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OBD had become a cybertron energon loan shark, very shrewd crook who was a jack of all trades but a master at one: Profit. He had his hands in everything from veridium theft to energon counterfit. With all that power came control, something he relished in. He controlled nearly 1/8 of cybertron with his centuirion army that he ran more like the mob. Then the war erupted.Megatron introduced himself after a fierce battle that had made its way into the city OBD considered his territory. His home was destroyed by the autobot forces. OBD, realizing megatron was more powerful, more organized with more sentient bots, he pledged allegiance and what was left of his forces and resouces to Megatron. They fought in battles and OBD quickly worked his way up in the ranks.For centuries the quintessons had sworn revenge on thier created, Once they had been driven off the planet they had a hidden agenda of robots that had cost them so much. Of course OBD was on this list, and while on a recon mission for megatron he was captured, his personality component removed and was locked up in the renegade decepticon prison for the ensuing 4 million years.When the battle reanimated in 1984, and megatron had developed the technolgy for the space bridge, Starscream in a theft of the prison for his combaticons, destroyed the block where OBD lay in rot. In the ensuing Bruticus crisis, megatron inspected what was left of the prison, found OBD's memory component, and had him rebuilt into a eartlike vehicle form endowing it with the same powers of the stunticons.Abilities: having such a common earthlike form he very easily slips detection. Cunning and lightning fast acceleration if not top speed. He is equiped with an ionic displacer for a primary wepaon in bot mode with a small blaster for secondary. In alt mode his top speed is 191 mph,he has two surface to air missile luanchers that pop outta the T tops that have a range of 18 miles. He is of average strength but above average intelligence.
Weaknesses: His size he thinks puts him at a disadvantage. He knows someday he will have to face his brother component and does not look foward to the day.STRENGTH -- 7iNTELLIGENCE -- 9