Sea Glass Records is an independent media label dedicated to promoting original artists. Just let us know if you are interested in participating in this
emerging collective world! Check out our Sea Glass Records website .
Will Engel's album "This Could Be Heaven" is AVAILABLE NOW on itunes , , emusic , and to name just a few sites. The album is also AVAILABLE IN STORES at Amoeba Music Hollywood and Borders (Goleta and Santa Barbara) ! In addition, Will Engel's "jazz inflected pop" has been profiled in the Santa Barbara Independent & in Fuse .-
Adam S. Leslie's album "A Lincolnshire Echo" is AVAILABLE NOW on . It's an album packed with texture, colour and great tunes! Also, stay tuned for the release of his upcoming album "Fingerprints"!-
Emm's EP "Summer" is AVAILABLE NOW! A hushed and stark listen, you will find yourself immersed in the thoughtfully penned lyrical imagery of summer landscapes and moved by the melancholic angst driven songs. -
Michael & Quinn's debut album "The Quip" is AVAILABLE NOW! Psychedelic in nature with extended songs, vocal harmonies, xylophone, unconventional slide guitar and harmonica but most importantly, great songs about space, time, bus-stops and pretty girls who don't comb their hair... -
With her haunting melodies and cutting lyrics, Samantha Tobey is poised to reach the next step of her career with her first EP entitled Fall Like the Leaves, which includes "Rocks and Stones," "11 Shades of Red," and "12 O'Clock." Her vocal range runs the gamut -- from quiet and moody to shameless and kick-ass. Samantha's music shimmers with promises of hope and heart, of love lost and won again, of fleeting glimpses at a better tomorrow. -
Ubyk's self titled EP is available now. Ubyk is called heavy folk because it rocks. This lyrical based, pyschedelic, acoustic music, has its roots in rock n roll and sixties pop rock.-
The SqueeGees are a fun-filled, bubbly acoustic duo that provide an irresistibly playful musical adventure for the entire family. While you would think that this delicious experience would be candy coated, The SqueeGee's package comes in a recyclable wrapper! They emphasize earth friendly themes, positive messages, and good clean fun. -
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