About Me
Petranek Fitness is a private training gym in Santa Monica, CA. We teach group Crossfit classes and provide one-on-one coaching in functional exercise, athletic conditioning, plyometrics, kettlebell training, olympic weightlifting, medicine ball training, and basic gymnastics. Our students and clients are extremely diverse including business executives, realtors, athletes, musicians, high school and college students, writers/producers, fighters, and home-makers.
To provide the world's most effective health and fitness training.
A community that is healthy, strong and vital, who'se participants have the courage to live outside the generally accepted as "normal" belief that health, fitness and vitality must decline with age.
To us, fitness is a state of mind, way of being. It shows up in the way you talk, walk, sleep, eat, work, play, dress and relax. It is the physical embodiment of the character traits of honor, courage, confidence, discipline, integrity, responsibility, dedication, and joy. It is also instrumental in reducing the immediate and cumulative effects of stress and anxiety. We’ve found that the fitter a person is, the more he/she is physically able to do the things that bring joy and fun to life – everything from feeling strong, confident and energetic through your normal work day, running around with your kids, being physically active and playing sports, to traveling to remote corners of the earth. Being physically fit is inspiring, feels good, enriches your life, and adds both years to your life, and life to your years. People that are fit seem to have a clearer, more optimistic view of life. For us, the bottom line is this: Fitness allows you to live your best.
Live your BEST!
“Live Your Best!†Who do you know that when asked, would say that they don't want to live their best? Yet how many people actually do it? We've found that truly enjoying life, making the most out of it, and having fun at the same time requires commitment and hard work. It's difficult, yet its also as rewarding as it gets! When you're "Living Your Best," you are getting the most out of life, truly "sucking it dry" - but you're not necessarily having "fun." Instead, you are committed, challenged, confronted, and very often afraid, and yet somehow, especially when required, you find the courage to press on. Petranek Fitness is committed to that somehow – helping you find that ability – in your mind, and subsequently your body.
Our Difference
The primary difference between us and most other gyms and trainers is in our comprehensive approach to health, fitness, longevity, vitality and life. Have you ever noticed when you go to the gym that most people rely on their trainers to walk with them, leading them around from one exercise machine to another? Can you imagine this in real life? You go to the grocery store and are met at the door by your personal shopper who walks you around from item to item and tells you what to buy and how much? Then meets you again two days later to tell you almost exactly the same thing? To some that may sound nice, but for most, it’s not real life. At Petranek Fitness, we require you to think, to use your brain as well as your muscles, to learn, to challenge yourself, to try new things you never thought you could, to practice new skills that require you to be focused and present. We teach you how to move your body with proper mechanics, stability, balance, and agility. We do this so that when you’re NOT with us, you can truly have fun, suck life dry, Live Your Best!