Acting, I absolutely love performing! I love going out and seeing what might be out in the world because in the end if you don't explore, you can't know what may be within the world that you live in. I also love hanging out with my friends, especially with Harry and my Peter. Harry,how come I didn't know you were trying to hurt Spiderman? I wouldn't stop you....okay maybe I would Can you believe I almost got married? Good thing I changed my mind! I am sorry for standing up your son,but don't get Peter in trouble,its not his fault....its mine...I didn't realize I...okay maybe I did or maybe I am talking too much You Two were looking at me,weren't you?
Every actor or actress who was always shot down and was told they weren't good enough, but then succeeded in finding love and following their dream. I believe in myself in trying to find who I am and in someone strong enough to figure out their own be strong enough to hold onto themselves in the end to search within their heart and soul to do what is right.Spider-Man: You have a knack for getting in trouble.
Mary Jane: You have a knack for saving my life. I think I have a superhero stalker.
Spider-Man: I was in the neighborhood...
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I love all kinds of music that I can dance to and that touches the heart and soul, to inspire one what to do with their life.
The Spiderman movies or any other movies that had been based on marvel comics, as well as Star Wars, Lord of the rings and anything else that can keep my interest
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As you can see I am not much of a reader except for magazines to learn how I can become a better actress,sometimes the newspaper where they mention Spiderman.
PEter's Aunt and Uncle have always been there for me despite all the problems that I might cause for them so I have to thank them very much for accepting me completely, they are truly amazing people...very strong, amazing despite how old they must be Spiderman has always been a hero of mine, of course wouldn't any girl say that about one who gives so much to save the town....something in him seems different than anyone else?;)Another hero of mine has always been Peter Parker, he always knows when to make me smile when I am at my worse....he is also different from anyone else that I've met, there is something about him that holds me...I alwyas have to turn around to make sure he is there. No one knows me better than he does."You have a knack for saving my life! Do I get to say thank you this time?"