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Rodimus Prime

Experience is the benchmark of maturity

About Me

Baah Wheep Grah Na Wheep Nini Bong!
Things used to be so different...i was Hot Rod a brash and impulsive young Autobot...i realised a dream by fighting alongside my hero Optimus Prime...but this dream soon became a nightmare...the Decepticons launched an attack on Autobot city, we managed to repel them...but at a cost...Megatron was on his knees, begging for mercy from Optimus Prime...i saw Megatron sneakily reaching for a laser pistol and rushed him...i found myself in Megatron's clutches and Optimus with no clear shot...i wanted Prime to fire, i really did...but i should have known he would not risk hurting me...and so Megatron was able to fire upon Prime instead...we lost many warriors, friends, that day...and Prime was one of them...and it was MY Prime lay on his death bed he told us that a Transformer shall rise from the ranks to light our darkest hour.
Following events took many unexpected twists and turns...i eventually found myself face to face with with the Transformer that was once Megatron, Galvatron deep within the chaos bringer Unicron...i fought bravely but Galvatron's immense strength was far too much for a Transformer like Galvatron placed his hands around my neck and began to squeeze the spark from my system i instinctively reached for the Matrix, being worn around his neck like some sick trophy after being torn from the chest cavity of Ultra Magnus.
I felt something as soon as i touched it. I clasped it a little tighter and it began to slide open...i'm sure i heard Optimus' voice as the power of the Matrix began to flow...

"arise Rodimus Prime, light our darkest hour"
...the Matrix flowed through me and i began to grow...i was becoming stronger, bigger, wiser...older...i was soon able to defeat a shellshocked Galvatron, hurling him through the side of Unicron into outer space, and fully open the Matrix, destroying Unicron...with this new found strength i had somehow managed to bring order back to the galaxy and peace to Transformerkind...the darkest hour had been lit by a Transformer, just like Optimus said it would be...but i never expected to be the chosen one... Now...i am Rodimus Prime, leader of the Heroic Autobots and Protector of all's a very time consuming task indeed and quite a burden sometimes...being the one chosen to light our darkest hour might sound all well and good to you but it's a real drain on my "me" time...sometimes i'd rather just be supping a decent goblet of oil and nibbling on an energon cube than keeping the Dinobots in line and fighting planet eating chaos bringers...heavy is the head that wears the crown...such is life i guess...still...i guess i've not had it as bad as least they never put me through that Beast Wars stuff and turned me into a gorilla...oh the ignomy Optimus!TILL ALL ARE ONE!Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

How do you general interests include protecting Cybertron, Earth and the galaxy from the Evil Decepticons. Promoting good manners, gentlemanly conduct and ettiquette in the battle against is often seen shouting at johnny foreigner ( savages! ) and rallying against unsightly headgear such as baseball caps...if one must wear a hat then one must wear a trilby...a man or 'bot that cannot dress himself correctly has no place in my universe...only the most exquisite of gentlemen deserve a doff of the hat from my good self...
Finding the answer to the eternal question "Where does Optimus Prime's trailer go when he transforms into robot mode and where does it re appear from when he assumes truck form" became one of my main interests when i became Rodimus Prime as i now also have a trailer that seems to disappear and re appear like Op's used to

Being a positive role model for young Autobots and humans alike just as Optimus Prime was before me.. "Why do I keep seeing you in my dreams Optimus? Are you trying to tell me I'm not the leader you were? I already know that." .

I'd like to meet:

Terry-Thomas, Mr T.,Jill Tyrell and Glen Bulb, John Locke, Primus, Hulk Hogan, Stan Bush, Jonny Five, Daphne and Celeste, Timmy Mallett, John Cleese...the savvy, the classy and the proper..


Blaster, my good man, has rather splendid taste in music...i do not.


One does like to view the likes of Transformers The Movie also appreciates the likes of Short Circuit ( baaad humans! ), Final Fantasy: Advent Children, Spirited Away, Akira, Ghost In The Shell, Ninja Scroll ( animated stuff in general ) Clockwise, School for Scoundrels, Kindergarten Cop and Mr T : The Toughest Man In The World ...


When i'm not battling the Decepticon hordes or keeping the Dinobots in line i try to find time to rest my optics on all manner of human television... Nighty Night, Lost, Ren and Stimpy, Last Exile, Urusei Yatsura ( lots of other animated stuff ), Green Wing, Takeshi's Castle, Two Pints etc...well ok, i suppose it's not that many but most of the stuff i liked on telly ended about 20 years ago...


Rarely does one find the time for a good read, inbetween visits the gentleman's club and performing one's general day to day tasks one does find the time to read the odd piece of The Devil's Dictionary, The Portadown News or The Chap.


Optimus Prime.
Henricus Prime

My Blog

Slug porn.

Posted by Rodimus Prime on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 06:51:00 PST

Putting the T in The Truth.

Forget all you've ever known, for it is a lie. The Truth has been hidden from us, buried, for far too long by the church and the government. Forget the Da Vinci Code...and get on Da Jazz you crazy suc...
Posted by Rodimus Prime on Fri, 19 May 2006 11:36:00 PST

Fake Rock revealed.

A Fake Rock.Man picking up a fake rock. ...
Posted by Rodimus Prime on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 11:51:00 PST

The London Whale...

On Friday a whale somehow managed to find itself floundering about in the river Thames in London...quite why it was there no one seems sure...some reckon it simply got lost, confused by sonar emission...
Posted by Rodimus Prime on Sun, 22 Jan 2006 08:50:00 PST

"George was the greatest footballer the world has seen" - Pele

"Pele called me the greatest footballer in the world. That is the ultimate salute to my life." - George Best.  ...
Posted by Rodimus Prime on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 02:13:00 PST


Aaaaaarrrrrgh!!! How many errors can there possibly be? How many times can they possibly need to disable stuff for maintenance?? The chat rooms have been "back in a couple of days" for nearly 2 weeks ...
Posted by Rodimus Prime on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 01:42:00 PST

Happy birthday to me, now fuck off and leave me alone...

28!!! Twenty fucking eight! It's horrible...don't wish me a happy birthday because i don't want to hear it...stop phoning me to remind me i'm another year dropped the "pipe and slippers" g...
Posted by Rodimus Prime on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 07:46:00 PST

Now you're turnin' American...

Americans....i've no problem with them...people seem quite happy to label them all fat and stupid...they're not ( all ) fat and stupid...stupidity is's a human thing, not an American th...
Posted by Rodimus Prime on Sun, 23 Oct 2005 09:42:00 PST

Smoke 'em if ya got 'em...

They are going to ban smoking in pubs and workplaces by 2007 in Belfast. Why? Well...i already know why...because every law, every rule, everything is geared towards protecting the stupid. Smoking is...
Posted by Rodimus Prime on Wed, 19 Oct 2005 07:20:00 PST

Prisoner cell block Belfast. should be all seemed quiet outside so i thought i'd go for a bit of a walk down to the shop...stupidly thinking it might be open....silly, silly me... I left the house...stepped ...
Posted by Rodimus Prime on Sun, 11 Sep 2005 05:28:00 PST