I am Odemaris Aponte, I'm 19 years old. I can be shy if i'm alone or in an unknown place but once I gain a little confidence, I tend to become extremely extroverted. I consider myself (and so do my friends) to be crazy (in a non-clinical way...although sometimes I have my doubts haha). I live my life without caring what other say, after all it's my life, right?
I love to laugh. Every time I laugh, so hard that I have to hold my stomach and prevent from peeing on myself, I know that I will never forget that moment. I thank all my friends because they all make me laugh and they all mean the world to me.
I love photography. I'm a chocolate craving addict. I believe I'm obsessed with me having to loose weight. I can survive on cereal. I love dogs (specially puppies). I love clothing and accessories. I love incense (Nag Champa). I believe internet and cell phones have the same importance as oxygen. I'm a Photoshop geek although i know very little, I adore Hello Kitty and most of all I ♥ music.
At this moment I'm studying accounting @ University of Puerto Rico and working. This totally goes against my nature for all I've ever wanted is to be a singer, specially rock star covered in awesome tattoos and piercing, party on and not give a fuck (something like Pink, she's cool). I already had the experience of singing in a cover band like for a month but it all went to was fun while it lasted. On another note I am totally in love with Starbucks Mocha Frappuccinos and the drink I recently ordered Venti Iced Soy Mocha. I really like to go out with my friends and jang out in small places, nothing that's too crowded. I also like to be here around MySpace and get to meet new people; I totally love making new friends. Just for the record I am not single, I have been in a wonderful relationship for a year and a half now, and it has been great. Of course I've had my up and down moments but then again, how can you tell if the sweet is actually sweet if you don't taste the sour. I really love my boyfriend and he is the best thing that could have happened to me. I truly love him and he means the world to me. He is the light in my darkness, he is my heaven and hell, he is my reason to live for and to die for. "You're my heaven in life and death"-HIM
Main Entry: spon•ta•ne•ous
Pronunciation: spän-'tA-nE-&s
Function: adjective
1 : proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint
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