INTERMENT profile picture


Where death will increase...

About Me

The band started in the autumn 1988 under the name Beyond. They released a rehearsal-demo called "Birth Of The Dead" in the summer 1990. The line-up was Dan Larsson - vocals, Johan Jansson - guitar, John Forsberg - guitar, Tomas Änstgård - bass and Sonny Svedlund - drums.
They did some gigs with Beyond until they changed the line-up in the autumn 1990. Dan Larsson (vocals) and Tomas Änstgård (bass) left the band. Johan started to handle both the vocals and guitar and Michael Gunnarsson joined on bass. At the same time Beyond decided to change the name to Interment.
In February 1991 Interment entered the famous Sunlight Studio in Stockholm to record their first real demo tape, "Where Death Will Increase". Tomas Skogsberg did a great work and the tapes were spread around getting very good reviews and responses. In the end of the year Sonny left the band and instead, Kennet Englund joined on drums.
In 1992 Sunlight Studios was booked again, but due to a massive workload Tomas Skogsberg wasn’t able to take care of the recording. Instead Interment entered Gorysound Studios and nailed down the “Forward To The Unknown” demo with the help of Dan Swanö. This time the songs were much faster and the guitars even more down tuned. Also a video was made for the track "Infestering Flesh".
In 1993 Interment started to fall apart. They did some rehearsals and worked on new songs but the spark was not there anymore…. However, in late 1993 Interment did one more demo recording with some new material, once again at Gorysound with Mr Swanö. On this recording Johan wanted to concentrate only on the guitar work so Jens Törnroos (Uncanny, Uncurbed) was asked to do the vocals.
After the recording the band split up. Some of the members were already in other bands at the time. Johan and Michael, played in their punk band Uncurbed, Johan and Kennet had their doom project Moondark (which later became Dellamorte), Michael, Kennet and Johan had a grind/gore project called Pyosisfied, John had several projects such as Astma, Morgue etc.
In the spring 2002 Johan wanted to unite Interment again for at least a re-recording of the old songs but also some new tunes. Everyone was thrilled about the idea so Interment started to rehearse and was back in business.
A few years of rare rehearsals and common laziness followed and in March 2006 Mattias Norrman (Katatonia, ex-Dellamorte) joined as the new bass player.
In April/May 2006 the band entered Black Lounge Studios were 4 new tracks + an outro were recorded. The material was released as the Interment/Funebrarum “Conjuration of the Sepulchral" split-CD through Conqueror Of Thorns Records in January 2007.
On January 26th 2007 Interment did their first show in 15 years. This took place in Stockholm, Sweden, at the release party for the now already classic book, "Swedish Death Metal" (by Daniel Ekeroth/Tamara Press). The other bands on the bill were Grotesque and Nirvana 2002 making this a once in a lifetime happening!!
In April 2007 Mathias decided to leave the band due to increasing commitments with Katatonia so Martin Schulman (Demonical, ex-Centinex) stepped in as the new bass player.
In August 2007 Interment played at the German Party San Festival, which also was the band’s first ever show outside Sweden.
In June 2008 the band then finally signed for their first ever studio album. The deal was made with Pulverised Records from Singapore and the plan is to enter the studio in early 2009 for a release a few months later.
More to follow…

My Interests


Member Since: 12/5/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Interment
Johan - Guitars/Vox
John - Guitars
Martin - Bass
Kennet - Drums

Influences: Entombed, Carnage, Crematory (Swe), Afflicted Convulsion, Afflicted, Merciless, Therion (90's), Carbonized, Unleashed, Demilich, Dismember, Nirvana 2002, Skull, Fulmination, Uncanny, Entrails, Grave, Crypt Of Kerberos, Eternal Darkness, Regurgitate, Exumed, General Surgery, Demigod, Autopsy, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Voi Vod, Napalm Death, Carcass, Bolt Thrower etc...
Sounds Like: Trve-necro-oldschool-swedish-deathmetal-the-way-it-should-be ...
Record Label:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


It is finally now confirmed. Legendary Death Metal outfit INTERMENT shall be a part of Pulverised Record's ever growing roster. It is truly of great prestige to have INTERMENT ...
Posted by INTERMENT on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 02:27:00 PST

The Interment/Funebrarum Split LP

The eagerly awaited split LP with Funebrarum will finally be released by Blood Harvest records(Sweden). Releasedate is not set yet but we’ll keep you updated!FUNEBRARUM / INTERMENT - Conjur...
Posted by INTERMENT on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 11:25:00 PST

Review by Nuclear Abominations

Fuck, the Swedish guitar sound a la Entombed/Carnage always makes me cum like Peter North on acid. Interment is a band that really sound like it was taken straight from 1990. It is great to hear ...
Posted by INTERMENT on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 09:54:00 PST

Review by VS Zine from France (Translated)

FUNEBRARUM /INTERMENT - Conjuration of the Sepulchral (Conqueror of Thorns records) - 14/05/2007 The least which one can say about this Split album, it is that FUNEBRARUM will have spared the sus...
Posted by INTERMENT on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 11:20:00 PST

Voices From The Darkside review

Yet another mighty oldschool release ready to review, I'm talking about the FUNEBRARUM (20:05min) / INTERMENT (19:36min) split CD "Conjuration Of The Sepulchral". In brackets you can see the running t...
Posted by INTERMENT on Thu, 10 May 2007 06:49:00 PST

Lärmbelastigung review

Translated with Altavista's Babelfish:A found food for all old School Death Metal Maniacs might be this Split on Conqueror OF Thorns record. When playing the disk with the work title "Conjuration OF T...
Posted by INTERMENT on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 10:48:00 PST

Party San & European tour in August 2007

We are confirmed for this year Party San Metal-Openair XIII in Bad Berka, Germany. This will be the first time ever for us to cross the Swedish border to explore the foreign domains!! We will at the s...
Posted by INTERMENT on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 06:33:00 PST

Interment / Grotesque / Nirvana 2002 - 26/1 2007

Interment did their first gig since 1992 at Daniel Ekeroth's release party for his book "Swedish Death Metal". The gig was at Kafe 44 in Stockholm 26/1 together with the legends of Grotesque and Nirva...
Posted by INTERMENT on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 06:30:00 PST

Split CD/LP

FUNEBRARUM / INTERMENT - Conjuration of the Sepulchral Split CD/LP Unearthed from the darkest rotting vaults of the underground! Funebrarum (Usa) and Interment (Swe) and have joined forces to create a...
Posted by INTERMENT on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 02:16:00 PST

Recording complete!

The recording of the new songs was finally completed in Black Lounge studio by Jonas Kjellgren & Interment. We are very satisfied with the songs and the sound is awesome! It's the Swedish Old...
Posted by INTERMENT on Sat, 06 May 2006 08:03:00 PST