Lyrics to song: "Lucaifem"
Poem to song: "Mirritha"
Thor's Day
All Hallow's Eve
Dies Irae
Thine Eyes *Active participation requested*
Daecaunt is my
I am an
artist, a composer, a musician, a writer, a carpenter, a chemist, a botanist, a
linguist (in several languages und many of their dialekts both modern und
ancient), und I am all that which has accumulated in my life's experiences..
However in all these things that I am, I maintain that I am nothing -all within
myself und within my own worthless being- without my Faith. (Feel free to pose
to me inquiry of it) I thank all those who have added me as their friend to this
site's network und for the undeserved compliments they generously give to me.
Before the Moon rises on the Third Waning Day, shall the Pauper make the Prince his Slave...
The title by which my works will be public will not be unveiled until I am ready
to release my mastered works.
Until that time, samples of my unfinished pieces will be placed here so that they may be reviewed by designated audience.
If you find my work by search or coincidence, feel free to leave me a feedback
or review, but know that it is only samples. I always welcome an honest
critique of my works.
The methode by which I create und compose my musical works is somewhat unique to that of the standard musician. Every sound and varying pitch of every note of the known scale is interpreted in my mind as Colour (with respectable shade und tint) und Texture first. With each musical piece I compose, so is an image of colour und pattern created in my mind. Each song is presented also with its accompanying image that I have painted und photographed.
All Audio and Written works herein this page and blogs of this page (unless cited or stated otherwise) are Copyright © property of 'Daecaunt' 2005-2006 - All rights reserved.
The Lark und the Wind
das Wecken
Death of a Peasant Girl
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My thanks to all who are willing to host my
banners on their
myspace site or webpage(s). The first is the banner to my Official Website,
The second is to my myspace page, and the third to my Novel in Progress page.
1. Official Daecaunt Website
2. Myspace Banner
3. The Awakening
The Following is a Banner to Felicyika's Merchant Website "Faedonnas"
which is finally Open.
"Faedonnas" is an effort Companionship with the "Lucaifem" Project. Please
visit Lucaifem for more details on the Lucaifem Project (
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