donato epiro profile picture

donato epiro

qui siamo indemoniati

About Me

My music is best understood by children and animals
Solo works:
vv.aa. - "Trees In The Attics (An Homage To Hundertwasser)" cd compilation
Akoustic Desease .
“...our 1ST release..a compilation dedicated to the visionary art&philosophy of's called "TREES IN THE ATTICS" and you can find in the fabolous sounds of Seht, (Etre), Valerio Cosi, Fabio Orsi, A Man&A Guitar, Stonebaby, VxPxC, Donato Epiro, The Mighty Acts Of God, Clan, Cold Solemn Rytes In The Sun, K-ConJog, Die Stadt Der Romantiche Punk, ThrouRoof, Mark Hamn, Alligator Crystal Moth.”
donato epiro - “After Dinner Black Out” 3"cdr
Akoustic Desease .
“the debut album of a young italian musician..a collision between electronic & music awesome audio portrait of a violent story.”
Here you can listen to the complete album!
you can also found some copies askin' to:
Eclipse Records
Tomentosa Records
Time-Lag Records
vv.aa. - "We can Only make a present made of past digital dust" free compilation
Akoustic Desease
downoload here
..a gift to all the weird peoples around the world..
a batch of songs from the first year of AkDe in rough&different mix version + some stuff from the upcoming releases + some unreleased stuff from (etre), Cold Solemn Rytes in the Sun, Fabio Orsi, Monks of the Bahlill, AmanAguitar, We Wait for the Snow, Brothers of the Occoult Sisterhood, throuRoof, Donato Epiro, Inhibitionist, Aldo Becca.
Winds of Dust 1 - "The End Springs & Donato Epiro" (WOD01)
Split cassette single on white tapes in clear handpainted poly case.
Edition of 60
( Dust Wind Tales )
Here it is....part 1 of the Winds of Dust cassette single series. Side A features The End Springs who bring the winds of the sky & the melodies of the forest to this release. Subtle tones & open tunings that interplay with sounds of the bali bamboo flute. He lays the soil in the garden for what is to become. Donato Epiro features on side B & takes the release to the next level. From his garden he tempts the slugs from their feed to come to see him intertwine guitar, balalaika & glockenspiel in a performance of beauty. Winds of dust sweep inbetween his sounds & lift the music (& slugs) to a new land.
forthcoming in 2008:
vv.aa.- "The Dusty Tales" cassette compilation
Dust Wind Tales
vv.aa. - "Vinyl Beard" 12'' LP compilation (co-released by ABoS and BSBTA Vinyl )
aa.vv. - "Landscape I : The Forest" cdr compilation ( Centre of Wood )
Actually I'm also working on my next (avant-folk) album and on a ritual-religious-psychedelic-drone composition inspired by the old theory on how men have always eaten their gods...please contact me for any questions!
Projects and Collaborations:
ne revez pas - "s/t" cd (la tana) - out now
“Sulle Tracce di Ned – documento di musica estemporanea (diretto da Mauro Orselli)” cd
Buy it on CD baby or contact me!
A really vocal and instrumental free improvisation played by 12 young musicians.
I play flute/bass/guitar on several tracks used for the sonorization of the movie "Un Chien Andalou"
directed by Luis Bunuel - 15" -1929 - (dvd 2007)
come 2nd at Moviemento Festival 2007
Galleria Toledo - Napoli
coming soon...
comfort collective - "Sleep Talking Shared" cd
Maisie - "Balera Metropolitana" 2cd
Ada-Nuki - "Plastic French Mozarela" cd
Whosbrain Records

My Interests


Member Since: 1/24/2006
Band Members: Donato Epiro
Record Label: Akoustic Desease, Dust Wind Tales, Ned...
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Recensioni "After Dinner Black Out"

"After dinner black out" Top Album review on sands zine. "Prima di addentrarmi nei meandri boschivi, astratti e tormentosi di questa produzione, la prima per quanto ne so di Donato Epiro, vorrei punt...
Posted by donato epiro on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 07:16:00 PST

Recensioni "Trees in the Attics"

Recensione su foxydigitalisVarious Artists "Trees In The Attics"Akoustic DiseaseThis compilation  the very first release from this new Italian label  features a wide range of artists/ musicians work...
Posted by donato epiro on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 01:27:00 PST

DonatoEpiro+Urkuma live @ precursori festival

Guarda questo video: DonatoEpiro+Urkuma Aggiungi al mio pofilo | Altri video...
Posted by donato epiro on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 03:17:00 PST

Akoustic Desease su SentireAscoltare

Qualcosa si sta muovendo, in Italia, dalle parti dell 'avant - folk, della drone music, del l 'elettroacustica. E stavolta non sembra trattarsi dell 'ultimo sussulto di un'onda generata da una sorgent...
Posted by donato epiro on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 04:10:00 PST


Eccoci di ritorno da Roma!Tutti felici e soddisfatti!Questa volta al quartetto base (io, ale, bea e leo) si sono uniti Marina Mulopulos (Almamegretta) e Filippo e Toni dei Vonneumann.Di sicuro la migl...
Posted by donato epiro on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 10:39:00 PST


I primi a fermarsi saranno i camion della spazzatura. E poi gli autobus. Tutti a piedi, per strade sporche e buie. In cassa non ci sono più nemmeno i soldi per pagare le bollette, in ogni pubblica via...
Posted by donato epiro on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 12:43:00 PST


Esistono persone al mondo, poche per fortuna, che credono di poter barattare una intera via crucis con una semplice stretta di mano, o con una visita ad un museo, e che approfittano della vostra confu...
Posted by donato epiro on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 01:02:00 PST

Ne rêvez pas

Ne rêvez pasNe rêvez paspointezgrattez vaquez marnez bossez trimezNe rêvez pasl'électronique rêvera pour vousNe lisez pasl'électrolyseur lira pour vousNe faites pas l'amourl'électrocoïtal le fera pou...
Posted by donato epiro on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 12:34:00 PST

Y - Chromosome

Se le avete provate tutte, ma proprio non riuscite a prendere sonno...qui International Society for Forensic Genetics , (a pagina 169) potete leggere il mio primo articolo scientifico...Addi...
Posted by donato epiro on Fri, 19 May 2006 03:09:00 PST

Syd Barret Tribute

Con un po' di ritardo vi segnalo la mia partecipazione (chitarra e voce) al quarto volume del "Vegetable Man project" sotto il nome My god is a Fluorescent Frog!www.oggettivolanti.itDiscofonia rockeri...
Posted by donato epiro on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 11:29:00 PST