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Well, ever since I have been on myspace I have never written a blurb about me. I figure there is not a whole lot to tell. Maybe, I am just being a little modest. There really is a LOT to tell, but how much do I really want to tell ;)!! My life is the next bestseller, that's not YET made it to!!! One day you will read about it!! Until, then I will share a little about me to you.I am a 52 year old lesbian, who looks nowhere near 52 years least that is what I have been told by a lot of people ;)!! I am a single parent of an autistic child. My beautiful and bright 13 year old autistic daughter is my world, and I love her dearly!! Raising an autistic child as a single parent has not been easy, but it has certainly been worth it!! My hobbies are listening to my favorite music, bowling, shooting pool, basketball, my computer, my Blackberry, and women...not necessarily in that order;)!!!I am a very kind, sweet, giving, thoughtful, intelligent, and loving individual. I am in a loving relationship with a woman who I cannot let walk out of my life, because I know she is the one for me!! Well, that's all for now...more later. Until then my makes people wonder what you have been up ;)!!! Take care, my friends :)!!!! Love you all, my myspace friends :)!!!!
Domestic Violence - If Anybody Cared
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