•°o. Spud .o°• profile picture

•°o. Spud .o°•

I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is SPUD! I have a couple of videos you can catch me in action with. If you look in my pics, you will see the latest addition to my family ~ TaterTot, or as I call her... "lunch!" I am a cat that loves adventure! Don't believe me? Check out MY pics! Hee hee... I am a single guy, don't like the kitties invading my territory, that's why I fly solo. I am being raised by mom, dad is off getting a career started. It's all good... I am super protective of mom, and if someone isn't going to be good to her, they had better leave before I sink my claws into them! No one messes with MY mommy!
I can't say too much about TaterTot yet... she's brand new! But I can tell you she is fun to chase around the house when she is in that plastic ball of hers!
(Now if only I could open it! Any tips would be appreciated!)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


I watch MMA with mommy!


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to raising funds for FeLV and FIV community education
and making life better for affected cats.

Support Alley Cat Allies

The North Shore Animal League

Rescuing, Rehabilitating and Rehoming
All Breeds, All Ages and All Sizes
of Dogs since 2005

My Blog

Pilling pets

How to give a cat a pill:1. Pick up the cat and cradle it gently in your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of the cat's mouth, and gently apply pressure...
Posted by "°o. Spud .o°" on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 06:11:00 PST

The world is FULL of people that need understanding

A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the 4 pups. And set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he fel...
Posted by "°o. Spud .o°" on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 11:19:00 PST

Did I tag you? Yuna tagged ME!

I'm starting it out with 20 questions, but you only have to pick 5 to answer. Also each person who gets tagged must add one more question to the list, so we always keep it fresh. I'll go first so you ...
Posted by "°o. Spud .o°" on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 10:16:00 PST

A True Cat

A true cat....purrs only to please itself. A true cat will endure discomfort for hours and wait patiently until 3 a.m. to cough up a hairball on your bed. A true cat always comes between you and you...
Posted by "°o. Spud .o°" on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 10:25:00 PST

Tagged again... by TUCKER!

Here are the rules: The first player of this game starts with five weird habits or things about themselves. Others who get tagged need to write a blog of their own about five weird habits and things t...
Posted by "°o. Spud .o°" on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 06:55:00 PST

For all my friends in need...

The Spud and family want you all to know that we are praying for all of our ill friends to get better daily. We light candles in honor of your recoveries. We may not be as vocal as some friends and po...
Posted by "°o. Spud .o°" on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 01:44:00 PST

Oh man! Tagged again!

Okay 6 more strange things about me... 1. I will only drink from flowing water, no standing water. I made mom buy me a wellpet watering fountain... I love it! 2. I drag my butt across the floor when m...
Posted by "°o. Spud .o°" on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 10:09:00 PST

I got tagged AGAIN!

Hmm... 6 things about me... 1. I am in love with plastic grocery bags! They are the best at sliding around the house on my belly like a penguin! And! They make tons of noise... always good for at...
Posted by "°o. Spud .o°" on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 09:52:00 PST


Everyone in the apartment complex I lived in knew who Ugly was. Ugly was the resident tomcat. Ugly loved three things in this world: fighting, eating garbage, and shall we say, love.The combination of...
Posted by "°o. Spud .o°" on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 10:49:00 PST

I got a laundry basket just for ME!!!

Mom bought me my own laundry basket... This is my first one... Now I don't have to be jealous of all my friends anymore...Whoo Hoo...POL!!! HOW COOL AM I !!!!!!  ...
Posted by "°o. Spud .o°" on Wed, 17 May 2006 06:45:00 PST