The organization was initially composed of a small number of comics fans and professionals from across the United States who had volunteered on an annual publication called Out in Comics, which was a listing of LGBT creators in comics that ran for three issues. These volunteers decided to form a nonprofit organization to provide services above and beyond an annual listing--feature articles and interviews, original art and content, expanded convention appearances and programming, and a full-featured website--and to pursue even more ambitious goals.
Besides publishing the annual resource guide, Prism Comics: Your LGBT Guide to Comics, Prism Comics hopes to accomplish several things. We hope to acquaint comics readers with a wide range of creators who present good stories that readers can really relate to and that reflect their own experiences. We hope that more readers will sample the work of LGBT creators when they're spending their money on comics and, as a result, demonstrate to more publishers that these books are truly worthwhile. We also hope to knit together a large LGBT comics community so that creators can feel more comfortable coming out of the comics closet and standing up as proud participants in an industry we all care about.