martial arts, kickboxing, art, meditation, knitting
Anyone interested in helping end The Meatrix.
...and perhaps Captain Jack Sparrow
...and Jon Stewart
...Nelson Mandela would most likely be a very interesting person
...and let's not forget The Dalai Lama
Johnny Cash
Jeff Buckley
The Clash
Patsy Cline
Bruce Springsteen
Joni Mitchell
The Who
Pete Townshend
The Beatles
Krishna Das
Leonard Cohen
The Matrix, Farinelli, Star Trek IV, Bladerunner, Shrek
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
The Words of My Perfect Teacher, Patrul Rinpoche
The Dalai Lama's Advice on Living and Dying
The Dancing Wu Li Masters
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Ender's Game
Harry Potter
Discourses, Meher Baba
Anything by Nagarjuna or Tsongkhapa
Leo, Neo, Bruce Lee, Chickity