I absolutely love Leilu, Victoria, Nick and Lee, to cook and study the culinary arts, reading aloud french poetry, studying the japanese language and writing kanji and hiragama, photography in all its glory (the good and the bad), heiroglyphics, Guitar Hero on Playstation 2 (I am so Pandora...heh!), Grilling Out on Sundays, drinking my coffee on the back porch, turkey hunting and guns (not what they do to people, but the mechanics of them), newest hobby is paintball. Lee was a part of the reason because he introduced it to me, but I liked guns way before him), gardening my vegetables, herbs and flowers (my peppers are rockin' right now!), camping and bass fishing, flying complex kites.
I know I cant MEET these people or entities but I have studied them to realize that so many other cultures believe in them and thats fascinating to me. Buddha(Spritual Awakening) was a real man and didnt claim to be anyting more but the next ones were entities and believed upon faith. Gaia (Mother of Earth), Quan Yin(Japanese Goddess of Mercy), Aphrodite(Ancient Goddess of Love and Lust....oo-la-la) and God. I'd also love to meet others that feel the same way I do and people that can have in depth conversations instead of people that include...duuhhhhhh in the sentences.
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Sex and the City and the morning news....I know...very boring, I just dont watch that much TV---just movies. I dig Deal or No Deal when I am cooking along with The Wheel, Jeopardy and the Antique Roadshow!
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My Heros for the longest time are mom and dad. My father is one of the strongest men I have ever met and he knows how important it is to take care of your spouse and family. Honesty and Love flows through him like a rapid river. I love you POPPIE!
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