My interests change all the time, but currently they are:
Christianity, Judaism, Dark underground music, Goth, Industrial, New Wave, Darkwave, Coldwave, IDM, EBM, Futurepop, Deathrock, Horrorpunk, Batcave, Synthpop, Darkambient, Harsh Noise, Powernoise, Electrorock.
There are loads of people i'd like to meet. First of all i would like to meet my Saviour Jesus Christ. I know i will some day!
I would also like to meet more Christian musicians in various underground genres like Goth, Industrial, EBM, IDM, Synthpop, New Wave, Darkwave, Deathrock, Batcave, etc. You get the idea... I'm especially interested in Christian musicians that are not in my Band Index (yet), but i would strongly request that all such bands introduce themselves before sending me a friend request.
About my top-24:
My top-24 consists solely of bands and the order in which they appear are in reverse order of "discovery", so the latest addition is listed first.
Please note that this order is NOT an indication of how much i like a band or artist!
BMGIP is a neutral party that lets the listener decide for him/herself wether a band is good or not.
...As The Machinery Harps, [enVision], ¢rÃ¥Ãlë-Grävè (Cradle-Grave), -13-6-, 3.1, 3DarkHours, 441, 54, 56K, 7 SE7EN 7, 7 Years in Space, 99dOLLARdIVORCE, A Different Kind of Cop, A Hymn For Her, A Place Where Time Has No Meaning, A Somewhat Dead Baby, A Tale of Less, Aaron Cavanaugh, Aaron Messmer, Abandoned Toys, Adom9, Ages of Strength, Aggressive Little Juice Machine, Agnes Poetry, Aidan's Dream, Alamoth, Aleixa, Aletheia, Alien..Six13, Altair Prime, Amend, Amos, Ananias, Anaphylaxis, Angry Little Freak, Ängst, Anguidara, Animus Pugna, Anna Ranger, Anonymity, Anticrisis, AP2, Aphorism, Apocalyptic Subculture Cowboy, Arbitrage, Argyle Park, Artemius, As Ember, As If..., Ashton Nyte, Audio Paradox, Automate, Autovoice, Autumn's Descent, Avenpitch, Azure Skies, Balaam's Miracle, BATZZ in the Belfry, BBFM, Beat Monger, Beauty for Ashes, Betrayal, Betroth, Bitter Grace, Bizune, Black Rose Cinema, Blackhouse, Blacklist(Collective), Blank Frame, Blaster the Rocketboy, Blaster the Rocketman, Blind Child, Blind Eye Soul, Blind Faith and Envy, Blissett 371, Bloodstained, bodyFurnace, Bones of Joseph, brain:blood:volüm, Breather, Brian C Janes, Bridgeshadows, Brus, Byron Tate, Bytet, Cadence, Camille, Carbon Based Lifeform, Carbon Haze, Cartridges for Weapons, Casey Irvine, Caul, Caustic Restraint, Celldweller, Central Pod Man, Cesium 137, Chains No More, Chamber of Sorrows, Chapter 2, Chatterbox, Cheryl, Chick, Christian Plumber, Circle of Dust, Clang Quartet, Colossal Spin, Column 5, Confession of Faith, Controversy Under Fire, Coriolis, Cryostate, Culture Whore, Cybershadow, Dan Chick, Dancing Baptists, Daniel Amos (DA), Dark Forest, Dark Gently, Dark Places, Dark Sun, Darkfield illuminatoR, Das Reaktor, Datawhore, Dawnuponus, Dead 2 Life, Dead Artist Syndrome, Dead Turns Alive, Deadrise, Dear Diary, December Smiles, Declaration, Defense Mechanism, Deitiphobia, Delta-S, Demize, Des Integration, Deszumidifikator, Devastation, Distant Sun, DJ Darkheart, Doppel Kode, Duo Drone, Dust of Broken Heart, Dwell, E.Pneumatika, É.Pneümätikä, Echo Chamber Culture, Echo Drone, Ed Fleab, Electrogarden, Elendmond, Eleven, Elkland, Emerald Vein, Endless Funeral, Energist, Erinfall, Erratic Tapping Disorder, Estigmas Permanentes, Estraya, Eva O, Evanescence, Ever, Ever.Burning, Existence Unknown, EYE, F.L.E.X, Fairhaven, Faith, Fallout Nation, Famine, Fatal Blast Whip, Fear of Faith, Fearful Symmetry, Fell Venus, fifth candl3, Firmament, Five Sorrows, Fleshling Child, Flood of Life, Fold Zandura, Forgiveness With Mercy, Forgottyn, Forsaken Lemonade, Foster, Frolic, From Nothing, Funeral Dress, Gadget, Ganglia, Gehenna Tattoo, Generation, Ghostmile, Globalwavesystem, Glyptic Minority, Goblinshred, Godscare, Golgotha Wails, Goodnight Star, Gotham, Graphic Verses, Grave of the Prophet, Graveyard Bats, Green Mistletoe, Happy Ghost Blanket Bash, Happy Little Day, Hardware:Plus, Heart of Darkness, Heaven Bent, Hollydrift, House of Wires, Hypothermic, I Satellite, Idyll Hands, Ill Omen Nation, Illuminandi, ILOVEYOU, Inanition, Incinerated, Infrastructure, Integration, Internal Empty, Intuition, Ishur Ninku, Jael, Jagged Doctrine, Jascha, Jason Grant, Jesus Addict, Johnny J Blair, Johnny Razor, Joseph Experimental, Joshua Bourke, Joy Electric, Judean Radiostatic, Juggernautz, Kaboing, Karsten-Guldbrandsen(Hvilberg), Kastor, Kastuko Exeter, KAVA, KAVAH, Killingtheoldman, King Never, Kingdom Age, Kinn, Klank, Kohllapse, Koyle, KrEg, Kryst The Conqueror, Kult Of Yeshoua, L.S.U., Lackthereof, Lackthrow, Lacrimosa, Lakeswan, Lamppost Angel, Leaderdogs for the Blind, Leiahdorus, Leper, Letalis Victus, Level, Level.9, Liar's Paradise, Lilian Vaz, Limited Stability, Liquid Elevator, Liquid Fiction, Lithium X, Llona, Lode, Lonny Lord, Lost By Default, Lost in Place, Love Association, Luminaria, Luminescent Debris, Lunar Lander, Lunasect, Lunelac, Luxeed, lvl, Lycia, Machine Made Pleasure, Machinecorpse, Mad at the World, Magni, Mago, manufraQture, MARS, Martyrs Seldom Known, Massivivid, Mattronic, Mayfairgrin, meateebon, M-Edge, Memories In Future Tense, Mental Destruction, Mentallo & the Fixer, Mercury Radio Theater, Metropolis, Michael Knott, Midiboy, Midnight Orchestra, Midnight.Fall, Midnitestar, MiLLENNiA, Miss Angie, Mistula, Mittwochskind, modularFAILURE, Monolithic, Monsterus, Moonlight Trance, Morchid, Morgan, Morning of the Shadows, Mortal, Muse in the Machine, My Drama, Nanosecond, Narkoleptik, Necromance, Neocelt, Neverdead, New Society, No Laughing Matter, No Longer Music, Noisy Hammers And Coldness, Non Revanche, NorskuBouty Hutlers, Norway, Norway², Nosrobethria, Not Quite Sure Yet, Nothing Box, Nova Child, Null Factor, Old Path, Olney, Ombowstring Lennon, Omnos, Oracles of God, Order of Melchizedek, Othniel, Outputmessage, Outsource, Painted Orange, Panaheadvaporill, Paradigm Lost, Paradigm Quest, Paradoxx, Paragon Null, Parca Pace, Permanent Solution, Phase, Phototaxis, Pingmusic, Pivot Clowj, Plastic Meaning, Porteur de l'Image, Powerlab, Prealpha, Pristina, PRODIgAL BROTHeRS, Professor Small, Program One, Project:Failing Flesh, Qub3, Qwarq, Rachael's.Surrender, Rackets and Drapes, Ratphink & Boo-Boo, Recombinant, Red Lipstick Death, Red Rum Trance, Red Sector One, Red Sky Rising, Redemption, Regenerator, Regressor 18, Reign of Malevolence, Remora, Rensek, Replicator, Rest, Resurrection Eve, Rhythmic Symphony, Ritual Tribal, River, Riversoul, Rivir, Rollercoaster 23, Royal Facade, Rubicon 7, Rythmic Patterns, Saints and Children, Saints of Sorrow, Samuel Holland, Sanctified Noise, Sanctum, Saturnine Mystery, Saul2Paul, Saviour Machine, Scar Chemik, Scaterd Few, Scionic, Screams of Chaos, Seal of the Living God, Seed, Self Induced, Shadow InsurreXion, Shane Shredz, Shea, Sheltershed, Shephanim, Shimri, Signalbleed, Sikvenkos, Silas Moop, Silence Surrounding, Silent Auction, Silent Finale, Simple Shelter, Simulator, Sincerely Paul, Situation, Situation Taboo, Sixty Below, Skindot, Skotoma, Sleepy Hollow, Small Life Form, Smee, Snifter Tang, Social Engine, Social Engineer, Sombrance, Some State of Broken, Soul Haven, Soul Transparent, Soulchasm, Soulwhirlingsomewhere, Soviet, Space Cat Robot, Spaztik, Spirit and the Bride, Spirit Child, SPQR, Spy Glass Blue, Star Crossed, Starbearer, Starfrost, Static:Soul, Stiffff Kitties, Stratos, Stromkreis, Substructure, Summerbirds in the Cellar, SVD, System 6, System Primal, Tapedrive, Tara Vanflower, Taur Nu Fuin, TC Bleu, Tears for the Dying, Temple of the Times, Tendigits, Terrasin, Tethered Roses, ThaddiusX, The 77's, The Awakening, The Blessed Last, The Bloodflowers, The Calico Sunset, The Call, The Chidluns, The Choir, The Circuits, The Deadlines, The Devouring Element, The Dignity of Labour, The Dying Tree, The Echoing Green, The Eternal Chapter, The Eve Project, The Failures, The Fleshpeddlers, The Glass Dance, The Groaning, The Hangmen, The Hounds of Heaven, The Jesus Prayer, The Last Dance, The Liquid Fix, The Night Grows Cold..., The Nine, The November Commandment (a.k.a. NovCom), The Ocean Blue, The Promise Book, The, The Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus, The September Equation, The Sound, The Souvenir, The Swoon, The Synthetic Dream Foundation, The Terminal Generation, The Veracious Sound Labratories, The Violet Burning, The Way Sect Bloom, The Witching Hour, The Word of God, Faithful and True, The World Black, TheCELLexperiment, Theophonix, This Fish Needs A Bike, This Futile Mark, This Very Purpose, ThouShaltNot, Thundara, Thymikon, Ti Mo, Titus Twimbly, Torn Skin, Torque Order, Toxic Church, Tranquil Chaos, Translucid, Traumatone, Travelogue, Trinitite, True Colour of Blood, Twit/ch, Twitching Laceration, Ultraviolet, Under Midnight, Undercover, Undiscovered Moons of Saturn, Undish, Unicks Face, Uniglory, Untold Dream, Urbivor, Valid Core, Veer Chasm, Vegas in Space, Verbum Mentis, Vernian Process, Versilbc, Vic Mendoza, Victim of Conspiracy, Victus Martyr, Violet Dreaming, Virgin Black, Visionaire, Vital Force, VK12, Vlad Glitz, Voice Industrie, Voice of the Mysterons, Voxis, Wailing Wall, Wasted Synapse, weAponX, Wedding Party, Wigtop, Winter Winds, Winterkiss, Wireless by Korvus, Wispher, World of Ashes, Worldhate, Writ on Water, Wyrick, Wyrmwood:the Legacy, X1, x-Celsius, xEmpathyx, XPHERE, X-Propagation, Zebulun, Zeta, Zwerg, Zymotic
Jesus Christ for saving my crummy little life more than once.