JACK STROP (Johnny Grant) profile picture

JACK STROP (Johnny Grant)

Brand new band Nit Lotion.. Debut (demo)Cd coming real soon

About Me

Well what can i say, Im an old punk rocker who is still very passionate about the movement ,and what it means , unfortunatly there is a conflict of oppinion on this subject, some people tend to think it was and still is a fashion thingy, well let me just say i agree to a point that fashion was involved ,however atitude was more important to me , and of course the music editor™ , i mean you can now see kids as young as 8 years old the punk fashion ,but ask them who Sid Vicious was and i rest my case, you now see people who r heavily into trance and club music wearing punk clothes , but for me and most old school punks i associated with ,politics and the music came first, and yes we did happen to look cool which was a bonus.I remember meeting Sid Vicious in Boy the punk shop that I worked in on the kings rd not long before he died when he cut off a 2" toe nail so that his new boots would fit on his feet, he had an attitude a true punk but unfortunatly it cost him his life. Me on the other hand ,i was lucky enough to survive the London punk scene to tell the tale , and thats what im working on now my first book .I have just recorded my first solo Cd which im trying to release , and of course playing in my band the STRAPS I am now working on various music projects, one of them being my solo thing heres the link.http://www.myspace.com/crumbscrumbscrumbspeter I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 I am 81% Punk Rock.
.. I am PUNK AS FUCK! The model punk. I care not for anything. I kick ass, but probably smell really bad. Take the
Punk Rock Test
@ FualiDotCom About The Straps The STRAPS were formed in a south London squat in Battersea, in 1977,where i first met Dave Reeves our founder member in his school uniform, also present at that first meeting was the late Green the straps first bass player,whos life was cut short by an overdose of our kids worst enemy Heroin. Brad Day and Steve Macintosh completed the lineup that dark winters evening. The singer Howard was late yet again and they needed a replacement fast ,thats when the asked me to take possesion of the micraphone,i pissed myself laughing of course ,however some 28 years later im still hooked and completly dedicated as a singer song writer.the STRAPS have had their share of rearanged line upsThis profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor,, V2.5 including,Stan Stammers and luke Rendal from theatre of Hate, but by far the most successful crew were JOCK, DAVE,JIM WALKER the former PIL drummer,JOHN WERNER previously of the edge and SIMON WERNER his brother who played with DOA for a while in their native Canada. they released two singles Just Cant Take Anymore and Brixton , then followed an album before the split ,when Jock went on to record with Jah Wobble and Rat Scabies featuring as Bartok,when they recorded a 12" single called insanity. then after a brief spell acting Jock formed Freakshow with Paul Cunningham who is a well respected session guitarist now.And now after a 12 year break The STRAPS are back with a bang and sounding better than ever with 3 new boys STU PHILIPS ,MARK HOBBS and LloYD DUDLEY,and have already played 2 Wasted festivals , along with some oyher London gigs .The band are currently recording there first album in 20 years ,apart from the rereleasing of there punk collection on captain oi records. for more info about the band why not check out the web site for the latest news and band Cds and Tshirts.cheers punks . Sadly Lloyd has now left the band to concentrate on his career in films. It apears that he has landed himself a job in the new Harry Potter movie. So good luck with that one mate. New drummer now in place and playing on the new Straps Cd is Raffeye who will now be a perminent player in the band, welcome aboard geeza. href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY2 9t" target="_blank"> The GRANT TARTAN http://../watch/3887067915 THE NEW STRAPS CD COMING SOON...IN LOVE WITH THE NEW WORLD ORDER.....COVER BY TIM GERDES My New website link below might interest my fellow punks. Click below you wont regret it... http://www.myspace.com/punksreunitedukco

My Interests

My interests , are obviousI like to make and play music ,Politics and writing I do like football and follow Glasgow Rangers my boyhood heroes I also like to get drunk now and then , and im glad to sayi can still get it up and love good sex.I love performing on stage and even more so when recording .I have always liked to shock people, usually by my apearance,or my outspoken points of view , if you dont like how i look or what i say then fuck off. No one should ever answer to anyone, because no one has the right to feel superior to another person , we are all but one on this borrowed land and should remember that. Hates THINGS now theres a word i hate materialism just for the sake of it, Greed same difference.Bent politicians, Marmite,thiefs, chavs,Pete Docherty and that other cunt who thinks hes the bollox , oh yeah Donny from the towers of London that shite band of rich kids.Hoovers,steamed up windows, cardboard boxes,Bent coppers,carpets,Nonces,Credit card companies. Patterned wallpaper,Celtic FC, screaming kids and keep your eyes peeled as my list gets bigger. Likes...Hot curries,leather coats,Roast potatoes,Walking on the beach,Swimming,wanking,greyhounds/racing,Indian culture,musical instruments,Cds,Rangers FC,scotch whiskey,beauty,art,the sea,earl grey tea, my family and friends and feeling contented.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet John Lydon again i met him many years ago on two occasions . I think he is a very inteligent human being , more so than people know ,you see again some people only look at the dyed spikey hair , and judge u a fool.Colin Newman a lyrical genius who was in Wire my fav bands front man and now sings with Githead. I would have liked to have met Walter Matheau because he was a funny man and without laughter this word really would be sick.I would like to meet a publisher who will sign me up for the many great lyrics i have writen over the years , and to publish my book.I would also like to meet Mr Blair so that i can kick his bollocks for the British public whom he has shafted with his lies and deceit ever since he came to power, but before the blow , i would ask him why young boys are still dying in Iraq on a daily basis in the name of democracy , or should that be Hypocracy. I also wouldnt mind touring our overcrowded prisons and meeting the pheodofiles, so i could torture them slowly before cutting off their balls, and orginising a ping pong tourney with them lol.But on a happier note i would love to travel with my band and meet lots of new people , and maybe on the way learn different peoples cultures , and see what makes this crazy planet tick. I would like to meet this sick fucker below also.I would like to ask him many questions about why he occupied Iraq , also find out if he is aware of the war crimes he and Blair have commited. These teo mad individuals are on a par with Hitler and their crimes are just as massive ,only they are being commited slowly. This is what i'd really like to see http://www.bodog.tv/media/johnny-rotten-profile http://www.myspace.com/punksreunitedukco


I listen to a very wide range of stuff, even though as i have explained i am a punk , i have to say some punk music from recent years bores me ,its acually shite, I still listen to heavy Dub reggae i guess i stayed in Brixton to long where it was always in the back ground somewhere or other. The Damned , Buzzcocks ,Straps of course , Pill,The Adverts Iggy Pop , Johnny Thunders,Githead,Faith no more , Moterhead and my personal faves of punk Wire.


I m not a big movie goer these days , i seem to be either in a studio or at this bloody thing writing , so im a bit out of touch with what new films are good or bad , however my old favs are One Flew over The Cucoos Nest, the Godfathers part 123, Midnight Express, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre,Apoclypse Now,The Deer Hunter,The pianist, Angels With Dirty Faces,Heat and From Dusk Till Dawn
Which Trainspotting Character Are You? .. You have a sexual IQ of 160

When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information to all your friends


Dont really watch it ,I quite like Shameles and Still game. I watch Rangers whenever they are playing, Corrie 40 years of corrie say no more. This is a fantastic peace of work done by my friend Carol here on myspace check her other gret painings out on her page The lost Soul http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg9FcXmwnYo


I would like to say my own book but i havent finished it yet so hopfully i will ammend this in a few months. I like reading Auto biogs as i find people fascinating. The Cull by Mark Frankland and Burning Britain by Ian Glasper.Anything by Raymond ChandlerI also enjoy the books written by Micheal Moore because he sees things boring fuckers cant. too many little sheep in this world BAAA.


Johnny Thunders,John Lydon, Walter Matheau, John Greg,Stuart Henry ,william wallace, Danny Kay,Sugar Ray Robinson, Arthur Montford and anyone who can make a real difference in this mad crazy world Here is the man responsible for my intro to Punk rock, he also died of MS like my dad and was a good friend of my father RIP Stuart. The Objex-The Reaction

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My Blog

MR STRAP meets MR Derek CONway !!

 Mr Conway was reprimanded by a parliamentary committee Jock says...Not enough in my opinion.Tory MP Derek Conway has defended parliamentary payments to his son, for which he was censured and sus...
Posted by JACK STROP (Johnny Grant) on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 03:12:00 PST

Preview from my book ( Un edited)

 ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> BOY  My time working in Boy was a fantastic experience; I couldn't begin to think of how many famous people I met i...
Posted by JACK STROP (Johnny Grant) on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:30:00 PST

The Ugly Truth about Greyhounds

..> ..> ..> ..>   http://www.myspace.com/httpwwwmyspacecomthestrap s  ..>..> ..>..> ..>As a Greyhound lover , I feel it my duty to post this and i will be posting more horrendo...
Posted by JACK STROP (Johnny Grant) on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 01:02:00 PST

Dont Vote for the same Misery

                            Psycodelic visionsIt feels like being forced thro...
Posted by JACK STROP (Johnny Grant) on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:19:00 PST

New Interview for Left of the dial magazine

April 14, 2007 An interview with legendary UK punk band The Straps! Filed under: Features  leftofthedialmag @ 12:07 am I Got a Clue! An interview by Paul Cooper The first band you see live will a...
Posted by JACK STROP (Johnny Grant) on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 04:54:00 PST

Sugarbuzz Magazine Cd review March 2007

  The Straps The Punk Collection By Jillian Abbene(SugarBuzz Wash DC/Richmond VA) SugarBuzz Magazine Along with the handful of bands that came out of the 1977 lineup, The Straps endured their...
Posted by JACK STROP (Johnny Grant) on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 05:24:00 PST

New song

Snakes and Ladders Blood turned to water Champagne to wine From children to adults  From bad into fine The sun to the moon From May to June Large becomes smaller Like climbing snakes and ladde...
Posted by JACK STROP (Johnny Grant) on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 04:22:00 PST


TWO FLIES Two flies were climbing up my wall They had a bet to see which one was the first to fall No money of course exchanged hands The weakest one-came right back down to land He landed on my lett...
Posted by JACK STROP (Johnny Grant) on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 10:07:00 PST

Weight Gain

Obesity.................23. 2 .07     You're falling in love with a chocolate bar Spongy chocolate pudding Fish and chips you're brooding Savoury, flavoury food you know its rude Indeed ind...
Posted by JACK STROP (Johnny Grant) on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 04:56:00 PST

Here is a song i wrote years ago, which i have decided will fearure on our new album

                   DRUNK MAN   I felt so weak and my bones began to shiver. I felt the pain go down my spine An...
Posted by JACK STROP (Johnny Grant) on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 11:13:00 PST