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Ol Sonuf Varosagai Gohu Vouina Vabzir De Tehom Quadmonah Zir Ile Iaida Dayes Praf Elila Zirdo Kiafi

About Me

On the Sanctity of Primus

The foolishness stored in our "history" logs often astounds me. It was only the other day when a young Maximal asked me my opinion on "Quintessa." I told him, truly, I have very little opinion in the matter of fairy tales. He was shocked to hear it! Instantly, a youth many stellar cycles my lesser was "informing" me on the Quintesson race.

I had attempted to tell him that I had heard these stories before, and, in fact, I had heard them many times before. Whether or not I believed they were true was a matter of my own decision. However, I doubt very much that they could possibly hold any verity. Consider it, if you will: the proud, noble, Autobot race, built and created as a slave force? I shudder to think of it, if this is the garbage our progeny is being raised on. What do these children know of the way of Primus? They know very little on the matter, save to take the name in vain when they stub a foot. Surely, this is not the worship Primus intended when He created our race in His image. Yet, the youth continue to accept a "scientific" explanation for existence. When I asked on the matter of, whom, then, created the Quintessons, the youth was shocked into silence. By this example alone, we must see that this untested theory of creation cannot be correct.

The works of Primus are all around us, from the tall, noble buildings of Cybertron to the stars in the galaxies beyond. We are a world made from Primus, and He beats within our sparks and carries us to the wondrous Matrix. As our ancestors held reverence toward the Creator, so should we, for is that not the way of the Maximals?

In ancient times, the grounds of war were set, and Primus and Unicron were brothers. Their battles throughout the nothingness left marks upon the cosmos, and, as Primus created, Unicron destroyed. At long last, Primus was able to seal off Unicron's power, leaving him helpless for a time, and trapped in the form of a planet. Primus also then became a planet, Cybertron, whom He populated with Autobots in his own image. Primus promotes peace, and, someday, Primus will awaken.

Our ancestors have already seen Unicron, and the proof of this is irrefutable. I have seen those who argue with great vigor about a different creation theory. Unicron, these say, was designed to be a manned station for a very different race, and that his gaining sentience was beyond the plans of his creators. To this, I cry the greatest of fouls. No simple weapon could devour stars the way Unicron has, and no simple weapon could have the strength to nearly crush the Cybertron race. No simple weapon could begin to harvest its own creations, whose dark deeds we see evidence of every day.

The Covenant of Primus reads: "Thou shalt love Primus thy Creator with all thy spark, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

So, I say to you, Maximal and Predacon alike, seek out the unbelievers. Send to them the message of the Covenant, so that Primus's works may be known. Seek out the spawn of Unicron, and those who would do his works, and destroy them utterly. So sayeth Primus.

In peace and great faith, 'Till All Are One,

—Lightbreeze, Maximal Dove

My Interests

My *Kids*

*The Matrix[es]*

[Being] Their Home Planet


Being a Bit *Godly*



I'd like to meet:




Music Video: Stronger by (Kanye West)

Music Video Code by Video Code Zone


*Transformers The Movie*


*Transformers Generation One*

*Transformers: Scramble City 1 & 2 *

*Takara Headmasters*

*Generation 2*

Transformers: Chojin Masterforce

Transformers Victory

Transformers Zone

*Beast Wars*

*Beast Machines*

*R.I.D./Car Robots*

*Transformers Armada*

*Transformers Energon*

*Cybertron/Galaxy Force*


Battlestars - Return of Convoy

Operation Combination

IDW 12 73h Pwn!

My Blog

Datum Recieved...

Here's a snippet of the Bio, me and a few others are working on...Transformers" ORIGIN ..[if !supportEmptyParas]--> ..[endif]-->  Written By David Whittaker ..[if !supportEmptyParas]-->&...
Posted by Primus on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 08:57:00 PST

Movie Rumours

Ethan Phillips (Star Trek Voyager, The Island) to have role in Transformers: Movie? Posted by Seibertron on Mar 30 06 6:11pm Categories: Movie News, People News, Rumors Jon Askins has informed us tha...
Posted by Primus on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 12:47:00 PST

More Depth/Death

And I aint having none, not one single slaggin' fookin' ton of it!*giggles*================================================ ====Transformers Cybertron Removed From UK Cartoon Network Schedule Posted by...
Posted by Primus on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 10:19:00 PST