Blythe profile picture


I'm super! No, wait--you're super! No, I was right the first time, I'm super...

About Me

I keep trying to think of something clever to put here, but I just come off sounding like an ass. So here's the truth: I want to be kind, honest, and witty--sometimes I am, but not as much as I would like to be. Jeez, that sounds corny. Just pretend I said something so amazing that you will not be truly complete until you add me as a friend.Yes, that is me playing the profile song. I can already tell we are going to be close friends because you are paying so much attention to me--I really admire that in a person. I've got some more tunes here if you want to listen: .pimp_my_profile { Generated at Pimp My Profile } ==">Myspace Editor - Image HostingAdding me as a friend will just assist me in my effort to become supreme overlord of the universe. And, believe me, those who get in on the ground floor now will get a pretty sweet deal when my reign begins. So thanks in advance for your help.

My Interests

Creating moderately funny, mostly annoying profiles on networking sites; making music, reading, animals, sandwiches, film, that one girl who was in that thing, shiny objects

I'd like to meet:

Kathy Griffin, Kathleen Madigan, Katherine Brooks--anyone whose first name begins with a "K" really; Big Bird, Alice Wu, the jerk who stole $20 from my gym locker in 5th grade.


Blues, bluegrass--any genre with a color involved. I actually listen to and enjoy just about everything. Even if I don't enjoy it, sometimes you learn more from music you dislike than music you like.


All About Eve, Drop Dead Gorgeous, His Girl Friday, 9 to 5, Fargo, all the Thin Man movies, Silence of the Lambs, Harold and Maude, I Love You To Death. I have so many favorite movies. Sometimes the fact that a movie even gets made seems so miraculous to me, it's hard for me to hate any of them. But I do try when I can.


The Soup, 30 Rock, Family Guy--you know, I actually watch too much TV. I should be out curing cancer, eradicating poverty, or painting my house. I am part of the problem and a horrible, horrible person. Sorry about that. Ooh, I love Buffy too. Wait--is it 1998? I've got to watch some new shows.


Lincoln's Melancholy, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, The God Delusion, Assassination Vacation, Everybody Poops


Zora Neale Hurston, Emily Dickinson, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Carl Rogers, Elizabeth I, Charles Darwin, that one girl who was in that other thing

My Blog

Blythe’s on itunes!

I know!  Can you believe it?  I am totally on itunes.  Why?  Because I totally rock.  And I paid some company 30 bucks to list my music on itunes and and emusic and...
Posted by Blythe on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 08:52:00 PST

hand washing

So while I was in the bathroom yesterday, a woman walked out of the stall next to me and out of the bathroom without washing her hands.  I had to fight the urge to run after her, pants nearl...
Posted by Blythe on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 05:15:00 PST

Personal Space

OK--I'm a little compulsive.  I admit it.  I'm comfortable with who I am.  But I have issues with people who get entirely too close to me in lines.  You know, the&nb...
Posted by Blythe on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 05:01:00 PST

What I am doing

I hope you are doing very well.  How was your week?  Any plans for the weekend?  Does this Santa Hat bring out my eyes or just make me look crazy? Anyhoo--back to school this week and m...
Posted by Blythe on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 10:50:00 PST


I have to tell you, I don't know what people are washing in the laundry room of my apartment complex, but I am honestly repulsed.  Dog hair, cat hair, unidentifiable, yet uniquely disgusting huma...
Posted by Blythe on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 04:33:00 PST

cutthroat self-promotion

So I've decided I am just not doing enough to sell myself.  Somehow I feel like I don't want to be too pushy--I mean, heaven forbid I tell people that I make music that doesn't necessarily suck ...
Posted by Blythe on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 08:51:00 PST

Blythe Milby--Guitar God

So, I was able to do a bit of practicing today.  A finger on the tip of my left hand had a cut on it, so it was quite painful to play--it's nice to get back to doing a little more.  But, hon...
Posted by Blythe on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 01:02:00 PST

hiya there

OK--so I've been horrible keeping up with the blogs.  I know I am a horrible, horrible person.  I apologize.  But I will do better.  And here is a start--I've got a new website up:...
Posted by Blythe on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 08:43:00 PST

my biography

Heya there everybody! I am so sorry I've not been more on top of this blog thing.  I am a horrible, horrible person.  I mean, who knew graduate school would be hard?  Obviously, I did n...
Posted by Blythe on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 01:31:00 PST

new song

OK-I need your help again.  I just finished throwing together a tune and I REALLY need feedback on it.  I think I may need to re-record the lead vocal and the handclaps may be a bit much; ho...
Posted by Blythe on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 04:45:00 PST