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Clair De Lune Morte

About Me

Clair De Lune Mortefue formada a comienzos de 2002, por el baterista Sergio Evans. En este proyecto participó inicialmente Francisco González, quien fundó la primera banda chilena de doom metal -Mischievous Augury- a comienzos de los noventa. En corto tiempo Clair De Lune Morte alcanza reconocimiento en el ambiente underground, con permanentes presentaciones en importantes ciudades del país, junto a bandas como Poema Arcanus y los brasileños Seven Angels.
Clair De Lune Morte was put together at the beginning of 2002, by the drummer SergioEvans. Initially, Francisco González took part in this project. He had created the first chilean doom-metal band -Mischievous Augury- in the early 90´s. Soon, Clair De Lune Morte was well known in the underground scene, with continuous presentations in the country´s major cities, with bands like Poema Arcanus and the brazilian Seven Angels.
Su primer Ep, Bleeds Darkest One, muestra su capacidad de combinar sonidos clásicos del doom con arreglos frescos y etéreas voces femeninas. Una fusión que interesó a Mylodon Records, reconocido sello chileno especializado en material progresivo.
Its first EP, Bleeds Darkest One, shows its capacity to combine classic doom sounds with fresh approaches and ethereal female voices. This was a fussion which drew the attention of Mylodon Records, a well-known chilean label which especialises in progressive material.
Asimismo, la historia nos enseña nuevamente su carácter cíclico. Esta placa marca el retorno de otro miembro deMischievous Augury, Héctor Díaz, guitarra en Retral, la banda que formaron Evans y González tras la disolución de su primerproyecto.
Hoy la agrupación conformada por Francisco, Héctor y Sergio presentaun demo grabado en febrero de 2007, avance de su primer larga duración.
Se trata de "Just Seconds", un tema estructurado en tres actos más un intro.Claramente muestra el lado más denso y potente del doom chileno, con la mixtura vocalde Francisco y la versatilidad rockera de Héctor en las cuerdas.
Este material promocional pretende confirmar que la banda está preparada para retomarel sitial que nunca debió abandonar.
At the same time, its history shows us again its cyclical quality.
This recording is also the return of another member of ..Mischivevous Augury,Héctor Díaz, who played the guitar in Retral, the band formed by Evans and González after their first project was discontinued.Today, the group formed by Francisco, Héctor and Sergio presents a demo recordedin February 2007, which is a preview of its first full length.
It is "Just Seconds", a piece structured in three parts plus an intro. It clearly shows themost powerful and dense side of chilean doom, with Francisco´s vocal mixture andHéctor´s rock-like versatility in the strings. This promotional materialintends to confirm that the band is ready to come back to the place it should never haveleft.
Grabación disco 2007
Video: "One"
Mischievous Augury (1992)
Nace en Rancagua, Chile. Sus fundadores, el vocalista Francisco González y el baterista Sergio Evans, buscaban un sonido diferente al death y el thrash predominante de la época. La idea es componer música intensa y depresiva, influenciada fuertemente por las bandas Paradise Lost, Cathedral y Thergothon. El trabajo comienza en forma rápida y con recursos mínimos. Ayudados por un par de guitarras acústicas crean sus cuatro primeros temas -Intro, Inmortal Land, Suffering y Fall In Dreams- grabados el verano de ese año, de manera independiente, bajo el nombre de "Promo 1993". Este material sencillo, pero singular, se propaga por su Rancagua y Santiago, ciudad donde venden bastantes copias y participan en varias presentaciones. En 1994 graban su demo debut. Lo hacen en forma más seria y profesional. En los estudios Procor y TecniSound registran y mezclan los nuevos temas. El demo titulado "Preface To A New Existence" contiene cuatro tracks:-Occult Existence, Freedom For To Die, Day Of Postergation y Acústico- lo que convierte a Mischievous Augury en la primera banda rancagüina en grabar y editar de manera profesional (por Francisco González y Sergio Evans), con distribución en América Latina y Europa. El material capta el interés de sellos del exterior y la productora nacional Dark Production, quien distribuye el demo en Sudamérica y Europa. A través del correo tradicional reciben una propuesta para lanzarlo en Francia y establecen contacto con fans en Chile y Sudamérica.
It was created in Rancagua, Chile. Its founders, the lead-singer Francisco González and Sergio Evans, the drummer, were looking for a sound which would be different from death and trash metal, which were prominent in the scene at that time. The idea was to write music which would be intense and depressive, strongly influenced by several bands: Paradise Lost, Cathedral and Thergothon.Work starts quickly and with minimal resources. With the help of two acoustic guitars, they create their first four tracks -Intro, Inmortal Land, Suffering and Fall In Dreams- which were recorded that summer, independently, under the name "Promo 1993". This simple, yet unique material spreads in Rancagua and Santiago, where they sell numerous records and take part in several shows. In 1994, they record their debut demo. They do it in a more serious and professional way. They use Procor and TecniSound studios to register and mix the new tracks. The demo is called "Preface To A New Existence", and it has four tracks: Occult Existence,Freedom For To Die, Day Of Postergation and Acústico. This makes Mischievous Augury the first band from Rancagua to record and edit professionally (by Francisco González and Sergio Evans), with distribution in Latin America and Europe. The material catches the eyes of foreign record labels and of the national production company Dark Production, which manages the distribution of the label in South America and Europe. Through traditional mail, they receive a proposition to launch it in France, and they establish contact with fans in Chile and South America.
Retral (1997)

El estilo es personal, libre, con líricas en español, sin seguir parámetros de exponentes del estilo como Anathema y Paradise Lost. En el verano graban el EP "Vestigios", con los temas Nada Real, Despertar, Ventisca y el instrumental Vestigios. Este material los lleva a Valparaíso, Puerto Montt y Quilpué. En 1998 registran el sencillo "Sombras", difundido en Santiago en radios como Concierto, en su programa "Detector de Metales". Se integra un músico fundamental, el guitarrista Héctor "Tito" Díaz. Durante 1999 y 2000 la banda sufre constantes cambios de alineación lo que atrasa el trabajo e impide la consolidación. En 2002 la banda se reúne para realizar una presentación en vivo en el Festival Doom Gothic junto a Amoris Umbra, Letal Solaris y Clair De Lune Morte, la nueva agrupación del baterista Sergio Evans.
This style is personal, free, with lyrics in spanish, without following any parameters of style such as Anathema and Paradise Lost. In the summer, they record the EP "Vestigios", with the tracks: Nada Real, Despertar, Ventisca and the instrumental track "Vestigios". This material takes them to Valparaíso, Puerto Montt and Quilpué. In 1998, they record the single "Sombras", which was broadcasted in Santiago, in radio stations like Concierto, in their show "Detector de Metales". A fundamental musician joins the band, guitar player Héctor "Tito" Díaz. During 1999 and 2000, the band goes through constant line up changes, which sets the work back and makes it difficult to consolidate it. In 2002, the band gets together for a live show in the Festival Doom Gothic, together with Amoris Umbra, Letal Solaris and Clair de Lune Morte, drummer Sergio Evan´s new band.
Traducción por Aleks Deacon
Translation by Aleks Deacon

My Interests


Member Since: 1/4/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Sergio Evans/Drums, guitar, keyboard, midi controllers and machines
Adrián Leyton/Guitar
Francisco González/Vocals

Clair de Lune Morte
Just Seconds


1.- Acto I
2.- Acto II
3.- Acto III

Clair de Lune Morte
Bleeds Darkest One



Mischievous Augury

Mischievous Augury
Preface to a new existence

Influences: My Dying Bride
The Third And The Mortal
Black Sabbath
Theatre Of Tragedy
Paradise Lost
The Gathering


Record Label: Enrage
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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New review on Born in Blood UK/Nuevo review en Born in Blood Reino Unido

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Download "Bleeds Darkest One EP" for free!

Here`s the link. Click and enjoy!Bleeds Darkest One
Posted by Clair De Lune Morte on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 09:25:00 PST

New review on Hard Sounds Italy/Nuevo review en Hard Sounds Italia

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Posted by Clair De Lune Morte on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 01:41:00 PST

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