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Gabe Kea

paper ballots are bad for the environment

About Me

My Interests

broad, endless, extensive, far-reaching, indiscriminate, undetailed, miscellaneous, all-inclusive, unconfined, collective, unspecific, indefinite, uncertain, vague

I'd like to meet:

Ryan O'Reilly


Roger Whittaker, !!! (cht cht cht), The Kinks, The Weakerthans, Camera Obscura, The Format, Jumbling Towers, Sage Francis, The Hidden Cameras, Tim Fite, The New Pornographers, Pale Young Gentlemen, Murs, Todd Snider, Magnetic Fields, Clem Snide, Mungo Jerry


Alex Gibney, Tim Robbins, Steven Soderbergh, Franka Potente, David Lynch, Neil Labute, Sissy Spacek, Eugene Jarecki, Richard Linklater, Leelee Sobieski, Michael Winterbottom, Pedro Almodovar, Milla Jovovich, Michel Gondry, Ben Affleck, Christopher Nolan, Darren Aronofsky


is an American rock music band that never achieved more than a cult audience in their homeland, but achieved significant commercial success in Europe.


My Blog

great song

BALLAD OF PAUL AND SHEILA october morning, little plane on the forest floor up on the tv between a rerun and another war here in a hotel, trying to make some sense of this two thousand miles from...
Posted by Gabe Kea on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 12:37:00 PST

The Divided States of America

      it would be nice if we could go back to a time when there were no red states or blue states, but rather the whole country was a "swing state"... or at least a time when T...
Posted by Gabe Kea on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 11:14:00 PST

Obamas Vice President

I would think the last person you want as your running-mate in a presidential election would be the person that has brought up the subject of assassination the most.  Many feel like the Democr...
Posted by Gabe Kea on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 11:34:00 PST

polygamy in America

So let me get this straight . . . polygamy is only socially acceptable if it is aired on Entertainment Television?...
Posted by Gabe Kea on Mon, 05 May 2008 12:38:00 PST


i was recently laid-off by my employer Arthur J Gallagher, well not by Arthur himself.  they said they had to realign the company's staffing levels to remain competitive.  but i knew it had...
Posted by Gabe Kea on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 02:27:00 PST

Being Rev. Wright

My mother told me when she saw one of the so called 'controversial clips' of Barack Obama's pastor Rev. Wright on a cable news program, she told her friends that this was nothing new. . .  O...
Posted by Gabe Kea on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 10:47:00 PST

General Disney News Corporation

i am often troubled by the fact that our media is owned by a handful of companies.   the term "handful of companies" is thrown around quiet a bit . . . who are these companie...
Posted by Gabe Kea on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 09:44:00 PST

Racist E-mail

Why he’ll lose the black vote. Today I received the above e-mail.  I really did not know how to respond to the e-mail, I was just kind of in shock.  Especially as I scrolled through...
Posted by Gabe Kea on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 10:53:00 PST

I say millions of words every week.

Hillary Clinton apologized and said she ’misspoke’ when detailing the dangers she faced when visiting war torn Bosnia.  Hillary Clinton’s behavior is similar to that of a stereo...
Posted by Gabe Kea on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 04:36:00 PST

Shoot the Bastard

Ill. withholds hunting licenses from ’deadbeat’ parents ASSOCIATED PRESS 03/26/2008 SPRINGFIELD, Ill. -- A $14,000 child support check was handed Rachel Miller because the father of her t...
Posted by Gabe Kea on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 01:10:00 PST