledge and science coming from the CTP Energy Science.

Conscious or C-energy exists behind everything thus it influences everything thus can be introduced into new teachings of just about everything. We have chosen few selected topics for initial CTP Courses where the effects of CTP Energy Science are the most obvious and expected.

We are currently lining up a number of teachers and instructors and designing a dedicated section for CTP Courses on our Web site which can be found on the left black CTP Courses dropown menu. Slogan for our CTP Courses is Ultimate Knowledge About Everything. ( More... )

Become a CTP Regional Director

Become our Regional CTP Director today! CTPEC plans to have 1-5 Regional Directors per U.S. State or per Country who will be exclusively in charge of regional promotion of CTP Energy and CTP Club and organization of regional CTP Club events.

You will also have your own Regional CTP Club Web site fully designed by us with your Regional CTP Club logo and name and you will have the power of posting Regional CTP Club activities information yourself. To become one of our Regional CTP Directors fill out the CTP Director Application Form .


CTP Energy Corporation (CTPEC) will be seeking qualified individuals and offering a variety of full and part time positions in the near future. CTPEC will need management and employees in the areas of Upper Management, Marketing, Office Administration, Web Design, Media & PR, CTP Club operations and others.

If you are interested in working for CTP Energy Corporation full time, part time or regionally, please fill out our Contact form and give us some more information on you personally, your background and your specific interest(s). We are looking forward to hearing from you!


CTP Energy Corporation (CTPEC) will begin to add Advisors to its operations, marketing and CTP Energy research.

We believe in the balance of input and opinions, so we are looking for individuals from a variety of backgrounds and professions including scientists, engineers, doctors, UFO experts, spiritualists, religious leaders, movie producers, science fiction writers, song writers and artists, celebrities, movie actors and others.

If you are interested in being one of our Advisors and want to be considered and reviewed by us for such positions with either CTP Energy Corporation or CTP Club, please fill out our Contact form and in the Inquiry area, please list your interest.


CTP Energy Corporation (CTPEC) will begin to add Consultants to its operations and marketing. We will be looking for Consultants in the following areas: The raising of capital, CTP research, marketing of CTP Club Memberships, marketing of CTP Energy Corp. lectures and presentations, marketing of CTP merchandise, and other CTP business activities.

If you are interested in being one of our Consultants for either CTP Energy Corporation or CTP Club, please fill out our Contact form and in the Inquiry area, please list your interest.

Corporate Relations

A complete Business Plan of CTP Energy Corporation ("CTPEC" or "Company") is available for viewing on the Companys Private Site of the Investor Relations tab on the Home page. You must have a password to access this site. To receive this password, please email us your request at [email protected] or call us at (407) 282-8293.

Passwords are issued to the following entities: Current CTPEC investors & shareholders, CTPEC BOD Members or Advisors, broker dealers, VCs, Investment Firms, Accredited investors and other individuals or firms at our discretion and who are previously known to us.

CTPEC reserves the right to deny access to the Private Site to any party for any reason at any time. Temporary CTPEC Passwords expire after a certain amount of time.

Copyright © 2004-2006 CTP Energy Corporation. All rights reserved.


CTP Music
CTP Music

CTP Music , a Division of CTP Energy Corporation in a cooperation with NEWEUROPE Music , a Division of NEWEUROPE Media & Entertainment (A Subsidiary of NEWEUROPE Corporation ) plans to release a series of CDs with beautiful and inspiring music covering a variety of positive themes such as our state of mind, dreams, spirituality, space, intelligence, creativity and other positive aspects of human nature as well as some of the CTP Energy Topics .

Seeking bands

If your recording project covers a variety of themes such as our state of mind, dreams, spirituality, space, intelligence, creativity, and other positive aspects of human nature as well as some of the CTP Energy Topics we would like to hear from you.


C-Domain Movie
C-Domain Movie

Seeking Actors

CTP Productions is still searching for actors for several main roles in the C-Domain Movie including for the Main Hero, Tesla, Einstein, Chief Scientist, Luc and Julius & Cesar in their early 30s.

If you are an inspiring-quality actor (you do not have to be well known) and you think you could fulfill one of the roles, please click here and fill out our Preliminary Actor Role Submission Form. Once CTPP has made the decision on which actors to use in the C-Domain Movie, their names and backgrounds will be given on the CTP Energy web site.


CTP in the Media
CTP In the Media

Here you will find Information about CTP Media, Television , Radio and Talkshow appearances, etc.

CTP Energy Corporation ("CTPEC") is in the initial stages of putting together a 24-hr TV Station; Positive Television Concepts (PTC); that will focus on the positive aspects of the human mind, creativity and the Arts.

For those of you who are tired of shallow, violent, vulgar, mindless TV programs and stations, PTC is the right TV programming for you. ( Learn More... )

Press Releases
Press Releases

Basic Background Text on CTP Energy -
in English & Other Languages

Article by our President Drazen E. Premate on
CTP Energy

Majon Intl. Press Release
The Birth of a New Science The CTP Energy Science

Majon Intl. Press Release
CTP Energy Explains Earths Destructive Reactions

Weekly Comments -
from our CTP Club Members or Regional Directors

CTP Interviews
Scheduling Interviews


The President and CEO of CTP Energy Corporation (CTPEC), Drazen E. Premate, has begun to give interviews to various radio stations, radio shows, newspapers, magazines and other Media on CTPEC, CTP Energy and C-Domain research. Please come to this page often to see scheduled and historic interviews given by Drazen.

If you are interested in having an interview with our President & CEO, Drazen E. Premate, please fill out our general Contact form and in the Inquiry section, please list your media affiliation and approximate date for such an interview, and we will get back to you.

WARNING!!! The most dangerous development in the World today is the spreading of state of mind of the few violent individuals or producers onto the rest of us via modern media and movies. Look at the local and world news, special TV shows, or movies - who are they covering or promoting as heroes most of the time? Less than 1% of individuals who commit murders, crimes and violence and the rest of 99% of us who are normal are constantly subjected to such distorted state of mind of so few.

This negative - violent trend in media promotion of thoughts of the very few violent individuals projected onto the many, including younger generations, is the most dangerous development relative to the state of mind of all of us living on our planet Earth today.


CTP Publishing

CTP Books

Pre-Order your copy of CTP Energy today!

CTP Energy Corporation (CTPEC) via its division CTP Publishing will also soon begin to publish books related to CTP Energy and C-Domain topics.

The first book titled CTP Energy is scheduled for release in late May 2006.

It will contain information similar to this site giving basics of CTP Energy Science, but with special or specific details and advice not given on any of our Web sites. ( More... )

Our Merchandise

CTP Energy Corporation (CTPEC) has put together the initial set of T-shirts and similar merchandise with CTP Energy related Logos and (slogans). Three available currently are: C-Energy logo (Ultimate Energy Behind Everything), CTP Club logo (I believe in CTP Energy. What About You?) and CTP Energy Cycle logo (It Creates Your World). Logos are printed on the front and their respective slogans and our web sites are printed on the back buy them now, promote CTP Energy! ( More... )

CTP Offers Great Shopping and Services Web Sites

CTP Energy Corporation (CTPEC) has put together a list of over 250 great Shopping & Services sites for our visitors and members. Just click on any of the product categories below or on the next page and a new middle page will open with links to and info on such products sites. On the CTP Club Members Only site we also give individual products or services listings as recommended by us and our President. ( More... )


Nikola Tesla
Albert Einstein