Xavier Panades and the C.A.T. profile picture

Xavier Panades and the C.A.T.

Xavier Panades and the C.A.T.

About Me

My Interests


Member Since: 12/2/2005
Band Website: terceravia.org/grup.php?idGrup=36
Band Members: Xavier Panades I Blas and Errol Hewitt.
Influences: Pau Riba, Lluis el Sifoner, Nirvana, Sisa, Al-Mayurqa, Black Sabbath, Guillem d'Efak, Soundgarden, Els Potuls, Judas Priest, Remigi Palmero, Whitesnake, La Beniterrània, Ovidi Montllor, Jebo, Lluis Llach, King Diamond, Albert Pla, Uriah Heep, Nestor Mont, Pantera, Oriol Tranvía, Francesc Pujols, Northern Light, Raimon, The cure, Ramon Muntaner, Deep purple, Umpah-pah, The Cure, Cendraires, Lax'n'Busto,Companyia Eléctrica Dharma, Kistch, ERM, Bocanegra, Tomeu Penya, Whiskyns, Gerard Jaquet, Pascal Comelade, Toti Soler, Orquesta Mirasol,Fora des sembrat, Uc, Soviets, Delfí Abella, Música Nostra, Alice Cooper, Francesc Pi de la Serra, Enric Barbat, Xavier Elies, Frank Zappa, Maria del Carme Girau, Martí Llauradó, Joan Ramon Bonet, Joan Manuel Serrat, Maria del Mar Bonet, Lluís Llach, Rafael Subirachs, Miquel Porter i Moix, Remei Margarit i Josep Maria Espinàs, Grup de Folk Esquirols, Música Dispersa, Pere Calders, Manuel de Pedrolo, Charlie River, Slayer, Tortell Poltrona, Sepultura, Ximbomba Atòmica, Lluis Llach, Soulfly, Biel Majoral, Joan Manuel Serrat, Jaume Arnella, Falsterbo, La rondalla de la costa, Rafael Subirachs, Xesco Boix, Pep Laguarda & Tapineria, The Doors, Secta Sonica, Ara va de debo, Iceberg, Xesco Boix, Esquirols, Coses, Celdoni Fonoll, Dead Can Dance All Tall, La Coral Cosmica, Remigi Palmero i Bon Mati, Bustamante, Pegasus, Pere Tapies, Joan Bibilonia, Orquesta Galana, Gato Perez, Enric Hernaez, Duble Buble, Toni Morla, Joan Americ, Orquesta Plateria, Primera Nota, Musica nostra, Chuck Berry, Urbalia Rurana, U-topics, Bars, Dr. Calypso, Bob Marley and the Wailers, Ocults, Akatala, Errol Woiski, Ai Ai Ai, Slips, Quico el Celio El noi i el mut de Ferreries, Big Mama i Visctor Uris, Glaucs, An Der Beat, Quimi Portet, Calic, El Pont D'Arcalis, Josep Tero, Inadaptats, Pomada, Xavier Baro, Blues de Picolat, Joan Isaac, Antonia Font, Cheb Balowski, Glissando, Roger Mas & Les Flors, Miquel Gil, Obrint Pas, Adria Punti, Eduard Canimas, Dusminguet, El mal ja està fet, Lluis Miquel i els 4 Z, BandaClowns, Els Pavesos....

Sounds Like:

Nothing else...you shiver listening to the music and cry seas of tears during their concerts! A great combination... Errol's guitar playing with a restless, but approachable sound...And the unique method of Xavier's reciting, breaking so directly any classic rules of poetry, love, and folk!
Record Label: Independent
Type of Label: None

My Blog

La ressenya de Bristol Rocksdel nostre nou àlbum traduïda al Català

La ressenya de Bristol Rocks del nostre nou àlbum traduïda al Català! Moltes gracies al Pau i RXI per la tasca tan important feta per la nostra cultura Endavant!http://rxi.cat/index.php?subaction=sho...
Posted by Xavier Panades and the C.A.T. on Tue, 20 May 2008 11:15:00 PST

Live at the Tobacco Factory

Hi everybody,Erroll and I will be playing at the Tobacco Factory  (Bedminster) as part of the Southbank Bristol Arts.  An organisation dedicated to promoting arts and performance initiatives...
Posted by Xavier Panades and the C.A.T. on Tue, 06 May 2008 09:24:00 PST

Entrevista traduïda del Bristol Rocks al Català

QUÈ DIMONIS FA AQUEST PAIO A BRISTOL? L'entrevista de Bristol Rocks traduïda gracies al Pau de RXI, música compromesa. La podeu llegiu a: http://rxi.cat/index.php?subaction=showfull&a...
Posted by Xavier Panades and the C.A.T. on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 08:03:00 PST

Library saved/Biblioteca salvada

Xavier Panadès, the "Supertramp of Palau" has been principal in the fight to the closure of Marksbury Road library in the neighbourhood of Bedminster.  The library is the only cultural centr...
Posted by Xavier Panades and the C.A.T. on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 04:07:00 PST

Some people just like snails...A review of Xavier Panades’ album!

"Some people like eating Snails, a lot of people have tried them and don't eat them again&&" Xavier Panades and the C.A.T. review by Bristol Rocks  "A algunes persones els agraden menjar Cargo...
Posted by Xavier Panades and the C.A.T. on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 04:40:00 PST

Bristol Rocks

What the Hell is this bloke doing in Bristol? An interview with the unclassifiable Catalan artist resident in Bristol, explaining the musical situation of the Catalonian Countries and Spain, the cu...
Posted by Xavier Panades and the C.A.T. on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 04:33:00 PST

A Poem and a comentary about the book Cel Ras

Xavier Panades ha escrit un poema i un comentari sobre el fantastic llibre "Cel Ras" dels autors Maite Coves i Móra i Vicent F. Soler i Selva. El llibre de ficcio amb llocs i personatges reals ofereix...
Posted by Xavier Panades and the C.A.T. on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 11:29:00 PST

La Gira del Zoorealisme

http://xpanades.blogspot.com/2008/01/la-gira-del-zoorealisme .html "La facultat d'establir relacions i de sintetitzar-les és filla de la maduresa del pensament" Francesc Pujols   Onze anys desp...
Posted by Xavier Panades and the C.A.T. on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 05:39:00 PST

Abrasive interview of Xavier at Bristol Rocks Magazine

What the Hell is this bloke doing in Bristol?[an interview with Catalan Rhapsodist Xavier Panades by James Hollingsworth]If someone has nothing to say with their music, is it possible to understand th...
Posted by Xavier Panades and the C.A.T. on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 07:53:00 PST

Save Bristol Arena - and bring top Live Music to Bristol

Click here to Sign the Petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/bsarena/petition.html(from Bristol Evening Post article 13 Dec 2007: http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=144913 &co...
Posted by Xavier Panades and the C.A.T. on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 07:36:00 PST