Katherine Brooks profile picture

Katherine Brooks

Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. Buddha

About Me

Who Am I? Typical Pisces hippy who is living the life of a film director while day dreaming about having a horse ranch in Montana.

Work? I started out directing television, even though I don't watch it and eventually climbed my way into making movies.

Philosophy? Try to be like Ghandi and if you can't, be like most of us - oh and eating meat messes with your karma points. Go Veg!

That's about it - if you want to know more - well, you can always watch this:

My snail mail PO Box is:

20841 Ventura Blvd. #286

Woodland Hills, CA 91364

My Interests

The three things I love most in the world are: making movies, poker and riding horses.

I also enjoy - Taking baths. Travel photography. Astronomy and astrology. Yoga, meditation. Travel – especially in Asia. Quantum physics. Hiking. Poker. Getting Inked. The Korean spa. Writing, poetry. Being in my garden. Going to the movies. Eating out. Road trips. Animals. Blogging. Watching sunsets. Kissing in the rain when it’s warm. Camp memories. Sky diving, snowboarding, surfing; tennis, basketball. Fresh flowers. Watching people when they don’t know they are being watched. Facials. Red current candles and sandalwood incense. Massages. Hulk shakes. Raising awareness.Film.Getting my hair cut. Midnight walks. Full moon rituals. Therapy. Kids laughing. Holding hands. Vegan meals. Cleansing. Ghost stories next to camp fires. Scuba diving, water-skiing. Christmas lights. New York in the fall. Insanity. Creative theater. Playing the piano, playing the guitar. Catching fireflies. Video blogs. Studying Einstein. Pirates. Text messaging. Dinner parties. The color green in all shades. Decorating. Your eyes when the light hits them. MySpace...

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that is involved with the racing world of horses please email me. Especially trainers and jockeys!! I am writing a movie about a female jockey and want to meet as many people in this world so I can portray an HONEST depiction of the sport.

I'd also like to meet people who work in the film industry and live in Louisiana. I'm moving in June from Los Angeles to make two films, so I want to connect with GOOD - NICE PEOPLE in the industry.



For those of you who are interested in investing, producing or working with my new company Hit and Run Pictures please send all emails to me here on my space and put in the subject heading Production.
If you would like to know more about my work, you can visit my work page, which is in my top friends. If you don't have time for that - well, here is the 411 on my work summed up in 64 words.
Worked as TV director for 7 years - don't watch TV - made first film Loving Annabelle which was released in December of 2006.
Just finished Waking Madison starring Elisabeth Shue and Sarah Roemer. The film will be released in the Fall of 2008.
I am currently headed to New Orleans to finish writing and make my next movie The Boys Club about a female jockey.
Some movies I like include:Movies from the 80's! Also, August Rush, Kite Runner, Love Story, The Three Faces of Eve, Sybil, Splash, Castaway, Wild Cats, Overboard, Private Benjamin, Bird on a Wire, Foul Play, Home for the Holidays, Taxi Driver, Sex and Lucía, Stealing Home, Paper Moon, A River Runs Through It, All Indiana Jones movies, The Fugitive, The Exorcist, Silence of the Lambs, Single White Female, Running with Scissors, and Charlotte's Web.If that's not enough for you, I also like Jesus Camp, Jaws, The Others, A Time to Kill, Great Expectations, Adaptation, In Her Shoes, Muriel's Wedding, Thirteen, Dirty Dancing, An Officer and a Gentleman, The Witches of Eastwick, Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Happiness, The Graduate, Gone with the Wind, Postcards from the Edge, Sunset Blvd., One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, ET, Close Encounters, Unfaithful, Mississippi Burning, Birdcage, Midnight Cowboy, Streetcar Named Desire, Taxi Driver, Tootsie, Rain Man, Grease 1 and 2, Forrest Gump, Dances with Wolves, Braveheart, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.Oh, and I’ve watched Ghostbusters at least thirty times.


I don't watch TV, but I use to direct some of it. Here are some shows I have worked on.

The Osbournes - Newlyweds - The Simple Life - Meet the Barkers - Town Haul - The Real World:San Diego - He's A Lady - There And Back - Temptation Island - The Bachelor - Fear Factor - Becoming - Gay Weddings - Love is in the Heir - High School Reunions - Wanna Come In - Last Comic Standing - Meet My Folks - Mr. Peronality - Next Action Star - Playing it Straight


Poster designed by Brissa Contreras/Breeze Art
Want to visit The Boys Club movie set next Fall?It's that time again! Last year with Director Katherine Brooks' film Waking Madison, the production team arranged "Day On Set" visits. It turned out to be such a cool experience for everyone, we thought: 'Why not do it again for The Boys Club?!'We will be offering five slots for the 'day-on-the-set of The Boys Club' experience. The film will be shot in the Spring of next year in New Orleans, Louisiana.Email us for more details on package price.Your personal day on set includes:
-- Two nights in a hotel in the French Quarter of New Orleans-- Round trip airfare if you are in the United States-- A full day on set of the film The Boys Club. And yes, if it's a scene with extras you can be in the scene...-- Transportation to and from the airport-- Lunch with Katherine and whomever else is floating around her that day-- First-hand experience of what making a movie is all about. Two people who experienced days on set last year of Waking Madison will now be working with Katherine on this next movie!
Brooke on the set of Waking Madison
"I have to say that when the time came to leave, I practically had to be dragged out of there. Even though it was 3am, I was learning and seeing too much to want to go. It will be a memory I'll keep with me for a long time."
Talia on the set of Waking Madison
"Being on set was like a dream come true. The excitement and intensity of the production was palpable, and being able to see the creativity of Katherine first hand is an experience unlike any other."Michelle on the set of Waking Madison
"We always hear the phrase "movie magic," being on set with Kat Brooks was everything that phrase emulates. she is an inspiration to see at work and incredibly warm and humble to interact with. the experience was beyond anything i could have dreamed of and is something i will cherish the rest of my life."
************************************************ MAKE IT RIGHT FOUNDATIONThe production team behind The Boys Club are actively working with Brad Pitt's "Make It Right" foundation, a project designed to build green affordable housing on a large scale to help victims of Hurrican Katrina. The film production is sponsoring one of 150 homes being built in the Lower 9th Ward, one of the most devastated areas of New Orleans.Previously, Pitt sponsored an architecture competition organized by Global Green with the goal of generating ideas about how to rebuild sustainably. Several of those designs are currently under construction in the Lower 9th Ward and the project inspired him to expand his efforts.After discussing the hurdles associated with rebuilding in a devastated area, the group determined that a large-scale redevelopment project focused on green affordable housing and incorporating innovative design was indeed possible.The group settled on the goal of constructing 150 homes (one of the larger rebuilding projects in the city), with an emphasis on developing an affordable system that could be replicated.To demonstrate replicability, Pitt determined to locate the project in the Lower 9th Ward, one of the most devastated areas of New Orleans, proving that safe homes could and should be rebuilt. Pitt hopes that this project would be a catalyst for recovery and redevelopment throughout the Lower 9th Ward and across the city of New Orleans.Having listened to one former resident's plea to help "make this right," Pitt was inspired to name the project "Make It Right" (MIR).With Katherine having been born and raised in Louisiana and a former resident of the city - and she's soon moving back, - this is a project which is very close to all of our hearts.



Meet the newest love of my life, Mr. BoJangles. He's 10 months old and I adore him.

Some places I have seen in the world.....


Kat’s Details

Status: Yee Haw
Here for: Pleasure
Orientation: Never been to the Orient
Hometown: New Orleans and Los Angeles
Body Type: Little and Tattooed
Religion: Love
Sign: Triple Pisces
Smoke / Drink: No Thanks!
Children: Depends
Occupation: Explorer

Kat’s Networking

Film - Direction - Director

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My Blog

Waking Madison Update

Today was the first time I took a breath over Waking Madison and thought -- okay, I like this movie.I can't really describe what it's like to finish a movie and start to see the final results (the mus...
Posted by Katherine Brooks on Thu, 29 May 2008 04:14:00 PST

Writing a Script - TIPS - small towns

I've never taken a class on writing movies. I just read a lot of scripts and taught myself how - not saying I'm a great writer, but I've learned some things I am trying to apply to this new movie.In t...
Posted by Katherine Brooks on Thu, 22 May 2008 02:24:00 PST

You would save an animal before saving a human?

It's been a topic of discussion for me many times in my life.That I seem to blog and be very pro active when it comes to thesuffering and rights of animals, yet I never seem to care much forhuman suff...
Posted by Katherine Brooks on Thu, 22 May 2008 10:26:00 PST


Please post this and pass it on!!Foie gras (translated literally from French as "fatty liver" and pronounced 'fwah grah') is produced by cruel and inhumane farming practices. At just a few months old,...
Posted by Katherine Brooks on Thu, 22 May 2008 09:50:00 PST

Natural cures/help for depression

As many of you know, I was on meds for quite some time for depression. I have been going the natural route and would like to share some info with you -- St. John's WortThe herb St. John's wort (Hyper...
Posted by Katherine Brooks on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:17:00 PST

Friday Night Contest --

Okay, you guys are going to think I'm crazy -- BUT (and there is a reason I have to research this) Almost every Grammy winning singer has taken a crack at the National Anthem...soooo, if you go to You...
Posted by Katherine Brooks on Sat, 17 May 2008 04:27:00 PST

Hollywood Definitions

I wanted to take this off my front page, but have it to remember....Some definitions I learned the hard way in Hollywood:VERBS:to schmooze = befriend scumto pitch = grovel shamelesslyto brainstorm = f...
Posted by Katherine Brooks on Thu, 15 May 2008 09:42:00 PST

Hollywood and Horses - HELP

Can anyone help me find people in Hollywood that love horses.....I'm putting together a list and it's taken me forever so I thought I could start a collection here. I found out a bunch of celebrities ...
Posted by Katherine Brooks on Thu, 15 May 2008 08:18:00 PST


The Boys ClubIs often used when talking about racing because it "is" a boys club.I like the idea of a female trying to break into this club -- I think when coming up with a title it helps to imagine t...
Posted by Katherine Brooks on Thu, 15 May 2008 04:03:00 PST

Comments on my last blog about horse racing.....

Since I wrote that I've talked to four jockeys -- and like many of you side in all areas of life there is the good and the bad. And horse owners, like some parents, are good and some abuse and neglect...
Posted by Katherine Brooks on Sat, 10 May 2008 01:55:00 PST