Pheirser profile picture


it will be ALRIGHT on the night

About Me

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I'm an anarchist at heart living in a capital world with a disdain for fashion, hair styles, sports cars, wrinkle cream, christians, Kylie Minogue, stainless steel, square gardens, Ikea, wine tours, computer illiterates, Americanism/evilangelism, food giants, Australian drama, back to the 80's fads, deep fried pretzels, the movie War of the Worlds, bikinis, commercialism, colorful clothes, weird art and following sheep.
I like a lot of stuff too, don't get me wrong ;)I'm into sound tracks, astronomy, film making, surfing the net, getting older, sleeping, dreaming (while asleep), catching up with friends, discussing useful topics, playing with my dogs, googling crap, hanging with me - myself, alone in my thoughts, music and general disorganization, studying human behaviour (merely as a hobbie), blogging, Spargos Penne Chicken Pesto Pasta, Ricky Gervais pod casts, TV shows you download off the net, going to the movies, painting, expressions via various art mediums, smoking the odd cone, history, evolution, the future, being hyperactive, singing in the shower, BBQ's and more sleep.
Things I do by default - graphic design, photography, cooking, swearing and drinking.
[ Read my blog ] if you want to know more.

My Interests

research, garage band, google, design, blogs, camera, strategies, wikipedia, graphics, societies, summer, science,, space, films, sunshine, photos, health, dogs, cat, old friends, walking and looking @ houses, evolution, documentaries, cooking, ideas, politics, history, buffy, astronomy, canvas, marketing, ingenuity, edginess, ebay, being a capitalist, conversation, psychology, ridding bullshit

I'd like to meet:

© Copyright Pheirser 2006-2007. All artistic expression, photos, graphics and text are NOT to be copied or used without permission.


I am waiting for American Psycho and High Fidelity sound tracks to arrive. Romeo and Juliette (baz's) has been playing on my CD @ work alot; Placebo etc


Snatch, V-4-Vandetta, Ferris Beuler, Fight Club, Donnie Darko, Napolean Dynomite, The Fellowship of the Ring, Heathers, How to make an American Quilt, My Own Private Idaho, Star Wars, School of Rock, Jay and Silent Bob, True Romance, Anchor Man, Reality Bites, Lost in Translation, Shawshank Redemption, Interview with the Vampire, Sin City, Less than Zero, Back to the Future, Spinal Tap, early Tarrantino.


Buffy V-Slayer, Arrested Development, My Name is Earl, The Office (UK), New Inventors, Ugly Betty, Big fucking Brother, Mad TV, Lost, Ali G, South Park, Family Guy, That 70's Show, documentaries

My Blog

Seriously tho, cosmetic surgeons need to be constructive surgeons

And make shit loads of cash through enlarged bladders, for those who like to drink too much.
Posted by Pheirser on Fri, 25 May 2007 02:01:00 PST

Photo time from trip to Perth to see my man :)

At the local pub, which took half an hour to get there Check out the lamb chops on dougie - good workGrantus - I like this one due to the outback double exposure... oh and can anyone else spell *hot*?...
Posted by Pheirser on Wed, 23 May 2007 07:07:00 PST

Waiting around in Perth

Wow, I think this is the first blog entry I have done which has been categorised in the 'travel and places'. That's SAD. I don't get out much derrrrrrrrrrrr Anyways, I have just finished a 4 day trip...
Posted by Pheirser on Mon, 21 May 2007 02:56:00 PST

What ever and loving it

*YAY* - it's suppose to be like this. /// ;I love this guy;(Don't stress about the make up, strickly alter-ego fun hahahhah - lots of fun and camera action! :)Life rocks too much     M...
Posted by Pheirser on Tue, 15 May 2007 07:57:00 PST

Beautiful men rock harder than yer averages - sorry, me just gone so happy and MUSHY!!!!!!!!!!!

So in love with life right now. The weekend has been loads of fun. And my Grantus Maximus -  loads 'n tonnes of lovin' etc etc. for you in our life together forever, and ofcourse even IMMDIATELY...
Posted by Pheirser on Sat, 12 May 2007 01:48:00 PST

Best friends Rock

Little note for Lachlan, YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!Jo Jo is tethered and happy back on planet earth. Fucking hell my best mate is an acute bastard. He makes me understand the irrational and he lives in a fluf...
Posted by Pheirser on Wed, 09 May 2007 06:53:00 PST

Got a job, lobotomy and smidge of vaginal temporary insanity

Yup, I can be one messed up little unit. I feel like laughing and screaming and dancing and throwing up all in UNISON.Firstly, I harrassed my temping biatch (she used to be temping lady until I caught...
Posted by Pheirser on Tue, 08 May 2007 05:30:00 PST

My career in graphic design

So I'm applying for jobs left, right and center this week to rid my anxiety about being outta work. I'm getting good feedback from the people who aren't giving me jobs, they have been good at telling ...
Posted by Pheirser on Tue, 01 May 2007 07:02:00 PST

Come bra-less with me

Ya know, I haven't bothered wearing a bra for a while now. I don't like them.I can't breath properly when I am wearing a bra, no matter how "comfortable" it is. What is the DEAL with the BRA? I don't ...
Posted by Pheirser on Thu, 03 May 2007 06:19:00 PST

What is the DEAL with the tie?

Where did it come from, what is it's purpose, what was it's purpose? Ya know, the silly bit of material men tie around their necks. I just don't get it.I also think that men should technically wear sk...
Posted by Pheirser on Wed, 02 May 2007 06:12:00 PST