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Stop Horse Cruelty♥

Put A Stop To Killing Girls Dreams

About Me

Member since: January 23rd 2006
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This site is dedicated to the thousands of horses that inhumanely lose their lives every month in one of three remaining slaughter plants in the USA. Their meat is exported to Europe and Asia for human consumption. You may have wondered about the recent news articles on horse slaughter nestled in between stories of indictments, scandals, war and natural disasters. Even a horse lover might wonder if the battle to stop horse slaughter merits national attention in such tumultuous times. Yet there is a story within the horse slaughter story that lays bare just how dysfunctional our “representative democracy” has become.
If ever there should have been an easy law to pass, it should have been one to ban horse slaughter. The business has negligible economic impact on Americans. It is foreign owned, pays few taxes, provides only a few dangerous and low paying jobs, and is generally unwelcome in the very communities where it exists.
The most immediate action we must take in our goal to end the horse slaughter industry is to stop the inhumane transportation of horses to slaughter.
A federal transportation bill, which was supposed to ensure the humane transportation of horses bound for slaughter, has had virtually no effect, and in fact, will be causing more harm than good. The USDA is about adopt "guidelines" which were opposed by almost every major equine and animal protection organization in this country. The only support for these so-called "guidelines" came from the horse meat industry, the cattlemen, the American Horse Council and the AVMA. These inadequate "guidelines" allow horses to travel over 28 hours without food, water, or rest, and allow for the continued use of inhumane double-decker trailers for the transportation of horses to slaughter.
Prohibiting the use of inhumane double-decker cattle trailers for the transportation of horses is the least that this inadequate legislation should have accomplished. It doesn't even do that!
The inhumane double-decker cattle trailers used to transport horses
We have also come to learn about what we feel are bogus studies on the deprivation of water of slaughter-bound horses. These "studies" are just another ploy by the horse meat industry to try to fool the public and politicians into believing that horses can go for over 24 hours without water or rest.
The inside of the trailer used to transport horses to slaughter
This is yet another attempt by the horse meat industry and the US government to justify the cruel and inhumane way horses are transported from auctions to slaughter plants.
The beauty of the Transportation Bill in New York State, enacted in 1980, is that it applies to all horses, not just slaughter-bound horses. The federal bill, as it is now written, applies only to horses bound for slaughter.
The federal bill just regulates and legitimizes horse slaughter more than ever before, and allows horses to be classified as agricultural livestock animals who may be slaughtered for human consumption.

My Interests

Click for.....Common Horse Sense !
Click for.....Info on Horses in the UK!
Click for.....Info on Horse Drawn Carriages!
Click for.....Info on Wild Horses!
Click....Horse Slaughter Horror Video Documentation
Click...You Can Help!

I'd like to meet:

This once majestic horse lies in the bottom of this bloody killing shoot in a slaughterhouse.Photo from: The Humane Farming Association

Horses are being dismembered in this bloody slaughterhouse. The Bible teaches us that these animals are living souls, just are we are. We should be lovingly caring for them instead of sending them to such a torturous end.Photo from: The Humane Farming Association

Injuries suach as the one received by this horse occur due to the mixing of horses that are not familiar with each other, and the overcrowding of horses in pens and/or on trailers at livestock markets(sales), on trailers, or at dealer's facilities.The handling and management of horses at these low end livestock markets do not meet accepted horse industry management practices, and cause injury and stress to the horses.

This horse was eventually put to sleep after he had been struggling to stand with his hoof caught in the slats of the lorry. His hoof is chopped off by a man and a rope is put round his neck to drag him out of the transporter.

This horse died en route. He is being hoisted into a disposal truck.

These horses are collapsed inside a transporter. They are too weak to stand. Some of them have their legs stuck in the slats on the side of the lorry. They may be induced to stand with electric prods or tail and ear pulling.

A horse is tightly tethered to railings. He is blind in one eye and covered in sweat. He looks thin and exhausted.

This injured horse has been re-loaded into a transporter truck. She is barely able to stand. The man is pushing her over against the side of the trailer so that another horse can be loaded next to her. She has a severe eye injury.

Another horse that was eventually put to sleep after losing an eye and half an ear in his fight to survive.



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Horses For Adoption at Blaze's Tribute Equine Rescue, Inc

My Blog

Horse Deaths on 'Flicka' Ruled "Unpreventable"

Click one of the banners below to find out more... News for Flicka (2006) Horse Deaths on 'Flicka' Ruled "Unpreventable"4 May 2005 (StudioBriefing) An investigatio...
Posted by Stop Horse Cruelty♥ on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 08:00:00 PST

Killing Floor

The Killing Floor
Posted by Stop Horse Cruelty♥ on Wed, 10 May 2006 05:45:00 PST


VACCINE FOUND FOR DEADLY HORSE VIRUS Feb 28 - CSIRO researchers have found a vaccine for the virus that killed one of Australia's best known horse trainers of the 1990s. Dr Bruce Mungall from the CSIR...
Posted by Stop Horse Cruelty♥ on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 06:33:00 PST

EQUINE CARE♥ EQUINE CARE Caring for the Blind Horse Horse Care Information for the Serious Novice Natural Horse Sense Natur...
Posted by Stop Horse Cruelty♥ on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 07:05:00 PST


My name is Natalie and Im 17 years old. I live in Cali and have been riding horses for 13 years. I use to jump till i found out how hard it is on their legs and what jumpin does to them later dow...
Posted by Stop Horse Cruelty♥ on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 01:52:00 PST