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About Me

http://www.myspace.com/ruthiebabexo that's the more personal page.. THINK GREEN! "WE ARE WHAT WE THINK. ALL THAT WE ARE ARISES WITH OUR THOUGHTS. WITH OUR THOUGHTS WE MAKE THE WORLD." - BUDDHA Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some; it is in everyone.And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.~Nelson Mandela"WHEN THE POWER OF LOVE OVERCOMES THE LOVE OF POWER, THAT'S WHEN THE WORLD WILL KNOW PEACE." - JIMI HENDRIX Ruth means companion. I'm all about personality, sincerety, intelligence, good energy/good vibes, and good times. About my myspace: I don't desire attention, comments & whatever. I just want to get knowledge out there & hear opinions & chat about the good things & life. You really can't get to know me by my myspace, that's just stupid, haha. There is no way you can possible know my whole life story. It's pretty interesting I might add. Lol. I'm a pretty well-rounded person. I'm passionate about life. I'm happy with my life right now. I love keeping busy. I go to school full time and I volunteer. I'm an honest outgoing person with a great sense of humor. I like to stay open-minded & easy going. I love hanging out, making jokes, having deep converstions, being outdoors... I've got a lot of soul. I believe music cures anything. I long to love and I am waiting for that guy. I'm classy and sensitive. I like to connect with people. I'm real. I'm blunt; I'm opiniated and strong. I love to get down and party, but it's not a lifestyle. It bothers me when people are cocky and full of themselves; It's pathetic and so boring. I get bored with cliche/fake/generic people and their lame lives. I'm big on people having intelligence and putting it to good use. I don't care what's "hip". I don't pollute my mind. I have very eclectic taste. I dip into everything and have tried many things and have been through a lot and learned a lot. I'm driven. I really want to become a lawyer so I can be the voice of those not strong enough to fight. I really want to be an activist most of my life, travel, take pictures and love. I don't care about money except that I do want to live in New York & London. I also might want to live in Chicago. I love to travel, I have a lot so far. I'm a European mut; mostly Norwegian, French and Welsh. I'm a dancer and I'm obsessed with music. I'm very comfortable and secure with myself. I'm smart & I have a lot to offer. I'm genuine. I'm not materialistic or shallow. I'm not perfect. I have many quirks about me. I've made mistakes and grown a lot, especially in the past year. I respect people in their own right. I don't judge you by where you're from or what you've been through. People are who they are. Everyone has a story and I love getting to know them. Nobody can ever know everything & you can always learn from someone else, whether they know it or not. The only thing people have is their experiences and how they interpret them. People only impress me when they show me proof of them being real to themselves. I love to learn. I take myself seriously when it comes to school. Lately I'm at school or studying a lot. I recently moved to a new town so I don't know very many people or many things to do so feel free to come up & talk to me :) Don't be discouraged by the look on my face because I'm a deep thinker & sometimes I looked pissed off at the world. I also like to keep in touch with cool people ;) If you want to know anything else feel free to ask. Everything and everyone is connected. Life moves in a circular motion. If lose your head, you get caught up in the tide, but if you embrace the moment you feel what life can feed you; love, laughter, and everything that is undescribable. Don't get hung up on the small stuff :) There's so much more to life.People really need to educate themselves and think for themselves. I'm talking history, culture, music, science and politics. We only live one life and at this point in time, this is what we are going through. We have the past, the people and ourselves. Make the most of it. I salute our soliders with a smile and a tear. I am here for you. I am here for me. If you don't like me, I couldn't care less :) Your loss. I rarely turn up my nose at anything. The main thing that bothers me are the people who miss out on life by terrible interactions, holding grudges, holding judgements to heart, not getting to know somebody. We are not very different. Well, we are all very different, but we still are all human. That's the part of life that's so interesting. So get in there and love and fight. Smile and cry. Scream and chill. Don't waste your time by worrying in the corner with your eyes closed. I have many philosophies about life and i love to get to talk about them with people who understand. I believe you come across your own philosophies and bulid on that. I love hearing other people's philosopihes and connecting in that way.

My Interests

Music. Laughing. Art. Photography. Travel. The ocean. Culture. Poetry. Acoustic guitar. Passion Education. Knowing what's going on in the world. I want to learn how to skateboard, snowboard and SURF. The lights of the city at night & the stars (They make you feel so humble). History. Science. True Romance. Moments where time seems to stop. Singing. DANCING. Motorcycle rides. Cooking. THRILLS. I want to try extreme sports like: Skydiving, bungie jumping, rock climbing, etc., anything. CHILLS. Riding horses. Isunflowers, gardenias & gladiolas (suprise me & you'll make my day). Sports. Concerts. Parks. Hiking. Boating. Camping. Caring about the environment. Playing pool. I played clarinet for 8 years & piano for 2. I want to learn drums & bass. Going to the ocean/lake/river. Animals rights. The City. Trying new things. Things that are bizarre. Being random. My secrets. Mystery. Shocking moments. Being there for someone. Connecting with someone. Feeling good. Life's simple pleasures. Hanging out with friends ♥ Meeting new people :) Learning valuable lessons. I don't party a lot anymore, but a good party is fun :) Those are just some things, I'm not picky

I'd like to meet:

Somebody to love. People who don't hold back. People with big hearts impress me. I love meeting new people. You don't impress me much unless you can chill and have a real conversation and be yourself; or unless you play music ♥ I'm not down with fights and drama. Life is too short. I don't like to spend my time with fake/shallow or rude people. I have got a big heart, but no room for the people who are gonna waste my time. I love meeting unique, funny, open, talkative people who make me think or laugh or feel good. I like to meet different artists and musicians, especially if they aren't doing it just for the money. If they are doing it for fame, I would hope it is for a good cause & not selfish. If it is, have fun with that. I like to meet people who have traveled or people who I can have a genuine good conversation with. I love to meet people who know where there passion is in life. I usually give people time to get to know them because sometimes people are just shy :) I like to meet people I can learn from or whom I can teach. I love it when people intrigue me. I want to meet Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, Robert Plant, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Conor Oberst, Gandhi, Albert Einstein, John Lennon, Jewel, Erin Brockovich, Drew Berrymore, Jennifer Aniston, and my grandpa. Any long lost family. When it comes to lovers... anyone who is real, who thinks for themselves, respectful, sweet, smart, romantic, strong (emotionally) and going somewhere in life is sexy to me. I want to meet anyone who knows how to have a good conversation. Anyone who likes to talk and debate. People who don't like to talk just to hear the sound of their own voice, if you know what I mean. People who know how to listen. People with personality and spark who aren't fake. People who don't revolve their life around "what's cool." I want to meet you!


universal communication


Romance. Action. Suspense. Comedy. Classics. Foreign. Old ones. Epics. Science Fiction. Educational. Biographies and such. Fantasy.


I can only take so much junk before i start to feel my brain melting. I like the interesting educational shows. & comedy


Those who understand.

My Blog

Have you got it in you?

to stop concerning yourself with how you appear? worried if you have the latest bag or know the latest dance move? you should not worry about that because that comes easy. we should be concerned about...
Posted by Haley on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 11:32:00 PST

Waste of space

90% gauranteed I'm not impressed by you at all. In fact I think you're pretty lame/boring/pathetic. Okay so how many people out there are living their lives according to what they think is "cool". I'm...
Posted by Haley on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 09:54:00 PST

Recent times

I am constantly trying to keep up with time. I want to reach my full potential which I feel I can do no problem, it just takes hard work. I seriously have no time for a social life whatsoever except f...
Posted by Haley on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 11:54:00 PST

Its all worth it

As I take this journey, I walk with strength and optimism. I walk with you into our unknown future. Our happiness today is in the hands of fate. Looking for answers is timeless my friends. The mystery...
Posted by Haley on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 09:20:00 PST

Shallow Girls

for those of you who think everything is about you: it's not!!! this world is about survival. finding true happiness does not lay in a bottle of make-up or the jewelry you wear. ladies if you want a...
Posted by Haley on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 05:14:00 PST