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Jesus Saves

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Names of God

By what death will you Glorify God?


I no longer drink, smoke, do drugs, or go to bars. Jesus Christ delivered me from all that at age 29. He will do the same for you too if you want him to. Life has been SO much better since that time as well as being a slow walk towards the promised land. I've been pressing into it for awhile now. It is SO much better than the hell I lived in the first half of my life. Ever feel like your life is one big, "merry go round?" Let the Captain of the ship Jesus take control of the wheel of your life and set you on a straight course. You'll be glad you did :)

Free MySpace Layouts
Myspace backgrounds
Free Pics

The Holy Bible

The Online Parallel Bible. 25 different versions right at your fingertips!

I am a decendant of King Henry the VIII. Although I wouldn't consider him to have been a "Godly Man" I am proud of one thing he did accomplish. He was the first Governmental ruler to, "Authorize" the Bible to be printed in English so that the "common Man" could read, hear, and understand the Word of God. The dark ages were over and the catholic church could no longer keep Mankind in the dark. Read the history behind The 1539-1540 Great Bible: The First “Authorized” English Bible

FREE!!! Here's a great audio Bible player. The KJV & NLT as well as other tools. A "Flash" pop-up screen will appear. Click the little speaker icon to begin playing. It also has the Bible in written format so you can read along with it. Great tool!

The Audio Bible in MP3 format

FREE!!! The World English Bible is a public domain update of the American Standard Version of 1901 into modern English. This audio Bible can be legally copied and given to others.

FREE!!! Foreign language audio Bibles such as Arabic, Cantonese, Hindi, Mandarin, Spanish, Italian, Russian, & more

Foxe's Book Of Martyrs

This book belongs in every Christian's library or bookmarks. Go back in time and see how many Christians were persecuted, tortured, and died in order to bring you the Christian Faith & the "Word of God". See the persecution of the early Church under Nero, the inquisition, the roman catholic & anglican Church (Church of England).

FOXE's BOOK of MARTYRS-Edited by William Byron Forbush A modern .. English translation

Another modern .. English translation with notes

An .. & downloadable version of the earliest editions in "old English". Contains much of the original beautiful woodcut artwork & illustrations. Cool stuff


"15 When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, " Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these? " He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, " Feed my lambs ." 16 A second time he said to him, " Simon, son of John, do you love me? " He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." He said to him, " Tend my sheep. " 17 He said to him the third time, " Simon, son of John, do you love me? " Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, " Do you love me? " And he said to him, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "FEED MY SHEEP" . John 21:15-17 RSV

There are a great number of Ministries in the world today. I endorse the following Ministries simply because they played a large part in bringing the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to me as well as feeding me along the way. And that's more than I can say for all the, "headhunters" out there who profit by the, "character assasinnation" of others and somehow think they are doing "the work of God". NONE of the below Ministries or individuals has 100% of the answers or are 100% correct all the time. If they did they'd be Jesus Christ themself.

Most of them have an abberational teaching or two but the Spirit of the Lord will point that out IF you are hooked up to him. The danger lies in when one makes a single teacher their only source rather than Jesus in the Bible as their guide. Nevertheless many of these Ministries produce large amounts of fruit in the body of Christ today. I have learned something or some things valuable from each & every one of them. I highly recommend them! More added later.

American Family Association - Jerry Gaffney Ministries

Purpose of the annointing
Price of the annointing

Adrian Rodgers (with the Lord) - Love worth finding

American Center for Law & Justice

Andrew Wommack Ministries:

Free audio teachings:

Blessings & miracles
Complete Forgiveness
Effortless change
Eternal Life
Faith Builders
Financial stewardship
God wants you well
God's Kind Of Love: The Cure For What Ails Ya!
Grace And Faith In Giving
Hardness of heart
How to be happy
How To Deal With Temptation
How to fulfill you destiny
Introducing Discipleship Evangelism
Security of the believer
Taking the limits off God
The believer's authority
The four keys to staying full of God
The grace of giving
The Gospel: The power of God
The Holy Spirit
The Sovereignty of God
The true nature of God
The war is over - (Audio or video)
May 24-26 2006
May 29-June 2
June 5-9
June 12-16

What pleases God?

FREE video teachings:

Healing: Sovereignty
How to find God's will
Prosperity nuggets
The true Gospel
FREE written teaching articles:
4 Keys top staying full of God
Anger Management
Blessings & Miracles
Christain Philosophy
Christian survival kit
Christians & Politics
Dealing With Temptation
Discipleship vs. Evangelism
Effects of Praise
Effortless Change
Eternal Life
Faith for healing is based on knowledge
Faith is based on knowledge
Financial Stewardship - I Earned It, It’s Mine! Right?
Financial Stewardship - The Practical Side
God's Kind Of Love
God's Kind Of Love In Marriage
God's Man, Plan, And Timing
God's Word - The Seed Of His Blessing
Grace & Faith
Hardenss Of Heart - A Roadblock to Receiving from God
Harnessing Your Emotions
Healing & Niki's Miracle
How To Be Happy
How To Overcome Doubt
How To Prepare Your Heart
How To Receive A Miracle - Part 1
How To Receive A Miracle - Part 2
How To: Deal With Grief
How To: Flow In The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
How To: Hear God's Voice
Is Jesus enough
Lisa Paxton's Testimony
Our authority releases God's power
Paul's thorn in the flesh
Positive Ministry Of The Holy Spirit
Psychology vs. Christianity Reality Of Faith
Relationship with God
Revelation Knowledge
Root Of All Grief
Sowers and eaters
Spiritual authority
Taking The Limits Off God
The Faith Of God
The Gospel Of Peace
The Holy Spirit
The New You
The Sovereignty of God
The True Nature Of God
Walking by faith
What is a Christian?
What To Do When Your Prayers Seem Unanswered
Who You Are In The Spirit
Whose Righteousness?
You have a destiny
You've Already Got It

Benny Hinn Ministries

Benny Hinn buys two porn sites

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Tribute to Billy Graham

Charles Stanley - In touch Ministries

Creflo Dollar Ministries

FREE Audio & Video teaching
(NOTE: Many of these links were dead. I updated them all as of 2-3-07)

Breaking Bad Habits: When Saying "No" Isn't Enough
Dealing with and Managing Emotions Part 1 (100k video)
Dealing With and Managing Emotions Part 2 (100k video)
God's Love vs. Human's Love (100k video)
Governing Your Emotions (100k video)
How to Get Free From Hurt (100k video)
How To Get Out of Inferiority Part 1 Audio Video
How To Get Out of Inferiority Part 2 Audio Video
Indicators of Spiritual Maturity (100k video)
Money Matters Audio Video
No More Lack (Part 1) Audio Video
No More Lack (Part 2) Audio Video
Overcoming condemnation part 1 (100k video)
Overcoming condemnation part 2 (100k video)
Prospering God's Way Audio Video
Spiritual Man vs. Natural Man Audio Video
The Covenant of Wealth (Part 1) Audio Video
The Covenant of Wealth (Part 2) Audio Video
The Deceptions of Depression: Part 1 Part 2 (100k videos)
The First Begotten Son (100k video)
The Law of Faith Audio Video
The Love Experience: Part 1 Part 2 (100k videos)
The Origin of Selfishness: Part 1 Part 2 (100k videos)
The Power of the Do-Good Seed (100k video)
The Root of Negative Emotions Part 1 (100k video)
The Root of Negative Emotions Part 2 (100k video)
Understanding the hand of God part 1 (100k video)
Understanding the Hand of God Part 2 (100k video)

Christian Faith Center - Casey Treat Ministries

Cross Ministries

E.V. Hill - (Gone to be with the Lord)

Ever increasing Faith Ministries - Frederick KC Price - Crenshaw Christian center

Fire on the Altar

Healing Isaiah 53
How do you become deceived?
One thing you lack
Pay full price
Street meetings compilation
The fourth man in the fire
Time to get serious

A gospel that lifts part: 1 2 3 4 5
Good News For The Poor
Making poverty history part: 1 2
Relevance to the need part: 1 2
The things that unite people part: 1 2 3 4 5 6

I am your baby

International fellowship of Christians and Jews

James Kennedy (Gone to be with the Lord)(Coral Ridge Ministries)

Jerry Savelle Ministries International:

Discover how you can increase God's way as Jerry Savelle and his daughter Terri bring you this special series from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Part: 1 2 3 4

Jerry Savelle and his daughter Terri Savelle Foy will show you from the Bible that increase is on the mind of God. Part 1

Chariots of light
This is a subministry of Jerry Savelle by bikers & for bikers (motorcyclists). Cool videos here.

Come along with Jerry Savelle and the Chariots of Light bikers as they criss-cross the Sunshine State. From Cocoa Beach, the Kennedy Space Center, and Daytona Beach, Jerry teaches how you can walk in the favor of God. Florida Tour Part 1

Find out what happens when Jerry Savelle feels the need for speed and his encounter with local authorities.

The Chariots of Light motorcycle group ride to Crawford, Texas - home of President Bush's ranch. Jerry Savelle also spends some time teaching us the power of praying God's Word.

Join us for the sights and sounds of Thunder Over Texas as Jerry talks with the Power Team and about God's strength!

Join us for the sights and sounds of Thunder Over Texas as Jerry talks about how God's restoration can change your life!

Join us for the sights and sounds of Thunder Over Texas as Jerry and friend Happy Caldwell talk about not giving up on your dreams!

We're off to "Big Sky Country" for a great Chariots Tour.While traveling Montana, Jerry Savelle reminds us of the importance of speaking words of faith. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Ozark Tour through the switchbacks and beauty of Arkansas.
Part 1 Part 2

"Cowtown" in historic Fort Worth

Jesse Duplantis Ministries

Have you talked to him lately

Joel Osteen Ministries - (Lakewood Church)

I will sing
Lakewood Church Future
Lakewood Church legacy
Lakewood Church new era
Lakewood Church New Vision
Living Beyond Your Emotions
Real champions message
Trust God At All Times
Trusting God's Timing
Your Life Follows Your Thoughts

John Azanzini Ministries

John Hagee Ministries

Do you fear God?

Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Kenneth Hagin (Rhema):

Kenneth E. Hagin 2003 Memorial service


The above is a Friend of mine who does Babysitting, Childcare & Daycare in Ruidoso, NM. I thought i'd throw her site up here too!

Myles Munroe

Oral Roberts Ministries

I joined the below Christian site recently. Lots of features there.
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My Interests

Backpacking , camping , hiking, walking, bicycling, exercising, Mountaineering , nature watching, reading books, Christianity, traveling, especially in the Western US States. Internet surfing, electronics, Ham radio, music, gemology - lapidary arts , fruit & vegetable gardening, trees, placer mining , rural land , buying & selling antiques & collectibles, much more.These are just "some" of the things i'm interested in.

Sailing Adventures

California to Maui in a Kayak

"Chalupa" A 20' Cal Sailed from San Francisco to Kuai, Hawaii

"Ramprasad" A Hartley 37' Fijian World Sailing Cruiser

Tintin - A Family (with Children) Sails around the World in their 44' Sailboat


"Missouri Rainbows"
Tornado photos

A now former co-worker of mine lost his Cousin in this one. 8 people from a nearby mobile home park died who sought shelter in the basement of an old tavern that was made out of rock . It collapsed when the tornado picked up and hurled a car into the side of the building. All 8 were crushed to death by the stone rubble that collapsed on top of them. You can see the rubble left behind in the following photos below. Also a bait shop that I have been in before was decimated:

Utica, IL tornado
Tornado videos
Wall clouds

Christian sand sculptures

Pictures at the above link are from a beach in Maryland. Isn't the artwork awesome? Be sure to open up your screen all the way. The man creates new ones each day, as the ocean washes away his work every day.This is Chuck Ritchey, Sr. He is certainly a witness for Jesus Christ as thousands of people, in the course of a day, view his work and watch as he crafts his treasures. May his message be viewed by many.

"Sand fantasy movie"

Ever feel like the responsibilities of life are weighing you down? Like life is one, big, "juggling act"? Remember, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 WEB

Check out this amazing & flawless performance by Chris Bliss who PROVES that it is possible to handle every situation that comes your way! :)

"You're gonna carry that weight..."

What was God thinking when he created Cats & dogs? The below movies makes it appear they are here to "amuse us" :)

Cats just wanna have fun

Dogs just want to have fun

Talking Dogs

Animals just want to have fun mix - Cats, Dogs, and other animals

I'd like to meet:

My English Ancestors the, "Cutcliffes" built and occupied this Estate in England from the 14th. Century and for about 500 years afterwards. In fact the name itself means, "Rock cut from a cliff". Look at the photogallery on their website and you'll see why. I hope to visit it someday :)

Damage Barton


Find more music like this on Pathways Of Grace
Song archives

Agnus Dei - Michael W. Smith

Amazing Grace - Judy Collins

Amazing Grace - Monaco - The Pipes & Drums of the Chicago Police Department. (Yep, they're real Chicago Cops!)

Amazing Grace - Smokey Mountain Hymns Vol 1

Cats in the cradle - Harry Chapin (Animated video)

Church in the Wildwood - Smokey Mountain Hymns Vol 2

He reigns - Newsboys

"He's Alive - Dolly Parton"

Hosanna - Hillsong Church

Hosanna - Jeff Fenholt - Real video 28K dial-up 256K DSL

I am a man of constant sorrows - Koostico

I saw the light - Smokey Mountain Hymns Vol 1

If Everyone Cared - Nickelback

I'll fly away - Smokey Mountain Hymns Vol 1

In the sweet by and by- Smokey Mountain Hymns Vol 3

Jeff Fenholt - Lompoc, CA:
56K Real video
256K DSL Real video
128K DSL version Windows Media Player
384K DSL version Windows Media Player

Jesus loves me - Smokey Mountain Hymns Vol 2

Jesus Rocks My Soul - Jeff Fenholt

Lord I lift your name on high - The Maranatha Singers

Lord Of Lords - Hillsong Church

Old TV theme songs - relive the past ;)

Our God is an awesome God - Rich Mullins

Photograph - Nickelback

Put your hand in the hand - Anne Murray
Spirit in the sky - Norman Greenbaum

Sweet Beulah Land - Praise Hymn soundtracks

Sweet Beulah Land - The Gaithers

The sound of joy - (demo) Joy Bradley

There is power in the blood - Lari White

There is power in the blood - Smokey Mountain Hymns Vol 2

There will be peace in the valley - Loretta Lynn

Tis' so sweet to trust in Jesus - Smoky Mountain Hymns - Volume 4

Victory chant - Bob Fitts

Warriors - Jeff Fenholt Real video
28K dial-up 256K DSL

Why don't you look into Jesus? - Holy Soldier
56K dial-up DSL-Broadband

I was pretty much raised on rock n' roll & pop. Kinda grew out of the hard rock stuff after becoming a Christian and getting older but still listen to some classic rock occaisionally. I love Christian Praise & Worship, Accapella, Folk, world, Native American, blugrass, some new age, and more. I will be honest, I have a hard time trying to digest rap. Actually I listen to a very wide variety of music these days depending on the mood :)

I collect old record albums for the artwork mainly. Plus they have collector's value :) Only instruments I ever learned to play was a Harmonica but that was 30 years ago! I used to sing in, "chorus" in Junior High does that count?

Amazing Grace
By Lari White

"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me.... I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see.

T'was Grace that taught... my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear... the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares... we have already come. T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far... and Grace will lead us home.

The Lord has promised good to me... His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be... as long as life endures.

When we've been here ten thousand years... bright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise... then when we've first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me.... I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now, I see." (end)


Music Videos

Sailing - Sammy Hagar

Sailing the Carribean on a tall Clipper Ship - Music by Enya

Rock N' Roll, drugs, and catholicism - Jesse DuPlantis

Jesse DuPlantis and his plane.

The revival hymn

Revival Hymn

Add to My Profile | More Videos

The 8th. of November - "Big & Rich"This one was a special at the Country music awards honoring our fallen & surviving Veterans, quite moving:

Get this video and more at

The 8th. of November music video by Big & Rich..
Get this video and more at

"Faith the 2 legged wonder Dog"

Get this video and more at


Seldom turn it on anymore, no time! What I do watch are things like, documentaries, History channel, nature & animal shows, news. I'm not against watching TV so if you do that's ok. (As long as you don't waste your life in front of soap operas all day long, LOL). I watch TV occaisionally on the net: "Streaming Faith" You need only register once and it's free! I also watch "The Trinity Broadcasting Network" once in awhile. Used to watch it a whole lot. But again, don't have much time anymore!

Here are a number of different, classic, "flash games" you can play when bored :)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Start Link -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- End Link --


The Bible , Christian, history, how-to, travel, nature, photography, self-improvement, animals, trees, survival, mostly non-fiction but I read some of that as well. I collect & sell books. Have a huge library that keeps growing all the time. Don't always have time to read them though, lol. I also collect antique Bibles.

The Old People


Jesus Christ, Moses, Apostle Paul, my Grandmother, Stepfather, many, many more.


The REAL Islam revealed

Terror attacks on israelis

Palestinian children

Middle Eastern Woman condemns Islam

My Blog

R.I.P. Janna...

Janna's MySpace pageCops: Texas man calls 911, says he's eating girlfriend...
Posted by Jesus Saves on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 06:49:00 PST

Evel Knievel accepted Jesus Christ

Here he is giving his Testimony at the Crystal Cathedral in California.Here is a Man who, "Had it all" according to the World's standards.He had Millions of Dollars5 Rolls Royces5 FerrarisLamborghinis...
Posted by Jesus Saves on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 12:00:00 PST

My New Toy

     Well i've had my new toy for about 2 weeks now. I like it! It gets great gas mileage too, up to 35 mpg on the highway. It's rated at 30mpg. I bought it used, a 2006 model with 27,0...
Posted by Jesus Saves on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 05:31:00 PST

New Christian Dating & Forums site!

Just thought i'd let people know about the new Christian site I joined the other day. It was started by 2 friends of mine who became disatisfied with the former forum & Dating site they were on. Lots ...
Posted by Jesus Saves on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 06:43:00 PST

D. James Kennedy Dies dDQ Megachurch Leader D. James Kennedy Dies By MATT SEDENSKY  7 hours ago MIAMI (AP)  The Rev. D. James Kennedy, a pioneering Christian...
Posted by Jesus Saves on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:59:00 PST

Children See...

Here's an interesting video with a message...Children See...
Posted by Jesus Saves on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 10:30:00 PST

My Dog is dying

Well here we are about a year later and my Dog is about ready to croak :( She got ill about a week ago. Now she is having trouble walking. I think her kidneys are failing.  Drinking water excessi...
Posted by Jesus Saves on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 08:21:00 PST

Cats In The Cradle

This is the famous Song by Harry Chapin accompanied by a modern computer animated video story. Pretty cool. Check it out...Cats In The Cradle...
Posted by Jesus Saves on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:07:00 PST

The Re-Burial Of Private Michael Keegan

I found this video quite chilling & interesting. It brought tears to my eyes. Almost 100 years after a US Army Veteran Private Michael Keegan was buried in an unmarked "pauper's grave", he is...
Posted by Jesus Saves on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 06:20:00 PST

My Ethnic melting pot

And here all this time I thought I was only Slovenian (Yugoslavian), English & Swedish. Now I find out I am Austrian, Irish, & Scottish as well! No wonder I like Pipe & Drum music, lol. I ...
Posted by Jesus Saves on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 02:19:00 PST