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Cendraires is the first work by this new group from Valencia, Spain. They are Nestor Mont, Mara Arnada, Joansa Maravilla, Gonçal Palop and Didier Ferrand, but other musicians have also contributed to the CD: Albert Gonzalez, Paco Bernal, Efren Lopez, Jaume Gosalbes, Raul Nacher, David Mezquita, Lluis Osca, Lucas Ibañez and Amparo Llatzer. The melodies are ravishingly beautiful, a good mix of popular music, folk, blues and classical music. The CD contains 12 themes and also includes the lyrics, both in Spanish and Valencian.

Reedició del treball de l'any 98 del mític grup de La Ribera, on podem escoltar les composicions de Nèstor Mont, amb Mara Aranda (L'Ham de Foc), Joansa Maravilla (Aljub), es podria dir que és un dels primers discos en valencià de Word Músic.

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Member Since: 3/21/2007
Record Label: Cambra Records
Type of Label: Indie