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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Before we go any further, you should know I will always buy the first round. I'll usually buy the second, too. After that, you can tell me it's my turn to buy and I probably won't know the difference. We now return to our previously scheduled introduction...Magazine editor by day, writer by night who is putting the finishing touches on my attempt to use humor as a last attempt to bring civility back to a world that is all-too-rapidly descending into a quagmire brought about by man's inhumanity to man.Wait, don't stop reading... um, I'm more than "that guy raging about how rude we've all become."What else can I tell you... let's see...*I always root for the underdog.*I tend to glare at people who park in handicap zones or abuse their pets.* I'm one of the few people I know who loves their job. No, really!* I'm an intoxicating blend of entertainment trivia, mindless fluff, wildly inept attempts at intelligent banter and just a dash of cinnamon. Yeah, it's both tasty and addictive, and so am I.* Popcorn is my favorite meal. (Hey, it's cooking... you have to add heat).* I like smart, funny people. Sadly, I don't have much tolerance for folks who don't have at least one of those qualities.* Yeah, I like Disney. Not the cheesy movies, but the parks. What of it? (I counter trips to the House of Mouse with all-out gambling/boozefests in Vegas. Yeah, I'm just that kind of a living oxymoron guy.)* I love kids. Mainly on Halloween, when they knock on the door, say "trick or treat" and then leave. Beyond that, there should be meds involved for either them or me. Better still, both.* There ain't much on television that I haven't at least sampled. I watch more in a week than I'd ever care to admit. (On the other hand, rare is the person I've come into contact with that I couldn't converse about some form of entertainment. Oh, sure, there was that one guy who only watched Japanese animated cartoons, but other than that...) I proudly watch Iron Chef without ever thinking, "Damn, I should try and make that." And like many others, I watch Law & Order looking for tips on how to commit the perfect murder.* Ask, and I'll probably tell. Eventually. (Except about that night behind the bar. There's a reason I was driven out of Binghamton on a rail, and it's between me and... um, I choose not to continue this statement on the grounds that it might incriminate several people.)

My Interests

I'm an entertainment junkie by nature who actually lucked into a job that allows me to sit in a room with my best friend and watch television. Living in what I like to call "New York City's favorite suburb" allows me to have all the fun of the Big Apple without actually living in it... which would probably result in me being a drug-addicted, alcoholic tramp. Not that that doesn't sound like a good time... but I mean, a person does have to get some work done on occasion, right? Big fan of all things entertainment related. Also love restaurants (I mean, who doesn't like to eat, right?), reading (not that there is EVER enough time), writing and generally spending time with friends (or enemies... sometimes verbal sparring can be more fun than a borin' old debate about the war...)

I'd like to meet:

... my evil doppelganger. Think of all the fun we can have playing tricks on people! He can do horrible things while I provide us with the perfect alibi! Other than that, I am completely unoriginal in that I, like the rest of the world, would like to meet "cool" people. Of course, coolness is like beauty in that it's in the eye of the beholder. If, however, you think you might qualify, step on up.I also wouldn't mind meeting a like-minded bloke who might like to drink fairly heavily, watch the world go by and make random comments about those who make the mistake of crossing our rapier-like wits. (If not that, then maybe some guy who's kinda dumb but nice to look at and fond of alcohol-fueled make-out sessions).
Should we date, get drunk or avoid one another at all costs?
Showgirls or NPR? The hosts of All Things Considered debating which scene in Showgirls is best.
Favorite TV show? Just one? SVU, Gilmore, The Office, Eastenders, Invasion, Project Runway, ANTM...
Describe your worst date ever? Being told that because I didn't want to sleep with a guy on our first date, I was "buying into the straight world's views on sexuality."
Jeans or slacks? Jeans. What is this "dress wear" you speak of?
Truth or dare? Truth
Jello or jello shot? Jello shot. Two. Cherry flavored, please!
President Bush or... um, any other option? Right about now those thousand monkeys who can sit at a thousand typewriters and pound out Romeo & Juliet are lookin' like great candidates!
Thriller or chick flick? A thriller in which Women Who Run With The Wolves are torn apart by said wolves
Appetizer or main course? Every appetizer on the menu!
Tucked or untucked? Untucked and unironed.
Iron Chef or Martha Stewart? Iron Chef
Casual dating or casual sex? Casual dating, with much casual drinking and the occasional casual making out
IM or text message? IM. It takes FOREVER to text message on the phone!
Wheaties or Count Chocula? Hey, only one gives you cereal AND chocolate milk, my friend
Make a move or hesitate? Hesitate in the hope that you're about to make a move on me!
Las Vegas or Atlantic City? Vegas, baby. The REAL city that never sleeps.
Ocean or lake? Ocean with a beach and my good pal Betsy Lake.
Hedwig or Hairspray? The late, lamented Hedwig. Hey, isn't it about time for a revival?
High class or low brow? Low brow all the way. You have to dress up for high class events!
Cell phone or land line? Land line. Sorry, but I want to nap on the bus/plane/train, not listen to you talk about the weird bump on your boyfriend's dick
Blockbuster or Netflix? Blockbuster. Netflix takes all the spontaneity out of things. "In three-to-five days, I'll definitely be in the mood to watch From Justin To Kelly!
Desperate Housewives or Eastenders? Eastenders. Now those gals are DESPERATE!
Gym fiend or gym friendly? I like my gym. It doesn't necessarily like me.
Fried or baked? Oh how badly I want to answer "baked" but there sits fried, all crispy and tasty and appealing!
Sarcasm or cynicism? A healthy mix of both.
Roller coaster or ferris wheel? Roller coaster all the way.
Striptease or lapdance? Which is your specialty?



A little bit of everything, but I'll have to admit to being biased toward music made by the group almost charlie ( Give 'em a listen.Other favs: Enigma * The Ditty Bops * Spencer Day * Alex Boyd * soundtracks of all sort * The Wild Party * television themes * mono * john mayer * anything danceable *


I may be the only person I know who didn't like Brokeback Mountain. Sorry, but as my pal Eric sat there weeping through it, I thought, "Geez... I've seen this movie a thousand times before. Am I supposed to think that because it's a gay love story that's enough to make it different, let alone the movie of the year?" Not for this cowpoke. Then again, I consider Showgirls to be one of the best movies ever made. Seriously! Has there ever been another movie that you could pop into the DVD player and randomly select a scene and be guaranteed to enjoy on some level? (Sure, most of those levels involve mocking, but still...) Love horror films (especially that odd genre from the 70's which are foreign, but pretend to be taking place in America and involve lots of mediocre dubbing), but insist they make sense (don't even get me started on High Tension). Rarely go to the actual movies if only because today's audiences ruin the experience. (Sorry, but I didn't pay $10.50 to listen to you talk on the cell phone or shout suggestions to the folks on screen. Um, THEY CAN'T HEAR YOU!)


It might be easier to list what I don't watch than what I do. For starters, if it has a continuing storyline (and isn't One Tree Hill), I'm pretty much there. And once I fall for a show, I usually am in it for the duration, no matter how bad it gets (I'm talking to you, Gilmore Girls!). I'm also a big fan of Law & Order: SVU (but can't stand Criminal Intent), The Office (thanks for the renewal, NBC!), Lost, Heroes, 24... like I said, I'm a sucker for continuing storylines. And yes, that includes the soaps. Oh, and I once was a devoted fan of Dr. Phil... although these days, he annoys me as often as not.


Currently reading a wonderful book by Laura Lippmann called To The Power Of Three. On the eliptical, I'm usually reading the latest copy of New York magazine, which is my favorite publication out there. I have a huge stack of books waiting to be read, but after spending my day editing, it's a hard sell to come home and do anything but vege in front of the tube (explaining why there's so much listed under "television" but not much under books...)


Homer Simpson for finding someone who loves him unconditionally despite... well, everything. Gives one hope, huh?

My Blog

Frequent Flyer, Checking In

A few months ago, I got a letter from the government -- as did most of you -- telling me that I'd be receiving an economic stimulus check somewhere down the line. This past Saturday, I got ...
Posted by Tralfaz on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 08:15:00 PST

Lifes A Beach

Are y'all missing me yet? Where I'm staying this week. I've been on the beach at the appropriately named Surf City, NJ, since Sunday, and let me tell you something: Life doesn't get much better....
Posted by Tralfaz on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 05:07:00 PST

I’m off... and not just my rocker!

It's been a long time comin', but I'm finally getting a little vacation time. So while I'm gone, hangin' at the beach for a week, I've got a couple ways for y'all to entertain one another. The first ...
Posted by Tralfaz on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 04:26:00 PST

Tell It Like It Is Tuesday: Funny is funny. Period.

You know, it ain't easy trying to get a laugh in this country. Despite the fact that we could all use a chuckle given the "perfect storm" of events colluding to prevent us from even cracking a smile (...
Posted by Tralfaz on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 05:38:00 PST

A bit of this, a lot of that (Plus... Family Guy is funny? Who knew!)

* I'm sure President Bush thought he'd boost up his approval ratings (because really, even a lame-duck president -- and they truly don't come any lamer -- doesn't wanna end his term with numbers so lo...
Posted by Tralfaz on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 08:25:00 PST

The Power of The People

I may not be able to stop the bigots of the world from having their say, but I can sure as hell do everything in my power to prevent them from profiting at the expense of my rights.This morning, in an...
Posted by Tralfaz on Fri, 30 May 2008 12:11:00 PST

Show The Guy Some Love

I've often said that here on the space known as My, there are "bloggers" and there are "writers." I consider myself someone who falls into the previous category. What I post here tends to flow from my...
Posted by Tralfaz on Fri, 30 May 2008 05:23:00 PST

Sluts And The City

Apparently, someone at the New York Daily News has a little too much time on their hands. As a result, we now know that during the 94 episodes of HBO's Sex & The City, Carrie slept with 18 differe...
Posted by Tralfaz on Thu, 29 May 2008 05:53:00 PST

Mortgaging the White House

Okay, look, I'm willing to kinda cut a little bit of slack when it comes to politicians accepting (as opposed to seeking) the endorsements of controversial figures. After all, just because I stand up ...
Posted by Tralfaz on Wed, 28 May 2008 05:36:00 PST

The Blog That Will Get My Ass Killed

So as those of you who haven't been living in a cave for the past six months know, Nina is pregnant. And as most of you know, this weekend I jumped the House of Thruple jet (aka Continental Airlines) ...
Posted by Tralfaz on Mon, 26 May 2008 04:00:00 PST