MISSIONOur mission is to improve the health and future of orphaned babies in Tanzania and avoid their institutionalization by creating a family of donors who will enable us to protect orphaned children’s rights, empower their caretakers and give interim housing and love to babies who are abandoned.
our goals!• Support existing community coping methods by enabling babies orphaned to AIDS and other causes to stay with willing and able family members.
• Open the Baobab Home orphanage to provide temporary or long term care for up to 8 infants and toddlers, regardless of HIV status.
• Ensure every child in our care, regardless of HIV status, is provided a healthy, stimulating environment with proper food, clothing, medical care and love, and all children with terminal illnesses have a dignified, comforting death.
• Reunify children with willing and able family member or find foster or adoptive families when reunification is not possible.
• Sponsor the education(school fees, uniforms) of as many Orphans and other Vulnerable Children (OVC) as we can and sponsor activities to encourage reading and responsibility.
• Increase awareness among donors and other interested people of the impact of the HIV/AIDS crisis.
• Make appropriate referrals when we are unable to help directly.
• Recruit international volunteers to help us raise money and conduct our outreach activities in order to make Bagamoyo a better place.
• Seek ever more appropriate methods to serve the Tanzanian Coast Region and its children.
• Conduct ongoing program evaluation and follow up with children
See more Baobab Home videos at: www.youtube.com
You can be our hero by donating time or money. Visit http://www.tzkids.org/ for more information. All donations are tax deductible.