OLIVER CAESARâ„¢ profile picture


"The tree of liberty must be fed periodicly with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

About Me

We are all one conciousness expieriencing itsself subjectively. The illusion of separateness is the basis of all human suffering. Happy eggs come from happy chickens. Fuck you.

My Interests

I believe that Bill Hicks was a prophet of god and G.G. Allin was the greatest comedic mind of our generation.

I'd like to meet:

Everything you need to know is in this bitch's blogs. Don't bother trying to add her to your friends. Just add her to your favorites. Midgets. Clowns. Midget Clowns. Hydrocephalic (water head) babies. Amputees. Piss drinkers. Cave men. Mellon fuckers. Mellon fuckig hydrocephalic cave man amputee midget clowns who drink piss.


Shit that rocks.


Terry Gilliam is my favorite director. I'm glad that movies based on comic books have started to be made well. The last two Batman movies that came out almost made up for all those other Batman attrocities that preceded them. I love cinema. I hate hack bullshit.


"American Scream", "A Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich", "Night", "The Theory And Practice of Hell", "Homage to Catalonia", but you know, I dropped out of high school so obviously I'm a complete moron. heh.


My heros are those who would stand up against the staus quo. Those who would smash mediocraty and expose the enemies of truth and evolution for the cowardly villains that they are.

My Blog

Left wing? Right wing? Fuck it, I’ll walk.

If you call me a liberal or left wing again, I'll stab you in the fucking neck with a pencil.It seems that almost every time I say how fucked up the present political situation is some fucking goose s...
Posted by OLIVER CAESAR" on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 06:53:00 PST

Most glorious battle of my life

Just for shits and giggles, I'll explain the whole senario to you little whiney bitches. First off, I'd like you to know that I've had my nose broken a bunch of times. For some reason, it's always b...
Posted by OLIVER CAESAR" on Fri, 30 Sep 2005 03:20:00 PST

Everyone's gonna die!

Have you heard about the algae that's choking out the Meditaranian? What about the dangers of GMO food? Then there's the fact that a "war on terorism" is like sticking a stick in a pile of fire...
Posted by OLIVER CAESAR" on Fri, 23 Sep 2005 04:20:00 PST

I dream of Doctor Satan

I just had the weirdest dream. I was in my old neighborhood with DS and we decided to go to the store to get stuff for burgers, so we walked down to the 69 cent store which was like a supermarket, exc...
Posted by OLIVER CAESAR" on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 03:42:00 PST

My trip to Louisiana (coon ass country)

I decided to steal a car and after a three hour high speed chase I wound up losing the pigs in a little town called Sulpher. I met up with some mercenaries and decided to "borrow" another vehicle from...
Posted by OLIVER CAESAR" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Second day posing as a chick on myspace

----------------- Original Message ----------------- From: <A HREF='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.v iewprofile&friendID=20556627&Mytoken=20050706002342' >Sandy</...
Posted by OLIVER CAESAR" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Fuck everything.

I'm so sick of struggling so hard just to keep suffering. I'm pissed at everyone who expects so much out of me. I look at children and don't see the promise of a better tomorow. I see more future assh...
Posted by OLIVER CAESAR" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Killing spree

I was watching cartoons in my house drinking beer and I started feeling a little depressed again and I thought that it might be because my house is a pig sty, I'm not getting a blow job, and midgets a...
Posted by OLIVER CAESAR" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


What the fuck is wrong with you American inbred morons? Cars driving around in circles for hours? And when there's a wreck you act like it's some huge tragedy? That's the only interesting thing that h...
Posted by OLIVER CAESAR" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My dumb survey...

I, the world famous Kidneystone Cowboy have gone through all of this shit. How much do we have in common? Have you ever... Hitchhiked? Hopped trains? Built your own house? Slept on the ...
Posted by OLIVER CAESAR" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST