DOOMSAYER2001 profile picture



About Me

What's to know? You can find me around at a few other places! Doomsayer2001 @ Xanga or Doomsayer2001 @ MOG !I am a christian, a follower of Jesus who is the Christ. I am a dead man saved by grace and not of any merit of my own. I am not perfect, but I strive by the grace and mercy of God to attain the prize waiting for me at the end of this movement towards the grave. I hold to a reformed view of theology. (Go see for more info!) With that said, I have been into christian underground musick for about 18 years now, but have listened to at least some of it starting back in '85 with a few of the earlier bands like Saint, Stryper, Resurrection Band (aka Rez) and even a little of Daniel Band and Barnabas thrown into the mix. However, at that time I listened to mostly non-christian music. My musical addictions began with The Police starting in 1980 and led into the vast array of musical tastes. In 1984 my cousin had bought a copy of Van Halen's 1984 album and I was hooked. Not for one to really like the mainstream of music, but this album had me, hook, line and sinker. From there I delved into the worlds of Led Zeppelin, Dokken (shame shame shame!) and other bands of a similar vein of Dokken (not that Dokken was anywhere near the greatness of Led Zeppelin mind you, cause they aren't!)In '85 a friend of mine (same friend that had the early christian rock stuff mentioned above) had bought an album by a band called Anthrax called Spreading The Disease, and once again, I was hooked. From there I got into Metallica, Testament, SOD, The Misfits, DRI, Death Angel, Corrosion Of Conformity, Bad Brains, Broken Bones, English Dogs, Poison Idea, Dr Know, Agnostic Front, The Exploited, Circle Jerks, Carcass, Godflesh, and any other band that was against the "mainstream" of musick. I was into it hard and heavy and the faster, the louder, the heavier... the better.In '88 a different friend of mine, introduced me to a new sound, four christian thrash bands, The Lead (go Julio!), Deliverance, Believer, and Vengeance (later known as Vengeance Rising), I was living the life of a backslidden christian, my faith had grown nominal at best. These bands and the message they brought to the table in my brain, helped me to realize where I needed to be. I rededicated my life and love to my Lord and Savior Jesus.In '89 my friend (Dave) and I decided to go to this christian music festival we had heard of called Cornerstone, for our senior graduation trip. There we heard all this new stuff and I found my favorite band of all time, The Crucified, from that point on until now, (with a brief intermission in the mid 90's) I have been into the christian underground music "scene" (I hate using that term cause I hate "scenes").I find that the bands in the christian underground are far superior to most of the "secular" bands out there, cause they've got something to prove. Ignored by the mainstream and media of hateworld, they bring something that non-christian bands do not have... the fire of God to the music, the stage, and into our hearts. They push against the walls and prisons that this culture of hateworld builds. They often take the battle cry and war to the very gates of hell, tearing down strongholds that satan and his fallen legions use to lead those that are not of the bride of Christ to an eternal death, separated from God (apart from His wrath and judgement).Dearest brothers and sisters, don't despair keep the faith keep fighting, in His word be courageous and strong, we shall have victory for it's written, and we are the children of God, the gates of hell shall not prevail, there's a light at the end of the tunnel, a beacon to all who seek we shall have victory so soon... soon taste victory! RISE!I edited your mom with Thomas’ your mom Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Christian hardcore, metal and punk music. And possibly you... and/or your band. I do reviews. If you would like me to review your bands demo or disc, email me and I WILL contact you. If I don't like it I won't review it.I also enjoy listening to and/or reading books from great ministers and christian thinkers such as Ravi Zacharaias, R.C. Sproul, John Piper, John MacArthur, Chuck Swindoll, Alistair Begg, C.S. Lewis among others.

I'd like to meet:

Someone that has an ounce of common sense!!!!!




Bands that I love or loved music made by (in no particular order) and may or not be functioning bands at this current stage of my life... The Crucified, The Lead, Training For Utopia, Believer, Blenderhead, The Chariot, Roadside Monument, Nobody Special, Scaterd Few, Jesus Wept, Figure Four, Deliverance, Mortification, The Blamed, Argyle Park, Brutal Fight, Hanover Saints, Bloodlined Calligraphy, Symphony In Peril, Empty Tomb, Spitfire, With Blood Comes Cleansing, Extol, Inevitable End, Mortal, Blaster The Rocketman, Warlord, The 77's, Daniel Amos, Black And White World, Dig Hay Zoose, Zombie Gutz, Stavesacre, TRAUMA, Resurrection Band, Outer Circle, Living Sacrifice, Fluffy, Breakfast With Amy, Fasedown, Mortal Treason, No Innocent Victim, Undercover, Point Of Recognition, The Redemption Song, Seventh Star, Adam Again, XDEATHSTARX, Kings X (up to and including Dogman), Blackhouse, LSU/Life Savors Underground, Mike Knott, Circle Of Dust/Brainchild, Tortured Conscience, Lust Control, Ceasefire, Becoming The Archetype, The Lost Dogs, Bride, Saint, Crashdog, No Laughing Matter, Mad At The World, Rose/Randy Rose, The Choir, Crux, Franks Enemy, The Throes, Selfmindead, Minier/Applehead, Demon Hunter, Galactic Cowboys, Seventh Angel, Mortal, Swirling Eddies, Terry Scott Taylor, One 21, Tourniquet, Steve Taylor, and lots of others that I will add when I think of them...



Okay, just a few... Unforgiven - The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly - High Plains Drifter - The Passion Of The Christ - Evil Dead - Evil Dead II: Dead By Dawn - Dawn Of The Dead (2004) - Night Of The Living Dead (90's)


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!.. width="425" height="350" ....


Bible. Any books on theology/apologetics/philosophy. Don't really have to much time to read though.


My hero... He rose from the dead.

Start spreading the word: Abort73 Graphics / Abort73 Shirts

Read This! It's from http://www.lifeaction.orgDo Not Listen to the Father of Liars! by Dan PuckettJesus called the devil the father of liars in the gospel of John, chapter 8, verse 44. Jesus also said of the devil, "There is no truth in him" (John 8:44). Why would we listen to the devil's lies? We could say because of our fallen human nature, but Adam and Eve bought into the lies of the devil while they were in the state of innocence in the Garden of Eden. Satan, the devil, struck a chord in their hearts and deceived them. The chord is that we believe God arbitrarily limits us in our quest for total fulfillment. It's "What is over the next hill?" or "What is behind that door?" that drives us over the edge. Satan tells many lies, but there are two in particular that plague the average Christian. Once again, Satan finds great complicity in human nature as he twists the truth. The first lie of Satan we are quick to believe is that God could not have enough grace and mercy to accommodate us. Satan is our accuser. The New Testament book of Revelation says of Satan in chapter 12, verse 10, that "the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before God day and night, has been cast down." Satan stands in the presence of God and rehearses our failures, obviously thinking God will cast us aside for our frailty and unfaithfulness. If Satan is before God from time to time bringing up our shortcomings, don't you think he is whispering the same things in our ears? Satan could quote to us the New Testament book of Galatians, chapter 3, verse 10: "Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them." We wilt under such condemnation, and could succumb to that statement if we are not grounded in the truth of God enough to know about Galatians, chapter 3, verse 13, "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us." We sin; that is, we do not keep all things written in the law. Sin produces guilt, which is God's hook in our jaw to turn us to Him; but Satan tries to intervene and convince us that God will have nothing to do with us. We must know the truth to sweep away the lie. Another lie that Satan finds ready ears for is that we are perfectly capable of ordering our lives without God. Satan believed in himself so strongly that he sought to elevate himself above God (Isaiah 14:13-14). We are clever, we are cute, and we are very impressed with ourselves. Humility is a great thing for other people to practice. Our mind thinks, "I am the king or queen; crown me!" We continually look for affirmation and coronation. A whisper from Satan can propel us into grand self-promotion. The mind of Christ is far from self-aggrandizement, but rather is meek, lowly, serving, and obedient (Matthew 11:29; Philippians 2:5-8). King Saul tried to move ahead of God (1 Samuel 13:13-14). Abraham had God's promise of a child, but Abraham moved ahead of God and thought he had a good plan. The result was the birth and life of Ishmael, who was and is a continual rival of God's son of promise, Isaac (Genesis 17:18-21). Both these lies of Satan are totally refuted at the cross of Jesus Christ. The first thing we realize as we visualize Jesus, the righteous Son of God, hanging there is that we are greatly loved by God. The second thing we realize is that we needed someone to die for us. We are powerless to deal with our sinful condition. The cross silences Satan. The curse of the law was taken by Jesus Christ. We live free because He took our place. Self-exaltation is dealt with at the cross. All our self-effort is seen to amount to nothing. If we follow the story of the death of Jesus Christ, we know He died, but He was also resurrected from the dead by the power of God. We can know and live in that same resurrection power. One of Satan's biggest lies is to refute the resurrection of Jesus. If Satan can get us to agree with him that there was no resurrection, he has us. The only means to resist Satan's lies is to know the truth of God. Read your Bible; it's all there.
**DOOMSAYER2001**'s Details
I am here:**TO BRING THE NOISE!**
Orientation:**Reformed Theology**
Religion:**Religion Destroys! Christ Saves!**
Smoke / Drink:**No/On Occasion**
Children:**Got Me 5 Of 'Em!**
Occupation:**To speak your doom!**

My Blog

The Past Few Months...

So how are things? I get the bug to write and by the time I get the time, I have forgotten what I wanted to write and so I don't.I went through a period of depression over the winter and into the spri...
Posted by DOOMSAYER2001 on Fri, 30 May 2008 09:21:00 PST


Two ep's of remixes and originals from Siltwater and Somber Gravity!In fact, it's the final two releases for Somber Gravity! Each ep contains one previously released track and then that track has been...
Posted by DOOMSAYER2001 on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 08:34:00 PST

New Top Four! ~ Come check ’em out! 1/6/08 ~ 2/2/08

New Top Four! ~ Come check 'em out! 1/6/08 ~ 2/2/08Magma DriftNeocracyDocileifbutforone...
Posted by DOOMSAYER2001 on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 06:32:00 PST

The Crux Of Christmas

The apostles were moved, not so much by an intellectual apprehension, as by a spiritual illumination. They met men, and the need of those men whom they met cried aloud to them. Their own desire for th...
Posted by DOOMSAYER2001 on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 09:57:00 PST

So Great A Salvation.

So Great A Salvation.When our lives are focused on God, awe and wonder lead us to worship God, filling our inner being with a fullness we would never have thought possible. Awe prepares the way in us ...
Posted by DOOMSAYER2001 on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 08:42:00 PST


As for what the Church thinks and says, what influence does that have on the handling of American politics, the conduct of American education, the regulation of marriage and divorce, on sex and drink,...
Posted by DOOMSAYER2001 on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 09:23:00 PST

New Top Four! ~ Come check ’em out! 9/30/07 ~ 10/28/07

New Top Four! ~ Come check 'em out! 9/30/07 ~ 10/28/07FearscapeHypNoGoGPost MortumMan Of Sorrows...
Posted by DOOMSAYER2001 on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 06:22:00 PST

Friend Requests

Whorebots are at it again.I am turning the "friend requests" off for a bit, if you really wanna be my fiend, message me first and I will send you a request.
Posted by DOOMSAYER2001 on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 11:21:00 PST

A Sigh For You.

To the church:Now therefore, thus says the LORD of hosts: "Consider your ways! "You have sown much, and bring in little; You eat, but do not have enough; You drink, but you are not filled with drink; ...
Posted by DOOMSAYER2001 on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:20:00 PST

Siltwater Project Links!

Posted by DOOMSAYER2001 on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 08:51:00 PST