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Gay Rights = Human Rights

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The gay rights movement arose in response to laws against homosexual behavior and discrimination and prejudice against homosexuals. One of the first gay rights activists was Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, who lived in 19th-century Germany. Ulrichs actively campaigned for the repeal of German anti-sodomy laws. The first mass gay rights activism movement was centered around Magnus Hirschfeld, Adolf Brand, Gustav Wyneken and Leontine Sagan, in pre-World War II Berlin, Germany. The gay rights movement in Germany was almost completely obliterated or exiled by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi movement.
In the United States, the first gay rights movement was the Chicago Society for Human Rights in 1924. The movement was influenced by the German gay rights movement, and was shut down by the local police within a few months. After the Second World War the homophile movement emerged with the formation of the Mattachine Society, the Daughters of Bilitis and ONE, Inc. and the publications of Phil Andros in the years immediately following World War II. Also during this time frame Sexual Behavior in the Human Male was published by Alfred Kinsey. With migrations to the cities following the War, the sexual revolution and later free love, gay bars became more common, and the sense of gay identity strengthened during the 1950s and 1960s. The American Civil Rights Movement also gave gays a sense that they were a repressed minority, and a model on how to advance their cause.
The Stonewall riots of 1969 are considered to be the starting point for the modern gay rights movement. In the USA, they led to the creation of such groups as the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) and the Gay Activists' Alliance (GAA) in New York City. The GLF's 'A Gay Manifesto' set out the aims for the fledgling gay liberation movement, and influential intellectual Paul Goodman published his The Politics of Being Queer (1969). Chapters of the GLF then spread to other countries. These groups would be the seeds for the various modern gay rights groups that campaign for equality in countries around the globe.
The gay rights social movement|movement comprises a collection of loosely aligned civil rights groups, human rights groups, support groups and political activists seeking acceptance, tolerance and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, and related causes. Although it is typically referred to as the gay rights movement, members also promote the rights of groups of individuals who do not necessarily identify as being gay - see the article Homosexuality and Transgender.
These views are considered controversial by some, and the gay rights movement is opposed by a variety of individuals and groups including some religious and political (traditionally though not exclusively conservative) groups. Despite this controversy, many of these views have been taking up by mainstream professional organizations such as the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Medical Association. This is in part due to overwhelming scientific evidence in support of these views. Anti-gay-rights activists (for example, NARTH), however, say that these mainstream institutions have succumbed to political pressure rather than relying on a rational examination of the facts. An example that is often cited is the controversy over the removal of homosexuality from the DSM. In 1973, homosexuality was removed and replaced with "Sexual Orientation Disturbance" in the DSM-II; this was changed to "Ego-Dystonic Homosexuality" in the DSM-III and was removed entirely from the DSM-IV.
Although it is difficult to generalize, given the wide range of opinions and beliefs within the gay rights movement, in general most members agree upon the following points:
  • in tolerance to all people regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression;
  • that all people deserve equal rights and parity in law regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression;
  • that homophobia (the irrational fear and/or hatred of homosexuals) as well as transphobia is dangerous, not just to gays and lesbians or transgender people, but to all members of society;
  • views that consider homosexuality or gender variance to be negative (i.e. a sin or a perversion) are irrelevant, misguided or even outright malicious;
  • that sexual orientation is innate and cannot be consciously changed, referring to homosexuality, heterosexuality and bisexuality equally as unchangeable sexual orientations (although some queer theorists would take issue with certain parts of this argument) that gender identity is not a choice;
  • that attempts to alter sexual orientation (see ex-gay, reparative therapy and gender identity) can be dangerous, misguided at best;
  • that people should be free to express their sexual or gender identity without fear of reprisal and that homosexuality does not break down the fibers of the "traditional" family; "homophobia" does.

  • As of November 2004 only the State of Massachusetts recognizes same-sex marriages, while the States of Vermont and New Jersey offer benefits similar to marriage to same-sex partners. Seventeen other States have constitutional provisions that only recognize marriages between one man and one woman, while twenty-five States have statutes containing similar definitions.
    Family and Relationships
  • Adoption: 19 states allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt children in a complex and expensive two-step process, in which one parent first adopts and then the second can petition for joint rights.
  • Ceremonial Marriages: Same Sex Marriages may be officiated by church officials, or anyone else, but ceremonial marriages in and of themselves involve no civil laws and carry no legal benefits or responsibilities.
  • Domestic Partnership Registration: is a means by which some cities allow opposite- and same-sex couples to go on public record as a non-married couple. The major benefit is used to establish legal responsibility for debts after a relationship ends.
  • Domestic Partnership Affidavit: Many private employers and municipalities offer domestic partner benefits to their workers, based on signing a legal affidavit that defines an economic relationship.

  • Civil Unions
  • In Dec. 1999, the Hawaii Supreme Court reversed a 1996 ruling, and defined marriage as between different sex couples.
  • In April 2000, the Vermont House of Representatives gave final approval to same-sex marriages. Gays and lesbians may join in "civil unions," which are no expected to be recognized by other states and will not entitle the partners to federal benefits. The Vermont Supreme Court had ruled in December that gay and lesbian couples denied the right to marry were suffering from unconstitutional discrimination.
  • In June 2000, the Supreme Court let stand a New Jersey ruling that allowed the Boy Scouts to ban gay scoutmasters
  • In July 2000, Vermont began offering a separate form of marriage, conferring about 300 spousal rights to same sex couples.
  • The Civil Union license is obtained from town clerks. There is a $20 fee. The Unions are "certified" either by justices of the peace, judge, or willing member of the clergy. Civil Union couples also have the right to dissolve their unions through a "dissolution" process in Family Court.

  • Civil Unions Benefits
  • Definitions: Use of State laws that confer benefits or rights to people based on their marital or family status, such as family landowner rights to hunt and fish, or definitions of family farmers.
  • Adoption: Entitled to all the protections and benefits available when adopting. Same-sex couples already are allowed to adopt, but laws would reflect that those couples would now be treated as spouses.
  • Compensation: Use of victims' compensation and workers' compensation related to spouses.
  • Discrimination: Use of laws prohibiting discrimination based on marital status.
  • Health Care: Able to make medical decisions for incapacitated partner. Able to visit hospitals visitation and be notified of a partner's condition.
  • Insurance: State employees are treated as spouses for insurance or continuing care contracts.
  • Lawsuits: Able to sue for wrongful death, the emotional distress caused by a partner's death or injury, and loss of consortium caused by death or injury.
  • Property: Entitled to joint title, transfer from one to the other on death, and property transfer tax benefits.

  • Federal rights NOT Covered by Civil Unions
  • Boy Scouts: In June 2000, the Supreme Court ruled that the Boy Scouts of America can bar homosexuals from serving as troop leaders.
  • Don't Ask, Don't Tell: The Clinton administration in 1993 enacted a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. Under the existing rules, gays can be discharged from the military for homosexual contact and for stating their sexual orientation, but the military is not allowed to ask them their orientation.
  • On May 17, 2004, Massachusetts began allowing same-sex marriages. This followed a ruling by the Massacshuetts Supreme Judicial Court in a case known as "Goodridge." The Massachusetts legislature passed a bill to allow voters to decide on a Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marraiges, but the referendum vote will not occur until November 2006. The Massachusetts law only applies to in-state residents, but many cities and towns have declined to ask applicants their residency.
  • My Interests

    The gay rights social movement comprises a collection of loosely aligned civil rights groups, human rights groups, support groups and political activists seeking acceptance, tolerance and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, and related causes. Although it is typically referred to as the gay rights movement, members also promote the rights of groups of individuals who do not necessarily identify as being gay.These views are considered controversial by some, and the gay rights movement is opposed by a variety of individuals and groups including some religious and political (traditionally though not exclusively conservative) groups. Despite this controversy, many of these views have been taken up by mainstream professional organizations such as the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Medical Association. Anti-gay-rights activists (for example, NARTH), however, say that these mainstream institutions have succumbed to political pressure rather than relying on a rational examination of the facts. An example that is often cited is the controversy over the removal of homosexuality from the DSM. In 1973, homosexuality was removed and replaced with "Sexual Orientation Disturbance" in the DSM-II; this was changed to "Ego-Dystonic Homosexuality" in the DSM-III and was removed entirely from the DSM-IV.Although it is difficult to generalize, given the wide range of opinions and beliefs within the gay rights movement, most proponents of gay rights agree that all people deserve equal rights, equal respect and parity in law, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, and that prejudice (homophobia, biphobia and transphobia) is dangerous, not just to gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people, but to all members of society. It is also commonly argued that sexual orientation and gender identity are innate and cannot be consciously changed, and attempts to alter sexual orientation (see ex-gay, reparative therapy and gender identity) are generally opposed in principle.
    Before 1860 In eighteenth and nineteenth century Europe, same-sex sexual behaviour and cross-dressing were widely considered to be socially unacceptable, and were serious crimes under sodomy and sumptuary laws. Any organised community or social life was underground and secret. Social reformer Jeremy Bentham wrote the first known argument for homosexual law reform in England around 1785, at a time when the legal penalty for "buggery" was death by hanging. However, he feared reprisal, and his powerful essay was not published until 1978. The emerging currents of secular humanist thought which had inspired Bentham also informed the French Revolution, and when the newly-formed National Constituent Assembly began drafting the policies and laws of the new republic in 1790, groups of militant 'sodomite-citizens' in Paris petitioned the Assemblée nationale, the governing body of the French Revolution, for freedom and recognition. In 1791 France became the first nation to decriminalise homosexuality, probably thanks in part to the homosexual Jean Jacques Régis de Cambacérès who was one of the authors of the Napoleonic code.In 1833, an anonymous English-language writer wrote a poetic defence of Captain Nicholas Nicholls, who had been sentenced to death in London for sodomy:Whence spring these inclinations, rank and strong? And harming no one, wherefore call them wrong?Three years later in Switzerland, Heinrich Hoessli published the first volume of Eros: Die Mannerliebe der Griechen ("Eros: The Male-love of the Greeks"), another defence of same-sex love.
    1860 - 1933 Modern historians usually look to German activist Karl Heinrich Ulrichs as the pioneer of the LGBT rights movement. Ulrichs came out publicly and began publishing books about same-sex love and gender variance in the 1860s, a few years before the term "homosexual" was first published in 1869. Ulrichs' Uranians were people with a range of gender expressions and same-sex desires; he considered himself "a female psyche in a male body".From the 1870s, social reformers in other countries had began to take up the Uranian cause, but their identites were kept secret for fear of reprisal. A secret British society called "The Order of Chaeronea" campaigned for the legalisation of homosexuality, and counted playwright Oscar Wilde among its members in the last decades of the 19th century. In the 1890s, English socialist poet Edward Carpenter and Scottish anarchist John Henry Mackay wrote in defense of same-sex love and androgyny; Carpenter and British homosexual rights advocate John Addington Symonds contributed to the development of Havelock Ellis's groundbreaking book Sexual Inversion, which called for tolerance towards "inverts" and was suppressed when first published in England.In Europe and America, a broader movement of "free love" was also emerging from the 1890s among first-wave feminists and radicals of the libertarian Left. They critiqued Victorian sexual morality and the traditional institutions of family and marriage that were seen to enslave women. Some advocates of free love such as the Russian anarchist and feminist Emma Goldman also spoke in defence of same-sex love and challenged repressive legislation.Magnus Hirschfeld was a prominent German physician, sexologist, and gay rights advocate.In 1898, German doctor and writer Magnus Hirschfeld formed the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee to campaign publicly against the notorious law "Paragraph 175", which made sex between men illegal. Adolf Brand later broke away from the group, disagreeing with Hirschfeld's medical view of the "intermediate sex", seeing male-male sex as merely an aspect of manly virility and male social bonding. Brand was the first to use "outing" as a political strategy, claming that German Chancellor Bernhard von Bülow engaged in homosexual activity.Anna Rüling, delivering a public speech in 1904 at the request of Hirschfeld, became the first female Uranian activist. Rüling, who also saw "men, women, and homosexuals" as three distinct genders, called for an alliance between the women's and sexual reform movements, but this speech is her only known contribution to the cause. Women only began to join the previously male-dominated sexual reform movement around 1910 when the German government tried to expand Paragraph 175 to outlaw sex between women. Heterosexual feminist leader Helene Stöcker became a prominent figure in the movement.Hirschfeld, whose life was dedicated to social progress for homosexual and transgender people, formed the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexology) in 1919. The institute conducted an enormous amount of research, saw thousands of transgender and homosexual clients at consultations, and championed a broad range of sexual reforms including sex education, contraception and women's rights. However, the gains made in Germany would soon be drastically reversed with the rise of Nazism, and the institute and its library were destoyed in 1933.In the United States, several secret or semi-secret groups were formed explicitly to advance the rights of homosexuals as early as the turn of the twentieth century, but little is known about them (Norton 2005). A better documented group is Henry Gerber’s Society for Human Rights formed in Chicago in 1924), which was quickly suppressed (Bullough 2005).
    1950 - 1968 Immediately following World War II, a number of homosexual rights groups came into being or were revived across the Western world, in Britain, France, Germany, Holland, the Scandinavian countries and the United States. These groups usually preferred the term homophile to "homosexual", emphasising love over sex. The homophile movement began in the late 1940s with groups in the Netherlands and Denmark, and continued throughout the 1950s and 1960s with groups in Sweden, Norway, the United States, France, Britiain and elsewhere. ONE, Inc., the first public homosexual organization in the U.S. (Percy & Glover 2005), was bankrolled by the wealthy transsexual man Reed Erickson. A U.S. transgender-rights journal, Transvestia: The Journal of the American Society for Equality in Dress, also published two issues in 1952.The homophile movement lobbied within established political systems for social acceptability; radicals of the 1970s would later disparage the homophile groups for being assimilationist. Any demonstrations were orderly and polite (Matzner 2004). By 1969, there were dozens of homophile organizations and publications in the U.S. (Percy 2005), and a national organization had been formed, but they were largely ignored by the media. A 1965 gay march held in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, according to some historians, marked the beginning of the modern gay rights movement. Meanwhile in San Francisco in 1966, transgender street prostitutes in the poor neighborhood of Tenderloin rioted against police harassment at a popular all-night restaurant, Compton's Cafeteria.
    1969 - 1986 The new social movements of the sixties, such as the Black Power and anti-Vietnam war movements in the U.S, the May 1968 insurrection in France, and Women's Liberation throughout the Western world, inspired some LGBT activists to become militant, and the Gay Liberation Movement emerged towards the end of the decade. The English-speaking world marks the birth of the new radicalism at the Stonewall riots of 1969, when a group of transgender, lesbian and gay male patrons at a bar in New York resisted a police raid.Immediately after Stonewall, such groups as the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) and the Gay Activists' Alliance (GAA) were formed. Their use of the word "gay" represented a new unapologetic defiance — as an antonym for "straight" ('respectable sexual behaviour'), it encompassed a range of non-normative sexualities and gender expressions, such as transgender street prostitutes. According to Gay Lib writer Toby Marotta, "their Gay political outlooks were not homophile but liberationist." "Out, loud and proud", they engaged in colorful street theater (Gallagher & Bull 1996). The GLF’s ‘A Gay Manifesto’ set out the aims for the fledgling gay liberation movement, and influential intellectual Paul Goodman published “The Politics of Being Queer” (1969). Chapters of the GLF were established across the US and in other parts of the Western world. The Front Homosexuel d'Action Révolutionnaire was formed in 1971 by lesbians who split from the Mouvement Homophile de France in 1971. One of the values of the movement was gay pride. Organized by an early GLF leader Brenda Howard, the Stonewall riots were commemorated by annual marches that became known as Pride parades. Gay Pride flag, symbol of the LGBT rights movementFrom the anarchistic Gay Liberation Movement of the early 1970s arose a more conservative and institutionalized "Gay Rights Movement". This represented a shift away from transgender issues, and butch bar dykes and flamboyant street queens came to be seen as negative stereotypes of lesbians and gays. Veteran activists such as Sylvia Rivera and Beth Elliot were sidelined or expelled because they were transsexual. During this period, the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) was formed (1978), and it continues to campaign for lesbian and gay human rights with the United Nations and individual national governments.Lesbian feminism, which was most influential from the mid 1970s to the mid 1980s, encouraged women to direct their energies toward other women rather than men, and advocated lesbianism as the logical result of feminism. Many women of the Gay Liberation movement felt frustated at the domination of the movement by men and formed separate organisations; some who felt gender differences between men and women could not be resolved developed "lesbian separatism", influenced by writings such as Jill Johnston's 1973 book "Lesbian Nation". Disagreements between different political philosophies were, at times, extremely heated, and became known as the lesbian sex wars, clashing in particular over views on sadomasochism and transsexuality. The term "gay" came to be more strongly associated with homosexual males.
    1987 - present Some historians consider that a new epoch of the gay rights movement began in the 1980s with the advent of AIDS, which decimated the leadership and shifted the focus for many. This era saw a resurgence of militancy with direct action groups like ACT UP (formed in 1987), and its offshoots Queer Nation (1990) and the Lesbian Avengers (1992). Some younger activists, seeing "gay and lesbian" as increasingly normative and politically conservative, began using the word queer as a defiant statement of all sexual minorities and gender variant people — just as the earlier liberationists had done with the word "gay". A less confrontational attempt to reunite the interests of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transpeople occurred with the term LGBT, which has now (as of 2006) become a commonplace descriptor of organisations that once described themselves as "gay rights" groups.In the 1990s, organisations began to spring up in non-western countries, such as Progay Philippines, which was founded in 1993 and organised the first Gay Pride march in Asia on June 26, 1994. In many countries, LGBT organisations remain illegal (as of 2006) and transgender and homosexual activists face extreme opposition from the state.The 1990s also saw a rapid expansion of transgender rights movements across the globe. Hijra activists campaigned for recognition as a third sex in India and Travesti-rights groups began to organise against police brutality across Latin America, while activists in the United States formed militant groups such as Transexual (sic) Menace. An important text was Leslie Feinberg's, "Transgender Liberation: A Movement Whose Time Has Come", published in 1992.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    Same-sex marriage is marriage between individuals who are of the same legal or biological sex. It is also called gender-neutral marriage, equal marriage, and gay marriage (favored by proponents, along with just marriage), and homosexual marriage (sometimes favored by opponents). These terms may have different connotations, and may be favored by various audiences. For discussion of other forms of civil and religious same-sex unions distinct from marriage, see the articles linked in the pertinent section below.
    In the late 1990s and early 2000s, progress towards and bans of same-sex marriage created a topic of debate all over the world. Currently, same-sex marriages are recognized nationwide in four countries: Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, and also in the state of Massachusetts in the United States (although these marriages have no legal recognition at the federal level in the US). The Republic of South Africa also is set to join them by December 2006 as a result of several recent court rulings in favour of same-sex marriage. When it does, an estimated 155 million people worldwide, or approximately 2.5% of the world's total population, will live in places where same-sex marriage exists.
    Civil unions and other forms of legal recognition for same-sex couples, which offer most if not all the rights accorded in a civil marriage, exist in the majority of countries in Europe, parts of South America (Argentina, Brazil), regions of Oceania (Australia, New Zealand), and additional territories in North America (CA, CT, D.C., HI, ME, NJ, VT). The article below defines same-sex marriage but also presents the arguments for and against the institution.
    Currently, only one man and one woman can be joined in matrimony and have their marriages recognized by the state, except for residents of Massachusetts who successfully won a court battle for the right to marry. Same-sex couples were able to obtain marriage licenses in San Francisco, CA, and in various towns in New Mexico and New York for short intervals of time during 2004. However, none were able to register their marriages.
    As of 2004-AUG:
    37 states have enacted "Defense of Marriage Acts" (DOMAs) that ban same-sex marriage. Other states have similar legislation pending.
    3 states (AK, NE, NV) have amended their state constitutions to ban SSM.
    4 states (MD, OR, WI, WY) have marriage laws that specifically prohibit SSM
    5 states (CT, NJ, NM, NY, RI) and DC have no explicit prohibition of SSM.
    1 state (MA) allows SSM, but only to residents of the state.

    I'd like to meet:

    Anyone who is interested in joining our new group supporting gay rights everywhere in the world.
    ATTENTION For a reason that we do not know, the original group that we created on December 24th was deleted and we were forced to start from scratch. We apologize for ANY inconvenience this has caused anyone but we assure you that MySpace has been notified. We do ask that you continue to show your support by joining the new group and we thank you all for your patience.
    Click the picture to join


    "Tying the Knot" is a documentary directed by Jim de Sève and released in 2004.

      MovieFone viewers gave the movie five stars, its maximum rating. The Daily News gave it 4½ out of five stars. The Christian Science Monitor gave it four stars. It describes: The experiences of Mickie and Louis, a lesbian couple who had been together for thirteen years. Louis was a Florida police officer who died trying to stop a bank robbery. Mickie was denied all pension benefits. The story of Sam and Earl. They were together for 22 years in Oklahoma. When Earl died, this long-estranged cousins tried to have his will declared invalid so that they could gain ownership of Earl's house and turn Sam out onto the street. The history of marriage The battles for full marital equality for same-sex couples.

    Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) is a partner in the making of the movie. They believe that: "This film is a great way to introduce your friends, co-workers and neighbors to the marriage equality issue - it explores aspects of the issue like family dynamics, legal ramifications and the history of marriage in sometimes humorous, sometimes heart-breaking ways. Most importantly, this is a film that reveals the human side of discrimination in a way that EVERYONE can understand."
    It is available for U.S. $22.93, postage paid. They accept PayPal. See:
    "Out of the Past" was directed and produced by Jeff Dupre; written by Michelle Ferrari; director of photography, Buddy Squires; edited by George O'Donnell and Toby Shimin; music by Matthias Gohl; released by Zeitgeist Films/Unapix Films. Shown with a 27-minute short, Todd Haynes' "Dottie Gets Spanked." At the Screening Room, 54 Varick Street, at Laight Street, TriBeCa. Running time: 64 minutes. This film is not rated. WITH: Linda Hunt (Narrator) and Barbara Gittings. WITH THE VOICES OF: Stephen Spinella (Michael Wigglesworth), Gwyneth Paltrow (Sarah Orne Jewett), Cherry Jones (Annie Adams Fields), Edward Norton (Henry Gerber) and Leland Gantt (Bayard Rustin). It was released in 1998
    In 1995, Kelli Peterson started a gay and straight club at her Salt Lake City high school. The story of her ensuing battle with school authorities in interspersed with looks back at the diary of Michael Wigglesworth, a 17th-century Puritan cleric, at the 30-year love affair of Sarah Orne Jewett and Annie Adams Fields, at Henry Gerber's attempt after World War I to establish a gay-rights organization, at Bayard Rustin's role in the civil rights movement, and at Barbara Gittings' taking on of the American Psychiatric Association's position that homosexuality is illness. One person comments, "To create a place for ourselves in the present, we have to find ourselves in the past."
    GLAAD Media Awards Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s) 1999 Won GLAAD Media Award Outstanding Film (Documentary)
    L.A. Outfest Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s) 1998 Won Audience Award Outstanding Documentary Feature Jeffrey Dupre
    Sundance Film Festival Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s) 1998 Won Audience Award Documentary Jeffrey Dupre
    Nominated Grand Jury Prize Documentary Jeffrey Dupre
    It is available for U.S. $8.99, on
    "Freedom to Marry "
    This uplifting, poignant, and soul-opening documentary, aired on PBS stations, highlights a momentous, historical milestone when San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom engaged in ground-breaking civil disobedience as he allowed same-sex couples to marry at San Francisco City Hall. With rousing speeches from beloved comic Margaret Cho, top marriage equality leaders, and interviews with seven long-term same sex couples, Freedom To Marry brings a joyful, personal face to marriage equality at the height of this burgeoning, world-wide civil rights movement.
    It is available for U.S. $25.00, on


    Betty Fairchild, Nancy Hayward "Now That You Know: A Parent's Guide to Understanding Their Gay and Lesbian Children"
    Mark Blasius, "Gay and Lesbian Politics: Sexuality and the Emergence of a New Ethic "
    Jennifer Smith, "The Gay Rights Movement (American Social Movements Series)"
    Kelly Huegel, "GLBTQ: The Survival Guide for Queer & Questioning Teens"
    Tricia Andryszewski, "Gay Rights"
    George Chauncey, "Why Marriage? The history shaping today's debate over gay equality"
    Craig A. Rimmerman, "The Politics of Gay Rights"
    Jonathan Rauch, "Gay Marriage : Why It Is Good for Gays, Good for Straights, and Good for America"
    A. Sullivan & J. Landau, "Same-sex marriage: Pro and Con"
    David Myers & Letha Scanzoni, "What God has joined together? A Christian case for gay marriage"
    Mark Blasius, "Sexual Identities, Queer Politics "
    Vera Whisman, "Queer By Choice; Lesbians, Gay Men, and The Politics of Identity"
    Suzanne Sherman, "Lesbian and Gay Marriage: Private Commitments, Public Ceremonies"
    Michael Willhoite, "Daddy's Wedding"
    Evan Wolfson, "Why Marriage Matters : America, Equality, and Gay People's Right to Marry"
    Calvin Thomas, Joseph O. Aimone, and Catherine A. F. Macgillivray, "Straight With a Twist: Queer Theory and the Subject of Heterosexuality"
    Judith Halberstam, "In A Queer Time And Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives "
    Michael Nava, Robert Dawidoff, "Created Equal : Why Gay Rights Matter to America "
    Daniel R. Pinello, "Gay Rights and American Law"

    My Blog

    Teachers promoting gay rights risk being fired

    Teachers promoting gay rights risk being fired 15 March 2007 Warsaw (dpa) - Teachers who promote gay rights in schools risk losing their jobs under draft regulations currently being drawn up by Poland...
    Posted by Support Gay Rights Staff on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 04:56:00 PST

    Gay Rights Find an Unlikely Champion, and Face an Old Foe

    Gay Rights Find an Unlikely Champion, and Face an Old Foe Steve Shives I'm not especially intelligent or eloquent, but I'm honest, independent and prolific, so chances are I'll stumble over an insi...
    Posted by Support Gay Rights Staff on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 04:56:00 PST

    Vatican attacks kids attending gay rights rally

    Vatican attacks kids attending gay rights rally ..> ..> ..> 14th March 2007 11:14Tony GrewThe official newspaper of the Vatican has lamba...
    Posted by Support Gay Rights Staff on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 04:55:00 PST

    Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Peter Pace calls homosexuality 'immoral'

    Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Peter Pace calls homosexuality 'immoral' WASHINGTON -- The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Monday he considers homosexuality to be immoral and the military shoul...
    Posted by Support Gay Rights Staff on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:18:00 PST

    Guiliani supports gay rights, gun control... and hes still a GOP contender

    Guiliani supports gay rights, gun control... and he's still a GOP contenderby Liz SidotiAssociated PressTuesday Mar 13, 2007 ..> Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani delivers the keynote sp...
    Posted by Support Gay Rights Staff on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:16:00 PST

    Cyndi Lauper Tours For Gay Rights

    Cyndi Lauper Tours For Gay Rights If you were alive in the mid-1980s, you will most likely remember Cyndi Lauper's classic "True Colors".  For some it is just a love song, while others have att...
    Posted by Support Gay Rights Staff on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:17:00 PST

    Panel OKs sexual-orientation protections (OR)

    Panel OKs sexual-orientation protections After emotional debate, anti-discrimination bill moves to full Senate STEVE LAWStatesman Journal March 13, 2007 Oregon gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgende...
    Posted by Support Gay Rights Staff on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:16:00 PST

    Gay Rights Group Clashes with College

    Gay Rights Group Clashes with College Tom Murray MILWAUKEE - There is a clash between Wisconsin Lutheran College and a gay rights group. The group, called Soulforce, wanted to talk to students on camp...
    Posted by Support Gay Rights Staff on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:14:00 PST

    Catholics protest gay rights from the pulpit

    Catholics protest gay rights from the pulpit ..> ..> ..>The church hierarchy have so far not made clear if they will close their adoption services by 2009...> 12th March 2007 10:39Tony GrewIn...
    Posted by Support Gay Rights Staff on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:13:00 PST

    Gay rights groups criticize Dungy

    Gay rights groups criticize Dungy From wire reports Originally published March 11, 2007 Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy's acceptance of an invitation to speak to a conservative Christian group sh...
    Posted by Support Gay Rights Staff on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:12:00 PST