In-between places, blowing *bUbBlEs*, *fIsHes*, *wIsHeS* and *dOgs*
..At The Very Least..: A very large, robust man with *rEd* hair and a *bEaRd* in the past, though he has none presently. He abandoned his responsibilities as an Endless several hundred years ago, causing much conflict between him and his *sIbLiNgS*. He has a passion for creative and constructive endeavors, but little talent. His symbol is the sword. There is some question as to whether or not he is still *dEsTrUcTiOn* after abandoning his realm, and he is most often referred to as "the Prodigal" or "Brother."..AND/OR.. A spunky, attractive, level-headed goth girl wearing an *aNkH* (representing life) and often marked with a spiral *eYe Of HoRuS* tattoo under one of her eyes. She prefers to dress and act casually, and is on better terms with Dream than any of the other Endless. Her symbol is the ankh.
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